The Derailing Thread Part Two

Wrong east coast. But east coast USA probably has good fishing as well.

In some places it does, yes. Near the Statue of Liberty is not one of them. Your fishing pole might dissolve in the water there; stuff floats higher because the water's so dense with pollution. Follow the coast north (which is actually more easterly) and anywhere from the seaward end of Long Island to well past Cape Cod is still prime,(especially for sharks lately) which likely means not nearly as good as you find off Oz or NZ
The average national wage is about 40 cent a hour.
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Has anyone here been to India or is from india?
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I want to watch a football game and its cheaper to go all the way to London and watch It in a pub.
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It seems to be many people who cannot catch 20lb reds that complain when peope keep them, and cry they are breeding stock and should be releaaed. In my opinion the average pan size are the real breeders, not the big ones.

Apparently big fish are the breeders and they also don't taste good so should be released. Not in my opinion I think they taste great.
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Im thinking where the best music comes from, and I think its Seattle, USA.
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Hey Kiwidan a huge blue arctic whale strayed into the Thames in London. Come and help the rescue!
Fishing was bad today, so bad even the liars didnt catch anything.
Hey Kiwidan a huge blue arctic whale strayed into the Thames in London. Come and help the rescue!

I wonder if that had anything to do with London bridge falling down? A flick of that tail, and pretty much anything in its way is gone
I wonder if that had anything to do with London bridge falling down? A flick of that tail, and pretty much anything in its way is gone
:lol it's true though. It was on the news a few days ago. It has happened once before