The Derailing Thread Part Two

Sorry it's a beluga white whale. It's on you tube but I don't know how to link it from my mobile.
It seems to be many people who cannot catch 20lb reds that complain when peope keep them, and cry they are breeding stock and should be releaaed. In my opinion the average pan size are the real breeders, not the big ones.

Apparently big fish are the breeders and they also don't taste good so should be released. Not in my opinion I think they taste great.

Heh, if you Google people of my name all you’ll find is Swedes proudly holding up a fish that’s taller than they are. BIG fish are what I call good eatin’!
Sorry it's a beluga white whale. It's on you tube but I don't know how to link it from my mobile.

Aww, those are cute. Those won’t be knocking bridges down with their tail. Lots more room for one in a river, too
This is not a fish thread.
But since you want to derail, go for it!!!
WHY? Not one of you paid attention to me when I told you I was car jacked by the man in the Panama Hat, wearing pink Bell Bottoms and the silver shirt... what's the use?
I believed you.
I still believe you.
And I know that you still believe it too.
So we're two of a kind.
I tend to hunt for food in the grocery store. Staying upwind of my prey, I sneak up on the frozen food section. Then I pounce on the packages of Healthy Choice or Hungry Man dinners before they can escape. Mighty big game hunter bringing home the bacon.
If there is one thing I could not beat in this world it would be the USAs biggest burger. Lol.
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I went fishing today not very good.

But I did catch a couple yesterday and made some marinated raw fish.
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