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  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

The Good News/The Bad News


CF Ambassador
The word GOSPEL means good news.

The word “Gospel” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, “godspel”, or “good story”.

The Greek word “euaggelion” signified “a present given to one who brought good tidings”, or “a sacrifice offered in thanksgiving for such good tidings having come”.
In later Greek uses, it was employed for the good tidings themselves.

And the New Testament certainly is a book of good news.

What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.
We are born lost because God has been offended by mankind --- Adam, who represented us all, disobeyed the Holy God. Genesis 3:24 God drove the man out.
God is a just God. He also loved His creation. How to reconcile this? Romans 5:19 Through the obedience to Christ, many will be made righteous.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.

There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.

This is indeed Bad News.
What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.

Getting into heaven is certainly part of the "Good News", but isn't there something we seen about the "Good News" which goes beyond just getting to heaven?

Ok, in all fairness, there was a number 2 in the OP.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

Yeah - that belief in Jesus, a person - but again the OP goes back to "saved for eternal life".

What about "Today" - I mean, it is not just eternal life it is life from this moment on - isn't it?

Ok - I like the OP but I would put it a bit differently, and I will tell you why.

Number 1 for me is getting to know Jesus Christ, the person, personally!! I know Him now, "Today", and we can thus talk "Today". Maybe I am being a bit short sided, but talking to Him "Today" is what makes a difference in my life. Therefore, the "getting to heaven" is not only something for a future date but something for "Today", isn't it?

The Kingdom of God is in our midst - meaning that we have access to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, and a kingdom, the Kingdom of God, "Today". So my point is that the Good News is for "Today", whereas the OP seems to concentrate on the future. I mean, if I know the Lord Jesus Christ "Today", and everyday called "Today" then if a day comes where physical body gives us I still have a place to go then. But why wait to know Him, talk to Him, and even get to know the Kingdom?

Look, I like the OP, but I believe is leaves it short. We can enter in "Today" right

Jn 10:9 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Yes, we "will be saved", like the above verse stats, but if we indeed know him, "the door" now we can go in and out now, and find pasture. My friends, we are promise more today "the Kingdom of God", along with eternal life.
The word GOSPEL means good news.

The word “Gospel” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, “godspel”, or “good story”.

The Greek word “euaggelion” signified “a present given to one who brought good tidings”, or “a sacrifice offered in thanksgiving for such good tidings having come”.
In later Greek uses, it was employed for the good tidings themselves.

And the New Testament certainly is a book of good news.

What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.
We are born lost because God has been offended by mankind --- Adam, who represented us all, disobeyed the Holy God. Genesis 3:24 God drove the man out.
God is a just God. He also loved His creation. How to reconcile this? Romans 5:19 Through the obedience to Christ, many will be made righteous.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.

There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.

This is indeed Bad News.
Sounds like a contradiction.
But we know there are no contradictions in the Bible.
One has to ask, "Can I really make a commitment to Jesus forever without the help of the Holy Spirit?
The answer is no, so it is God's decision who gets saved, but it also is our decision to want to be saved.

Ephesians 1:13;
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

When we believed in him.
God gives us that choice.
Once we believe, we are sealed.
Go ahead, try and break God's seal.
You can't.
Sounds like a contradiction.
But we know there are no contradictions in the Bible.
One has to ask, "Can I really make a commitment to Jesus forever without the help of the Holy Spirit?
The answer is no, so it is God's decision who gets saved, but it also is our decision to want to be saved.

