glorydaz said:
What Paul makes clear in Romans is that one sin annuls even the "righteousness" of men.
Your conclusion from this is incorrect, however. We'll get to this shortly.
glorydaz said:
That man is saved by the work of Christ, and we are saved by grace through faith.
Yes, faith working in love... These are the "works" that Paul says saves in Romans 2. We'll get to that in a minute - it seems you are onto the key point in Romans, now we will let it take us to the conclusion...
glorydaz said:
Romans 2 very specifically says that all men sin
Where??? I suggest you are again adding your "total depravity" mindset to the chapter, when nowhere does it say this in Romans 2!
glorydaz said:
and God will judge the secrets of our hearts. Those with the law will perish under the law and those without the law will perish without the law. For, indeed, all men sin. The difference is that God does not impute sin to those who have faith in Christ. It isn't that God does not impute sin to those who do good deeds.
Again, you are reading into the text what is not there. The only time the Bible speaks about imputing sin is in Romans 4, and the context is DAVID. Clearly, the sense is not that David had faith in Christ...
I will get to this in a minute, as Romans 4 is KEY to this discussion, and you touched on it, brushed against it, without understanding fully how this destroys the classic Protestant interpretation of Romans.
glorydaz said:
Mankind will be judged on their deeds...they are not "given eternal life" as some continue to claim.
Scriptures amply tells us that man is given eternal life based upon their good deeds they did in life, faith working in love, if you will. I have mentioned Matthew 25 as a starting point. In each of the three parables discussing how one attains eternal life, good deeds are the determinant.
Read esp. the parable of the goats and sheep, notice the separation, and notice the final outcome of judgment. There is no "lesser rewards" here. It is either heaven or hell, and it is based upon what someone did or did not do...
Those who "claim it" are doing it because they have read the Scriptures.
glorydaz said:
Eph. 2 is quite clearly NOT speaking of the works of the law of Moses, because it is addressed specifically to Gentiles.
This is incorrect, Drew is right here. Paul's enemy in Ephesians are the Judaizers, those Christians who are teaching, in contradiction to Acts 15, that one must live the Mosaic Law BEFORE becoming Christian. Christians must also practice Jewish customs, becoming Jewish. The saved community must become Jewish. Clearly, Paul addresses Gentiles subject to this false teaching that they are to KNOW that they are saved by FAITH, not by doing WORKS OF THE LAW (Mosaic).
I see in your posts that there is a fundamental issue with what a "work" is. What is ironic is that you cite Romans 4:4, THE KEY verse in Romans that helps to unlock its meaning and defeat the idea of establishing a false dichotomy of faith vs good deeds, which Paul is not doing.
Romans 4:4
Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
HERE is where Paul explains what a "work" is.
It is something deserving of payment.
While Drew is correct on the Ephesians context, Paul means in his entire corpus, something more than JUST the Mosaic Law.
A "work" is something that deserves payment.
NOTHING we can do deserves payment. Thus, NO "WORK" can
earn payment from God, the reward of eternal life. Thus, Paul clearly tells us that grace is a gift, over and over. A gift is something FREELY GIVEN, not something earned as a paycheck is earned. Doing "works of the law" do not earn anything from God. NOTHING we do, alone, for the sense of earning something, can bring salvation upon us...
The problem with classic Protestantism is that it
equates "work" with ALL things we do,
to include good deeds without the INTENT to earn a reward! Thus, the "total depravity" concept, that man can do absolutely nothing, EVEN when vivified by the Holy Spirit. The often carted-out "filthy rags" taken out of context. Thus, the invention of imputed righteousness, rather than infused righteousness. We are not "really" righteous, we are "covered", it is pretend righteousenss.
It is a perversion of ancient Christianity and the teachings of God who became man so that men could become "gods". The whole idea of divinization, theosis, GONE... The perversion makes salvation into an accounting game where one collects salvation once they repeat a profession, forget about any sort of relationship with God or a transformation that must take place...
There is no need to establish such a false dichotomy between faith and good deeds done IN CHRIST out of LOVE! Why? Because our
good deeds working in love are NOT "WORKS" as defined by Paul.
THUS, Paul can say in Romans 2 that
good deeds CAN AND DO save. Jesus can say the same thing repeatedly. Good deeds save. They are NOT Paul's works - since good deeds done in love are NOT "works" that seek to earn reward. Our inner intentions differ. We are not seeking payment - we are loving the God who has loved us first. As you note, God knows our inner intentions. Thus, our deeds, our actions, are judged based upon our inner intent. And thus, good deeds done in faith, done in love, are indeed salvific.
Note Paul never says good deeds do not save. He says "WORKS" do not save. He defines what a work is - which is not JUST the Mosaic Law, although it is the pinnacle of a works salvation idea...
I note that Paul is not ONLY speaking about the Mosaic Law, but ANYTHING done with the intent that God must now pay me back. God owes me. This attitude was prevalent among Jews, and this is why Paul reiterates that salvation is a GIFT, not a PAYMENT. Man can do nothing to EARN a payment from God. We all fall short without God.
BUT, when we become vivified with the Spirit of God, our inner self changes, is transformed. Our good deeds are done, NOT as a "work", but as an act of Love.
Faith without love is not salvific.
Likewise, a good deed cannot save without an act of faith in God.
There is no need to place faith in opposition to good deeds - both are required to attain eternal life. Both Paul and James is clear about this. Faith alone does not save. Works do not save. Only faith working IN LOVE save (not faith working to earn)