glorydaz said:I certainly do....and I also know to what He is referring. The judges...they aren't gods, either. :biglaugh
I think I answered you as well in my previous post. Be careful that your dislike in me, do not cause you to stumble and miss something that God wants you to see. You are misunderstanding me in most of my posts and you have displayed your feelings about me in many post. I really do not mind for myself, but I care about you.
I know that what I am saying almost all the time is in direct opposition to what you believe.That in itself must make us think. How is it possible that two Christians can believe in the same gospel and yet believe in two separate ways? When a conflict arises, we normally run to our doctrines and reaffirm through the opinions of other like-minded people, that we respect. And yet that in itself is wrong in the eyes of God. He wants us to continually be on our knees before Him asking for HIS truth.
I pray Psalm 119 (parts of it LOL ) most days. I pray it from the bottom of my heart and I mean every word of it. There is so much truth that we still do not know and only God has the way to open our understanding about it.The church is so content to just believe what they have been taught over the ages. Its sad, because there is really a treasure to be found. A pearl of great price and it is indeed hidden. Wisdom is hidden. The Bible teaches us that. Its not in the open, like we like to believe; Rev 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it. We all know that "manna" is a type for the Word of God.
I am really trying to share some of the things that I have been shown over the 30 years of being a Christian. Much of it came through great trials and tears. I had to ask , knock and knock again.In faith we wait patiently and then the Lord, in His grace, can open our understanding. We all have different levels of what we know and understand.
So if I have offended you, please forgive me and let us seek the truth together, without malice.
your brother in Christ