Ephesians 1:13;
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

When we believed in him.
God gives us that choice.
Once we believe, we are sealed.
Go ahead, try and break God's seal.
You can't.
You agree with me.
We cannot live without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said this several times.
John 15:5
5“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Thank you for saying that God gives us the choice to be saved.
In fact, you stated the steps:

1. We hear the message of truth.
2. We believed.
3. We were sealed with the Holy Spirit.

I feel it's very important for persons to know these steps and to
understand that ANYONE can be saved, if they wish to be.
You agree with me.
We cannot live without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said this several times.
John 15:5
5“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Thank you for saying that God gives us the choice to be saved.
In fact, you stated the steps:

1. We hear the message of truth.
2. We believed.
3. We were sealed with the Holy Spirit.

I feel it's very important for persons to know these steps and to
understand that ANYONE can be saved, if they wish to be.
I'm glad you agree with me.
Because I was quoting my OSAS beliefs.
Getting into heaven is certainly part of the "Good News", but isn't there something we seen about the "Good News" which goes beyond just getting to heaven?

Ok, in all fairness, there was a number 2 in the OP.

Yeah - that belief in Jesus, a person - but again the OP goes back to "saved for eternal life".

What about "Today" - I mean, it is not just eternal life it is life from this moment on - isn't it?

Ok - I like the OP but I would put it a bit differently, and I will tell you why.

Number 1 for me is getting to know Jesus Christ, the person, personally!! I know Him now, "Today", and we can thus talk "Today". Maybe I am being a bit short sided, but talking to Him "Today" is what makes a difference in my life. Therefore, the "getting to heaven" is not only something for a future date but something for "Today", isn't it?

The Kingdom of God is in our midst - meaning that we have access to the King of kings, Jesus Christ, and a kingdom, the Kingdom of God, "Today". So my point is that the Good News is for "Today", whereas the OP seems to concentrate on the future. I mean, if I know the Lord Jesus Christ "Today", and everyday called "Today" then if a day comes where physical body gives us I still have a place to go then. But why wait to know Him, talk to Him, and even get to know the Kingdom?

Look, I like the OP, but I believe is leaves it short. We can enter in "Today" right

Jn 10:9 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Yes, we "will be saved", like the above verse stats, but if we indeed know him, "the door" now we can go in and out now, and find pasture. My friends, we are promise more today "the Kingdom of God", along with eternal life.

Thanks for posting the above.

I agree that it's important to understand that we not only serve God for the
purpose of getting into heaven, but we are called to further His Kingdom right
here on earth and we also enjoy the benefits of knowing God right now.

We are made a new creature ... the old has passed away.
2 Corinthians 2:15

This means that many of our old problems have also passed away.
They could be anything that kept us from living a full life in the way that God has planned.

Jesus said that the Kingdom of God was at hand.
Matthew 4:17

What Kingdom? The Kingdom that Jesus came to create right here on earth.
A real Kingdom with a Sovereign, Rules, and a populace that is willing to be a part of it.

Paul taught what being indwelt by the Holy Spirit will bring to us:

These are all attributes that can help us in our daily life right now.

The purpose of the O.P. is to show that some Christians do not believe that just anyone
can have a saving relationship with John 3:16 states....
but that it is God that chooses who will be saved based on nothing, so that man
does not know how to become saved.
No scripture for that.
You sound like you're putting your salvation in your own hands instead of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit helps us.
He's the comforter.
He shows us our weaknesses.
He convicts us of sin.

But neither He, nor God, nor Jesus forces us to stay saved an in their company.
They want true love from us.
True love is not coerced, but is given freely.
The word GOSPEL means good news.

The word “Gospel” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, “godspel”, or “good story”.

The Greek word “euaggelion” signified “a present given to one who brought good tidings”, or “a sacrifice offered in thanksgiving for such good tidings having come”.
In later Greek uses, it was employed for the good tidings themselves.

And the New Testament certainly is a book of good news.

What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.
We are born lost because God has been offended by mankind --- Adam, who represented us all, disobeyed the Holy God. Genesis 3:24 God drove the man out.
God is a just God. He also loved His creation. How to reconcile this? Romans 5:19 Through the obedience to Christ, many will be made righteous.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.

There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.

This is indeed Bad News.
The word GOSPEL means good news.

The word “Gospel” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, “godspel”, or “good story”.

The Greek word “euaggelion” signified “a present given to one who brought good tidings”, or “a sacrifice offered in thanksgiving for such good tidings having come”.
In later Greek uses, it was employed for the good tidings themselves.

