The Derailing Thread Part Two

Behind every angry woman stands a man who has no idea what he done wrong.
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I hope they don't change the official language of the USA. I only understand English.
There is always going to be a majority in nations that speak a common language so there is always going to be a official common language. Language is good, it means people can communicate with one another. Imagine a society where no one could understand each other and everyone spoke a different language. No communication. The anti-freespeech globalists would love it.
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Skid Row. I remember you. Good song.
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Here in Dallas/Fort Worth (Im in Hurst) Texas, the forecast high today is "109 to 112". I admit it, this is too much for me.

I've lived here six weeks now. I am still happy I moved here, my personal life will take time to rebuild, but my work and financial life is good. Since moving here, I have paid the last 5 1/2 payments on the truck and am waiting for the clear title to arrive. (Not going to sell the truck, but it will be nice to have clear titles to the car AND truck.)

We lost another engineer at work yesterday, he is going to another company. My department is now me and my manager, all others have left or been promoted out. I go to Milan Italy in September for two weeks training then to Japan in the spring for training and meetings.

The Lord knew what He was doing in moving me here - even tho I thought otherwise for a time. I started asking "why this?" and never got much of an answer. Today, I see what was happening, He took something that was uncomfortable, scary (to a degree) and unfamiliar and used it for my benefit.

This is still not home, probably never will be, I plan to retire in about 8-9 years and will move back to north Georgia -but for now, this has been a blessing from the Lord, even tho I thought otherwise for a time.
I post the above mostly for others - maybe you are facing something you just don't think is right, or good, or maybe you think He has left you on your own. Don't be so sure, you don't know it all and you SURE as heck don't know what He is doing or why He is doing it.
Im playing the old nintendo game galaga and nothing has changed. Its still frustrating with a million restarts.
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