Interesting set of chords. I just Love dislike how they take the same chord and call it 2 completely differnt things depending on the root note. Your Dsus2 and Cadd9 are the same thing : the root chord with a 2nd (9th) added. I call them by the old school method: D2 and C2.
I think I'm doin ok. I can play every major chord now. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and all the minors and can go from one to the other without stalling. Just practicing going to and from all the different chords without stalling and having to figure it out.
That is right. Barre chords are movable. And they are named for the root note. If you know your note names up the low E string you will have major chords (or minor chords) all the way up.
The same on the A string. Moving a Bm chord up 1 fret gives you a Cm, 2 frets gives C#m, etc.
Interesting set of chords. I just Love dislike how they take the same chord and call it 2 completely differnt things depending on the root note. Your Dsus2 and Cadd9 are the same thing : the root chord with a 2nd (9th) added. I call them by the old school method: D2 and C2.
The only way to improve.
That is how I started as well.
That is right. Barre chords are movable. And they are named for the root note. If you know your note names up the low E string you will have major chords (or minor chords) all the way up.
The same on the A string. Moving a Bm chord up 1 fret gives you a Cm, 2 frets gives C#m, etc.
Back about 30 years ago Elderly Instruments had a pic in their electric guitar print catalog. It was a pic (Buzz Alderin I think) standing on the moon next to the US flag. They photoshopped in him holding a cherry red ES-335 in front of a Marshall stack. The caption was something like "No sound on the moon? Crank this baby up and they will hear you on Saturn...."
I framed it and it is in my cube at work. (which I have not seen in exactly 2 years)
I just made a new song. I think it sounds good. If I can figure out how I will record it and upload it so you can all hear it and give back some constructive criticism. I also accept general criticism, i mean if it completely sucks and a joke then that would just be your opinion , no need to be politically correct about anything.
I made a new song. The song title is called why do self serving humans always expect everything to go there way and when it does not, always have a major cry about it?. I haven't got any chords yet, only the title of the song. That's a start.
I made a new song. The song title is called why do self serving humans always expect everything to go there way and when it does not, always have a major cry about it?. I haven't got any chords yet, only the title of the song. That's a start.
After like over 20 years of not knowing what I'm doing I think I can now go from beginner to intermediate. I know all the open chords and can play pentatonic scale. After 20 years of playing the same chords over and over i feel like I actually achieved something. I can play all the chords and now pentatonic scale. That's progress.
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