And the New Testament certainly is a book of good news.

What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.
We are born lost because God has been offended by mankind --- Adam, who represented us all, disobeyed the Holy God. Genesis 3:24 God drove the man out.
God is a just God. He also loved His creation. How to reconcile this? Romans 5:19 Through the obedience to Christ, many will be made righteous.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.

There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.

This is indeed Bad News.

"This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.
There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.
This is indeed Bad News."

Sister wondering you always ask pertinent questions, and I admire your faith and understanding that we have to obey also :)

Yet you write these words

"And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.
This is indeed Bad News"

Jesus left NOTHING to luck/ chance. He made it amply clear in His ministry who will enter His heaven and who will not. Not an iota of doubt or conjecture there. Clear as daylight so we are without excuse on the last day. But Paul doctrine was taught loudest—saved by faith alone. Jesus doctrine was swept aside.
His doctrine was simple and clear. it was LOVE .... All those who realized, and learned to practice loving-kindness will be saved on the last day . Nobody else. Not even one. Simple as that was the message of Bible which found its conclusion in Jesus Christ our Lord , the Son, and Face of God. Why was it made so complicated, i wish not to go into. Time is running out anyways . No time to keep repeating the same thing. Time is now ripe for judgment. we had our 2000 years after Jesus ascended—to learn and make our choices. Time is over. Its judgment time now

Jesus says to me "Raj you wrote too much--- keep is short! :) . so will make it as short as possible. everyone here is wise and well-read, biblically, so the hope is you will get what I'm trying to say :)
You do NOT have to agree with what I wrote, for it’s what I GET from the Word.

So for the sake of brevity I will be placing next several paragraphs as single lines (like Power points)

1) God is a Spirit and God is Love ( 1 John 4:8)
2) He made everything in Love ( John 3:16-- and Genesis )
3) Even the entire Universe is Filled with his Love ( Jeremiah 23:24)-- not just the teeny weenie speck of a planet called earth
4) There is thus no place in the entire universe where His love or he is not there
5) Jonah could not escape God , neither can we -- even if we have a space ship which takes us trillions of miles away ( Jonah just ran away few hundred miles). we cannot escape God—he’s everywhere in the universe
6) We sinned ---we were banished from garden of Eden- sin entered - devil became prince of this planet
7) Jesus won by dying on the cross and paid final penalty for OUR sin -- BUT to whom does that sacrifice apply/ impute?
8) those who do the Will of God ONLY, not anyone else --- (Matthew 7:21, Mark 3:33-35)
9) What is the Will of God?
10) Jesus taught us law CANNOT die or GO -- no escape from god or His laws ( Matthew 5:18) -- universe can be destroyed BUT God's law CANNOT go says Jesus emphatically
11) yet there was ONE teacher who repeatedly taught we are now under Grace and not under law-- even though Jesus denied that emphatically
12) Jesus taught us HOW to obey the entire law and the teaching of the Prophets --It was LOVE.. Love God and Love all humanity --everyone including the enemy - WAS the ONLY way we could fulfill the ENTIRE LAW -- which is alive and judging even now as i type
13) through Matthew 22:37-40 , Matthew 7:12 Jesus taught when we Love god and all others we KEEP and OBEY the Law and the teachings of the Prophet-- He was also a prophet .. the last one
14) Jesus taught the SAME message to the expert in law who asked Jesus ( as we ask) what must e do Jesus to be saved --- he said Love god Love the fellow human being and went on to narrate the parable of the Good Samaritan parable Luke 10:25-37

( continued and concluded in the second post /\)
---continued and concluded from above post-----
14) Jesus revealed there is NO greater Love than laying down ones life for their friends. he did it. If he is our friend shouldn’t we also be prepared to lay down our lives for Jesus? ( was unfortunately never taught or expected , although Jesus mentioned this several times --- only those will be saved who are ready to lay down their lives for Him says Christ several times (Luke 14:25–33, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9 :24 and many more times throughout the 4 gospels)

