Douglas Summers
- Jun 1, 2015
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- #41
I did answer it Jim. You are not going to get the answer you want to hear, For ALL the churches of this generation are not of or by Christ leadership. The order of the churches of this age are after the First Church established in Rome. They have followed after The Roman Church's order of a Clergy over a laity as a permanent order of a Holy Church. Christ never sanctioned such an order nor does He approve of it. Teachers/ pastors, are appointed by God to minister to His Heritage,(not lording over it). In the body of Christ they are appointed by God. Not by your own decision or what you decide you want to be. ( For those, who by the flesh) want to master over others will be judged more severely for the responsibility they took upon themselves , when they can not even hold their own tongue in check. For they praise God with the tongue, and with the same tongue they curse God. But in the man not of God, these things do not ascend from above, but is earthly and demonic, for only the wisdom from above is the wisdom that makes the man of God the fruit of God's righteousness, bringing peace and making peace. So do not decide you want to be a is for God to appoint and add to the Church....not a decision of the flesh.You have completely avoided answering my question.
WHy did God place TEACHERS in the church is all we need is the scriptures and the Holy Spirit?
So God appointed teachers to minister to His heritage (not lording it over them) till ALL OF US BECOME ONE NEW MAN.
1 Corinthians chapter 12; James Chapter 3; Eph. 2: 14-18
The teacher, pastor is to bring everyone up to his own knowledge and understanding. Not leaving them in the pews. For all of us (Christ Body) are an equal brotherhood of priest and kings. Being able to teach and minister to others till we all reach the same maturity and brotherhood. (Heb, 6: 1-2) BTW Jim, you make light of the Spirit of God in us and try to group us with a bunch of actors faking the filling of the Spirit. Be careful, insulting God The Holy Spirit, it can become an eternal sin. If you have the Spirit, you should know these things. Again, Read the Scriptures. (1 John 2: 23-29; 4: 2-6)
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