LaCrum said:
That would be Sons of God
Rom 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God.
We have to realize that we are not the same as an unsaved person who is void of God. We on the other hand have a spirit which is Christ . We are the tabernacle and inside the tabernacle, lives God.
Ask yourself this question: Is the Body of Christ human or does it belong to Christ. I mean, its His body after can we now make it human? God is not a man.
Well, I do know that through Christ we are now all children and thus heirs of God. So, I think we’re saying the same thing. And the body of Christ, which would be the church, consists of humans who have been redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice, but we are still human. Like I said before, those in a fallen state aren’t what God intended human to be, as opposed to those who are saved. So, we’re more human through Christ then we were without him.
I think what you might be arguing is that we cease to be human, and what I’m arguing is that we finally are becoming human, with Christ as our example of how it’s done.
I think maybe we should define what “human†means though. What do you think of when you say “human�. When we die, do we cease to be “human� I suppose what I’m asking is, what makes us human?
I am not saying that we are human gods
You have to be clear on that before trying to understand what I am saying
Next you have to meditate on some Biblical truths. What I am talking about is simply what the Bible is saying. The reason we cannot "see" it, is that our "leaders" are not really teaching us that well.
For instance: We think ourselves humble if we say :
I cannot ever have a part of me that is God. I am only His humble servant that worships Him for ever and ever.
We do and will worship Him forever.
We will not replace Him, nor will we ever BE Him. But the Bible says that we will be exactly LIKE Him. Now, please understand that this is GRACE. This is because HE is good and loving and selfless. This has absolutely nothing to do with us trying and being something that we have not been given.
People cannot understand this , because they have God in a box. Most cannot even figure out how Jesus can be the Son and the Father is the father and they can be ONE. They do not read their Bibles, they listen to second hand information. If I then say to them, Jesus prayed
:Father let them be one as We are one ! LOL then they are in super-confusion.
Jesus was the Son of Man in His flesh part. That came from Mary ! That was not His "God-part" His "God-part" was His spiritual Man.....Christ. That lived in a temporary vessel , a body, that carried Christ around
A temporary tabernacle that could and did die.It was mortal.God through His Spirit resurrected Him in a glorified body. On the other hand, His spiritual man, The Word/Christ , is and was immortal. That part was God.
Now that same Word came to us. And that same Word is called the "sperma" of God in Greek. It falls into your spirit and if it finds entrance that SEED , (ifit finds the GOOD SOIL) will start growing and produce after its own Kind (God) Every seed produces after its own kind
That means Christ now dwells in your tabernacle , your "son of man" part. Now you have what Jesus had. A son of man, with a Son of God living in him or her. That is the true meaning of "being born from above" Christ the Word, comes from heaven down into your spirit and rebirths you. It changes your spirit man into the image of God.Remember: We were originally made in His image? Without sin? With power to rule this planet? Well now we can have it again.
That is why we have to follow Jesus to the cross. We cannot occupy this vessel, this tabernacle at the same time with Him. He wants us dead and crucified, so that Christ (God) can live in this vessel and rule through it. God wants your body. He wants to rule THROUGH you,
as God.
This is why its called the GOOD news. Jesus accomplished this all at the cross already and now we have to enter it by faith.
Be ye changed by the renewing of your mind.
I will add more later.