15) So Jesus, who is Love (1 John 4:8) taught us to LOVE and also warned us that NOT one of us will enter His holy sanctuary UNLESS we learn to PRACTICE loving compassion – reference the judgment day of the Lord in Matthew 25:31-46

16) Jesus through this INEVITABLE event tells us NOT ONE who did not learn to love and practice loving compassion will be saved on the last day , but will be ordered to “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” ( Matthew 25:41)

17) So unless Jesus was mistaken ( no chance of that), there is NO HOPE at all for any Christian / human being who ( in their life time) did NOT learn to practice loving compassion. Not only they will be forced out of Jesus and God’s’ presence but they will have to face an eternal double whammy of spending there tormented days with devil and his angels

18) All heaven seekers will also be condemned on the last day. Matthew 16:25, Luke 9 :24

19) It’s for this reason Jesus says “ many are invited but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14)

20) These chosen few are Those Christians who practiced loving compassion ( the sheep ) vs those Christians who just believed but did not practice living kindness.

21) Because even if Jesus makes it easier to obey the entire law by Loving god and fellow human being , the wretched humans that we are we cant even do that. Its not easy. But on the last day no excuses will be taken . Either you did it or you didn’t. Goats did not—possibly there Churches and teachers taught them “ just believe and you will go to heaven” . But that didn’t happen

22) said enough , y’all know MORE than me anyway :)

Hopefully n prayerfully while these last few moments of this doomed planet still exist, I pray to you, even as I go down on my knees and my face and beg you, listen to the Lord--- His message was LOVE for He IS love as God is LOVE . we were made in their image and likes—we were made to turn away from sin and turn TO LOVE.

How hard is that to understand and how hard is that to do? isn’t the reward billion times more? Can there be ANYTHING Else which can save (apart from unconditional love? Think about all these things friends. Love even when you are rejected. Love even when you hate and despise—go against your grain.. against your self. Love .. because NOTHING else, says the Bible, will SAVE but LOVE. Think WHY were the goats rejected on judgment day.

Bible is nothing but a message of LOVE. But was that message adequately taught? This planet which sinned and hated, is now ripe for destruction as was prophesied thousands of years ago. Only few of us who learned to love (I’m still NOT one of them—trying hard though to not judge but love) will survive the terrible wrath of the LOVING SINLESS God on the last day. I beg you to pay heed to Lord’s words.

Based on everything Jesus taught, including the judgment day in Sheep and Goats vision, I coined a one-liner which I share with all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

“If it does not end in love , it will not end well”

Thank you for reading this. Sister Wondering after writing all above, here is one para answer to your question-- it's what I get from the Word:

Only those who learned and practiced loving compassion (like the Sheep and the Good Samaritan) are God’s choice –they are the “lucky” ones who will enter His sanctuary for an eternity – and this is not bad news sister wondering, it’s good news because these battered, tattered, and shattered people ( by the world—think Sermon on the mount) will finally find rest for their souls and love and home for an eternity

To make this even shorter the Lord gave me a one-liner that describes the story and message of the Bible in one line —if you want to accept that – you don’t have to. Nobody has to :)

“The story ( of Bible) that started in Love (Creation-Genesis) also ended in Love, (the New Jerusalem- Revelation), and everyone who did not learn to love was left out, forever and ever"

God bless everyone. Love you all /\

PS: some of my favorite verses

1 John 4:8 : Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love

Proverbs 10:12: “ Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins

Matthew 5: 44 & 46: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
For, if you love only those who love you, what reward have you?”

James 2:20 “But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

2 Corinthians 12:16 : “But be that as it may, I did not burden you myself; nevertheless, crafty fellow that I am, I took you in by deception

Matthew 5: 37: Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
The word GOSPEL means good news.

The word “Gospel” is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, “godspel”, or “good story”.

