I wonder if any know what the word earnest of the Spirit means? 2 Cor.1:22 & 2 Cor.5:5?
Even in Banking we see what EARNEST money as a down payment means. So as seen in the Lords Word He even has a closing time when rewards are given out, at the finishing up of all of His work! Eccl. 12:13-14! Or at Heb. 11:1-2 time!
And these OSAS ones just look the other lost way.
Rom. 8:1’s ‘IN Christ there is NO CONDEMNATION’! In Christ means what? To be LED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! Rom. 8:14 onward & upward! Into FULL MATURITY! Adam & Eve sinned and would surely die. DEATH! Gen. 3:5 is fact! It was now that Christ offered a way back... as told in John 3 that YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. Submit oneself to be totally Holy Spirits LEAD. This is the required Starting point! And surely, most of mankind never reach the point of required Start in their whole life!Even in Banking we see what EARNEST money as a down payment means. So as seen in the Lords Word He even has a closing time when rewards are given out, at the finishing up of all of His work! Eccl. 12:13-14! Or at Heb. 11:1-2 time!
And these OSAS ones just look the other lost way.
This is the REQUIRED a starting point... Acts 5:32 Lord ‘I’ give up & TRUST YOU WORDS, ALL OF THEM! (and what was the devils first lie? and today most believe him over the Lords Word!)
[32] And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
CONDITIONAL!!! All else are are totally LOST! Mankind must be Born Again from Adam & Eve to the last RECORDED name that remains in the Book of Life.
No messing around with doing away with the Lords Word is seen there! Eccl. 3:14 or Rev. 22:18-19! This includes the COMPLETE WORD.
We find the total messagewith the only thing to be laid aside are the added on laws of Moses. Gal. 3:19 finds when Christ’s life was accepted of God as a second Adam. John 20:17. These laws were done away with with no more of a need for them, called ordinances.
OK: That is just the starting point! Yet, you can be assured that the lost ones are the largeBroadway ones of Matt. 7:13-14 & the larger group ones of Rev. 17:1-5 in the [END] time setting!!
So to have the Holy Spirit was required from Adam & Eve on. LOVING OBEDIENCE is the Test! And to have the Holy Spirit is to Love as He does! By Obedient faith all of the saved would be tested to see if they would Mature or not. Heb. 11:1-2. And they would die in the FAITH as seen in Heb. 11:13. And then would come up in the first resurrection of Rev. 22:12 & who they all were is also told us in Rev. 22:14 + the others that are there mentioned!
And all else are found as tower of babble ones.