The Derailing Thread Part Two

The most popular boys name in the UK Oliver, was knocked off the top spot last year by Muhammad. Other climbers were Jack and Harry.

Top 5

I wonder what 2018 will bring. There have been many gender neutral names as they are on the rise.
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I was thinking of going on a holiday to San Francisco, but then i changed my mind as I don't want to go the city and possibly get spiked by a needle or step on poo and garbage.

When I was a kid I always wanted to go there and also see the bridge. I used to watch full house it's was my favourite programme. When I was young I used to look up to the USA as a great Nation.
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The Azusa Street Revival took place in Los Angeles, California. Might be interesting to visit there.

Seminaries and Christian communities tend to be nice places to visit also. Anywhere where a lot of prayer has taken place. I visited the site of a former Christian commune in Pennsylvania. Even after all those years I got a feeling of peace when I walked through it.
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I had to look up azusa street , I thought it was going to be about some historical big riot or something.
I wonder if there is intelligent life on Earth.
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Some people just talk to themselves when they want to hold an intelligent conversation.
Nothing wrong with talking to yourself.
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The earths shadow on the moon is curved. I think the earth is round.
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It is funny, the things that stick in your mind. A MASH episode from the '70s comes to mind.

Someone makes a remark to Radar and he responds, "Yes, that's right, the temperature is down to a cool 95 degrees". I thought that was an over-the-top exaggeration for a laugh.

Well, this weekend we saw 110F here. Today, as I left the Mexican place, I thought about how it has cooled down since Sunday. I get home, it's 96F.
I heard mash beginning song for the first time since the 80s.
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