The Greek word “euaggelion” signified “a present given to one who brought good tidings”, or “a sacrifice offered in thanksgiving for such good tidings having come”.
In later Greek uses, it was employed for the good tidings themselves.

And the New Testament certainly is a book of good news.

What are the good news?

1. God devised a plan for us to be able to enter His Kingdom of Heaven.
We are born lost because God has been offended by mankind --- Adam, who represented us all, disobeyed the Holy God. Genesis 3:24 God drove the man out.
God is a just God. He also loved His creation. How to reconcile this? Romans 5:19 Through the obedience to Christ, many will be made righteous.

2. Through belief in Jesus, a person can be saved for eternal life.
John 3:16 WHOEVER, anyone in the world, believes in Christ will be saved and have everlasting life.

This is the Good News: That anyone can be saved from their lost state by believing in Jesus and obeying His commandments.

There also seems to be Bad News in the Christian world.
A news from the N.T. that states that not everyone could be saved.
No matter how much they'd like to be.
No,,,it is up to God to save or banish a person from heaven
and it is not up to the individual to accept the gift of salvation from God.
And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.

This is indeed Bad News.
obsessed with Calvinists?

I know of the local new apostolic reformation church ,look up nar .look,up what they believe and who it is .

Kenneth Copeland is one .no church hierarchy ,just guidance and also the personal direct relationship with Christ t.yet apostles?the 4 of the 5
fold ministries .works based salvation .yet I don't even give them the amount of time you do with Calvinists
Sister wondering you always ask pertinent questions, and I admire your faith and understanding that we have to obey also :)

Yet you write these words

"And this based on nothing at all but God's choice.
They can only hope that they will be one of the lucky ones.
This is indeed Bad News"

These are not MY words,,,,I'm just posting what the reformed believe...that is: They believe that God chooses who will be saved or who will perish and that His choice is based on nothing that is known to us. That would be a God that is not loving, not merciful and not just. Certainly not the God of the bible.
It was the bad news part of my thread.

Jesus left NOTHING to luck/ chance. He made it amply clear in His ministry who will enter His heaven and who will not. Not an iota of doubt or conjecture there. Clear as daylight so we are without excuse on the last day. But Paul doctrine was taught loudest—saved by faith alone. Jesus doctrine was swept aside.

Yes, to some it certainly might sound like what you state. That is, that Paul taught Faith alone...but he did write in all his letters that we are to
obey God's commandments and even calls them GOOD...
Romans 7:12
12So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.

The problem was that it made Paul aware of his sins.
Romans 7:14
His doctrine was simple and clear. it was LOVE .... All those who realized, and learned to practice loving-kindness will be saved on the last day . Nobody else. Not even one. Simple as that was the message of Bible which found its conclusion in Jesus Christ our Lord , the Son, and Face of God. Why was it made so complicated, i wish not to go into. Time is running out anyways . No time to keep repeating the same thing. Time is now ripe for judgment. we had our 2000 years after Jesus ascended—to learn and make our choices. Time is over. Its judgment time now

Jesus says to me "Raj you wrote too much--- keep is short! :) . so will make it as short as possible. everyone here is wise and well-read, biblically, so the hope is you will get what I'm trying to say :)
You do NOT have to agree with what I wrote, for it’s what I GET from the Word.

So far, we seem to agree on everything.

So for the sake of brevity I will be placing next several paragraphs as single lines (like Power points)

1) God is a Spirit and God is Love ( 1 John 4:8)
2) He made everything in Love ( John 3:16-- and Genesis )
3) Even the entire Universe is Filled with his Love ( Jeremiah 23:24)-- not just the teeny weenie speck of a planet called earth
4) There is thus no place in the entire universe where His love or he is not there
5) Jonah could not escape God , neither can we -- even if we have a space ship which takes us trillions of miles away ( Jonah just ran away few hundred miles). we cannot escape God—he’s everywhere in the universe
6) We sinned ---we were banished from garden of Eden- sin entered - devil became prince of this planet

