The implications that evolution is a religion is clearly wrong to most people. Most people not being YEC's, or Creationists in general that is. I'm going to make my argument as short as possible, yet as thorough as possible, and I disclaim that I am not targeting God or Creation. Creation is the belief that God created the Universe. Creationism is the falsified science and belief that everything in the Bible is literal and true.
While the argument that Evolution is a religion varies from Creationist group to Creationist group, there is a general consensus that Evolution requires religious faith to believe in. This, ultimately is false.
Evolution is considered both a fact and a theory. It is a fact that we observe the change in frequencies of alleles in a gene pool. The theoretical implications are the testing, predictions, and mathematical portions of Evolution. These comprise the general acceptance that all animals share a common ancestor. Using evidence such as Genetics, the Fossil Record, and the well established assumption that the Laws of Physics were the same in the past as they are now, we have a pretty strong argument that The Theory of Evolution is in fact, the best explanation for the Origin of Species, and the diversity we see today.
Creationism was falsfified decades ago and because of this, Creationists decide to attack evolution instead. They posit their little hunch that evolution requires religious faith. Let's look at the definition of religion:
There, we have the definition of a religion. Evolution does not require or even state the existence of any Creator, leaving humans to believe whatever they want. Science in general does not even touch the supernatural, and Evolution is an explanation of the mechanism of how organisms change. Evolution neither has a set of beliefs, values, or practices that are based on a spiritual leader, as spiritual is a metaphysical implication, Evolution cannot be a religion.
As to the last definition, Evolution is not a cause, principle, or activity. It is simply a scientific explanation of how life changes. However, one could apply that last definition to anything. "He brushed his teeth religiously". That would be an activity pursued with zeal.
There is another part of this religious idea, and that's faith. Creationists put forth that Evolution requires faith to believe in. What they don't say, is what kind of faith. Faith has about six different definitions for it:
I bolded the definitions that I think would apply to this situation. Now, Evolution is a belief in the sense that Scientists are confident that evolution is as close to the truth as we can come today in an explanation for the origin of species.
What it is not, is a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Scientists observe the mechanism evolution happening now, and in the past. We have empirical evidence to suggest that organisms evolved and diversified into the organisms we see today. Genetics support this claim. It is a logical belief, justified with evidence, and experimentation.
What Creationists are referring to when they say faith, is blind faith. That is not what evolution is based on.
Now, I have one more point to make before I am finished with my short essay. Certain people, who will remain nameless *cough* blueeyeliner, put forth the idea that Evolution has its roots in ancient pagan beliefs. Aside from the fact that the evidence put forth also states that Jesus worshipped Isis, there is no ground basis to believe that this is true at all.
I believe someone stated that Evolution is animal worship...worship of the sun...worship of mankind...yadda yadda yadda. This is not true. Evolution does not worship animals, there was never any worship of animals included in the scientific theory of evolution. Nor was there worship of the Sun. Hence, it is ridiculous, especially coming from a website that claims that Jesus worshipped Isis.
As a conclusion, Evolution is not a religion, it does not match with what Creationists believe is a religion, nor does it require any deity.
While the argument that Evolution is a religion varies from Creationist group to Creationist group, there is a general consensus that Evolution requires religious faith to believe in. This, ultimately is false.
Evolution is considered both a fact and a theory. It is a fact that we observe the change in frequencies of alleles in a gene pool. The theoretical implications are the testing, predictions, and mathematical portions of Evolution. These comprise the general acceptance that all animals share a common ancestor. Using evidence such as Genetics, the Fossil Record, and the well established assumption that the Laws of Physics were the same in the past as they are now, we have a pretty strong argument that The Theory of Evolution is in fact, the best explanation for the Origin of Species, and the diversity we see today.
Creationism was falsfified decades ago and because of this, Creationists decide to attack evolution instead. They posit their little hunch that evolution requires religious faith. Let's look at the definition of religion:
re·li·gion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn)
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
There, we have the definition of a religion. Evolution does not require or even state the existence of any Creator, leaving humans to believe whatever they want. Science in general does not even touch the supernatural, and Evolution is an explanation of the mechanism of how organisms change. Evolution neither has a set of beliefs, values, or practices that are based on a spiritual leader, as spiritual is a metaphysical implication, Evolution cannot be a religion.
As to the last definition, Evolution is not a cause, principle, or activity. It is simply a scientific explanation of how life changes. However, one could apply that last definition to anything. "He brushed his teeth religiously". That would be an activity pursued with zeal.
There is another part of this religious idea, and that's faith. Creationists put forth that Evolution requires faith to believe in. What they don't say, is what kind of faith. Faith has about six different definitions for it:
faith ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fth)
Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief. See Synonyms at trust.
Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
A set of principles or beliefs.
I bolded the definitions that I think would apply to this situation. Now, Evolution is a belief in the sense that Scientists are confident that evolution is as close to the truth as we can come today in an explanation for the origin of species.
What it is not, is a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Scientists observe the mechanism evolution happening now, and in the past. We have empirical evidence to suggest that organisms evolved and diversified into the organisms we see today. Genetics support this claim. It is a logical belief, justified with evidence, and experimentation.
What Creationists are referring to when they say faith, is blind faith. That is not what evolution is based on.
Now, I have one more point to make before I am finished with my short essay. Certain people, who will remain nameless *cough* blueeyeliner, put forth the idea that Evolution has its roots in ancient pagan beliefs. Aside from the fact that the evidence put forth also states that Jesus worshipped Isis, there is no ground basis to believe that this is true at all.
I believe someone stated that Evolution is animal worship...worship of the sun...worship of mankind...yadda yadda yadda. This is not true. Evolution does not worship animals, there was never any worship of animals included in the scientific theory of evolution. Nor was there worship of the Sun. Hence, it is ridiculous, especially coming from a website that claims that Jesus worshipped Isis.
As a conclusion, Evolution is not a religion, it does not match with what Creationists believe is a religion, nor does it require any deity.