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The Father is superior to Jesus


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westtexas said:
Acts 7:59--And they stoned Stephen, CALLING UPON GOD,and saying, Lord Jesus, recieve my spirit. (KJV) Caps are mine

Once again, this was your verse you said you would explain to Warrior. If Stephen was calling upon God, why did he say "Lord Jesus"?


I already explained to warrior. We can ask Jesus to receive our spirit because Jesus has the authority to judge us. There is nothing wrong with asking Jesus.

Jesus is our Lord, of course.

Yes, KJV added calling upon God, but NIV doesn't. Anyway it does not make any difference in my contextual reasoning.

BTW, if you are serious about this thread, have the courtesy of reading the whole thread instead of asking the questions that have already been answered.
shad said:
Yes, KJV added calling upon God, but NIV doesn't. Anyway it does not make any difference in my contextual reasoning.
You have finally said something I agree with!!! :clap
You don't even try to reason through SCRIPTURE, because it doesn't make any difference in your contextual reasoning.
westtexas said:
You don't even try to reason through SCRIPTURE, because it doesn't make any difference in your contextual reasoning.

So are you saying the those Scriptures I showed you are all lies? Look for the verses if you think I am making them up. You go down to this kind of slandering when you cannot refute.
shad said:
ORwarriOR said:
Good read! I would like to see some of these explained.

OK :)
Warrior, I understand that you don't believe in the Trinity. Typically, Trinitarians and non-Trinitarians alike will be able to give you a BIBLICAL reason for what they believe. If you watch as this thread progresses you will notice that you will get none of that from Shad. Only arguments and personal opinion. It is my hope that you PRAYFULLY look at any of Shad's answers and consider what I have said. I personally believe in the Trinity as do many here. While I do not agree with him, take a look at Watchman's posts, he is a non-trinitarian who will give you BIBLICAL answers for what he believes.
God bless you as you seek the answers that you are looking for!
With that being said I will bow out of this thread, God bless, Westtexas
westtexas said:
shad said:
ORwarriOR said:
Good read! I would like to see some of these explained.

OK :)
Warrior, I understand that you don't believe in the Trinity. Typically, Trinitarians and non-Trinitarians alike will be able to give you a BIBLICAL reason for what they believe. If you watch as this thread progresses you will notice that you will get none of that from Shad. Only arguments and personal opinion. It is my hope that you PRAYFULLY look at any of Shad's answers and consider what I have said. I personally believe in the Trinity as do many here. While I do not agree with him, take a look at Watchman's posts, he is a non-trinitarian who will give you BIBLICAL answers for what he believes.
God bless you as you seek the answers that you are looking for!
With that being said I will bow out of this thread, God bless, Westtexas

Why do you quote me and addressing to Warrior?
westtexas said:
shad said:
ORwarriOR said:
Good read! I would like to see some of these explained.

OK :)
Warrior, I understand that you don't believe in the Trinity. Typically, Trinitarians and non-Trinitarians alike will be able to give you a BIBLICAL reason for what they believe. If you watch as this thread progresses you will notice that you will get none of that from Shad. Only arguments and personal opinion. It is my hope that you PRAYFULLY look at any of Shad's answers and consider what I have said. I personally believe in the Trinity as do many here. While I do not agree with him, take a look at Watchman's posts, he is a non-trinitarian who will give you BIBLICAL answers for what he believes.
God bless you as you seek the answers that you are looking for!
With that being said I will bow out of this thread, God bless, Westtexas

Paul was Inspired to tell us in Titus 3
[9] But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
[10] A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

So you seem to understand this Inspiration also! ;) And the Topic is much more DANGEROUS as I see it.
It is a shame that 'others' could not come on board & lets us know that the verses FOR CHRIST were better understood by our presenting them. :crying But that not being the case, I think that I also will take a break as Heb, 6:3 seem's at this time at least, not possible.

And your remark of.. 'God bless you as you seek the answers that you are looking for'. These postings are sounding like they are not looking for anything other than what is being posted up? (at least for now)


Are you saying that Jesus is equal with His Father with the verses I showed you? Please make your comment simple because I dont understand your long comments.
westtexas said:
If you watch as this thread progresses you will notice that you will get none of that from Shad.

This is a lie. I showed all Scriptures and my explanations. I dont twist around the Scriptures like trins do. It seems that you are looking for any kind of scriptures that you can argue but you are angry slandering me because you cannot refute. shame on you.

You are on my ignore from now on.


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