7) Jesus won by dying on the cross and paid final penalty for OUR sin -- BUT to whom does that sacrifice apply/ impute?
8) those who do the Will of God ONLY, not anyone else --- (Matthew 7:21, Mark 3:33-35)
9) What is the Will of God?
10) Jesus taught us law CANNOT die or GO -- no escape from god or His laws ( Matthew 5:18) -- universe can be destroyed BUT God's law CANNOT go says Jesus emphatically
11) yet there was ONE teacher who repeatedly taught we are now under Grace and not under law-- even though Jesus denied that emphatically

Understanding what it means to be under Grace can be a problem.
Some use it to ignore the laws of God...or the Commandments of God.
Some understand LAWS to mean the 613 laws of the O.T.

12) Jesus taught us HOW to obey the entire law and the teaching of the Prophets --It was LOVE.. Love God and Love all humanity --everyone including the enemy - WAS the ONLY way we could fulfill the ENTIRE LAW -- which is alive and judging even now as i type
13) through Matthew 22:37-40 , Matthew 7:12 Jesus taught when we Love god and all others we KEEP and OBEY the Law and the teachings of the Prophet-- He was also a prophet .. the last one
Yes. Jesus was the last O.T. Prophet.
Some would say John the Baptist was, but Jesus was also a Prophet.....A King....A Priest.

14) Jesus taught the SAME message to the expert in law who asked Jesus ( as we ask) what must e do Jesus to be saved --- he said Love god Love the fellow human being and went on to narrate the parable of the Good Samaritan parable Luke 10:25-37

( continued and concluded .....
Again, we agree.
---continued and concluded from above post-----
14) Jesus revealed there is NO greater Love than laying down ones life for their friends. he did it. If he is our friend shouldn’t we also be prepared to lay down our lives for Jesus? ( was unfortunately never taught or expected , although Jesus mentioned this several times --- only those will be saved who are ready to lay down their lives for Him says Christ several times (Luke 14:25–33, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9 :24 and many more times throughout the 4 gospels)

15) So Jesus, who is Love (1 John 4:8) taught us to LOVE and also warned us that NOT one of us will enter His holy sanctuary UNLESS we learn to PRACTICE loving compassion – reference the judgment day of the Lord in Matthew 25:31-46

I would also mention the Beatitudes.
Matthew 5:3-10
1When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying,
3“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5“Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

6“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

7“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

8“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

10“Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

We should all notice what TYPE of person Jesus would like to see us emulate.

16) Jesus through this INEVITABLE event tells us NOT ONE who did not learn to love and practice loving compassion will be saved on the last day , but will be ordered to “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” ( Matthew 25:41)

17) So unless Jesus was mistaken ( no chance of that), there is NO HOPE at all for any Christian / human being who ( in their life time) did NOT learn to practice loving compassion. Not only they will be forced out of Jesus and God’s’ presence but they will have to face an eternal double whammy of spending there tormented days with devil and his angels

18) All heaven seekers will also be condemned on the last day. Matthew 16:25, Luke 9 :24

I don't see the above in Matthew 16:25
Could you explain?

19) It’s for this reason Jesus says “ many are invited but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14)

20) These chosen few are Those Christians who practiced loving compassion ( the sheep ) vs those Christians who just believed but did not practice living kindness.
I agree that we must obey God's commandments and what Jesus taught.

21) Because even if Jesus makes it easier to obey the entire law by Loving god and fellow human being , the wretched humans that we are we cant even do that. Its not easy. But on the last day no excuses will be taken . Either you did it or you didn’t. Goats did not—possibly there Churches and teachers taught them “ just believe and you will go to heaven” . But that didn’t happen
I'd say that OSAS falls into this same dangerous category ---
Some persons take advantage of wrong teachings.
Not all persons do....

22) said enough , y’all know MORE than me anyway :)

Hopefully n prayerfully while these last few moments of this doomed planet still exist, I pray to you, even as I go down on my knees and my face and beg you, listen to the Lord--- His message was LOVE for He IS love as God is LOVE . we were made in their image and likes—we were made to turn away from sin and turn TO LOVE.

