The Derailing Thread Part Two

Jesus wept

Let's make Him happy. Let's love Him beyond anything else.
Jesus wept

Let's make Him happy. Let's love Him beyond anything else.
I kinda get the idea that if we love one another like that, you know, in His name, he'd be even happier. :)
I hope things work out with the move.
It was quite a battle to get packed and gone. I guess there is no such thing as a "good" or "easy" move.

There is the move, and I think the worst of that is behind me. Then there is the new life - I should know in well less than a year if this change is right for me.

I get the idea that the Lord may have plans for me I have no clue about. I think I may be way happier about this in 5-10 years than I am now. Don't know for sure, but I get that idea - even my sister has said it.
How many languages can you say hello?
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Three: English, Spanish and Japanese.

I can only form complete sentences in English tho.
Got the keys to my apartment today. This will be my view: Looking south from the 4th floor. I'll be able to watch Texas thunderstorms roll thru (tho I understand it never rains in Texas) and will be able to watch them shoot off the 4th of July fireworks from the park below. I can see from the east-southeast to the west-southwest. :)View South.JPG
Ciao. Although Italy is not saying it to boat people anymore (your article).
Guten tag
Ni Hao
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