How hard is that to understand and how hard is that to do? isn’t the reward billion times more? Can there be ANYTHING Else which can save (apart from unconditional love? Think about all these things friends. Love even when you are rejected. Love even when you hate and despise—go against your grain.. against your self. Love .. because NOTHING else, says the Bible, will SAVE but LOVE. Think WHY were the goats rejected on judgment day.

Love includes forgiving....we should have a thread on what it means to forgive.....

Bible is nothing but a message of LOVE. But was that message adequately taught? This planet which sinned and hated, is now ripe for destruction as was prophesied thousands of years ago. Only few of us who learned to love (I’m still NOT one of them—trying hard though to not judge but love) will survive the terrible wrath of the LOVING SINLESS God on the last day. I beg you to pay heed to Lord’s words.

Based on everything Jesus taught, including the judgment day in Sheep and Goats vision, I coined a one-liner which I share with all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

“If it does not end in love , it will not end well”

Thank you for reading this. Sister Wondering after writing all above, here is one para answer to your question-- it's what I get from the Word:

Only those who learned and practiced loving compassion (like the Sheep and the Good Samaritan) are God’s choice –they are the “lucky” ones who will enter His sanctuary for an eternity – and this is not bad news sister wondering, it’s good news because these battered, tattered, and shattered people ( by the world—think Sermon on the mount) will finally find rest for their souls and love and home for an eternity

To make this even shorter the Lord gave me a one-liner that describes the story and message of the Bible in one line —if you want to accept that – you don’t have to. Nobody has to :)

“The story ( of Bible) that started in Love (Creation-Genesis) also ended in Love, (the New Jerusalem- Revelation), and everyone who did not learn to love was left out, forever and ever"

God bless everyone. Love you all /\

PS: some of my favorite verses

1 John 4:8 : Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love

Proverbs 10:12: “ Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins

Matthew 5: 44 & 46: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
For, if you love only those who love you, what reward have you?”

James 2:20 “But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

2 Corinthians 12:16 : “But be that as it may, I did not burden you myself; nevertheless, crafty fellow that I am, I took you in by deception

Matthew 5: 37: Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
We agree on all.
I believe you've misunderstood the O.P.
It's speaking against the reformed faith, which does not believe God is love...
They believe in a God that would send some to hell for no reason at all.
This would not be a loving God...which, as you've stated, we know that our God IS love.
(and mercy and justice).
Ya think so?! :)
I could find inconsisties in any grey area of church doctrines .
oh say pre mil .
Jesus said he will come back and build another church?

on isreal isn't a church got it but no,mosaic laws ,no mandated circumcision and salvation by grace ,or the less common type grace exist no more .hmm so the torah failed ,the cross didn't quiet get enough ,so back to a more demanding ,quick justice Torah.

I gave up on escatoloby because no one has the answer and its not meant for us to know ,so I don't obsess like I used to
Long way of writing, "My salvation was my decision", i.e. "it is in my hands."
Salvation IS in my hands.
God offered us the gift of salvation, Ephesians 2:8
as He also offered it to every other human that ever lived....
God desires that no man should perish...1 Timothy 2:4
From the beginning of time God has revealed Himself to man.....Romans 1:19-20
so that man may have the opportunity of saving himself by....
fearing (respecting) God and doing what is right....Acts 10:35
and by accepting this salvation through Jesus......John 3:16, Acts 16:31
and IF we confess with out mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead....Romans 10:9
because WHOEVER believes in Him will not be disappointed....Romans 10:11

I can easily decide, of my own free will, that I can stop being saved....
Colossians 1:22-23
22yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach—
23if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.
obsessed with Calvinists?

I know of the local new apostolic reformation church ,look up nar .look,up what they believe and who it is .

Kenneth Copeland is one
i often wonder how the apostolic and Calvinist and church of Christ will react when the see other denoms in heaven