Francis, that quote is from the Gospel of Luke? Mary was already regenerate when she said that. I am not referring to those already regenerate. It is the unregenerate that are enslaved to a sin nature.francisdesales said:mondar said:I have always enjoyed what John MacArther said about free will. He said "I have the free will to choose any path of sin I desire." I agree with that! I like that!
"Let it be done to me according to your word" is a fine example of free will as it exists in the saints.
Romans 6:17 But thanks be to God, that, whereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto ye were delivered;
18 and being made free from sin, ye became servants of righteousness.
We can also once again discuss the 2nd Council of Orange. That creed was not written to support free will but was written to counter Pelagius himself. Pelagius articulated the free will position, not Augustine. I do not see Orange is articulating a position of moral neutrality, but one that we are in bondage to sin. Orange is more in line with total depravity.francisdesales said:We become neutral and allow God to work within us. We allow Him to move our wills and desires. This neutrality is in line with the Council of Orange, St. Augustine, and Sacred Scriptures.
What it also says is that we don't just choose which way to sin. We also can allow God to work within us, placing within us the desire and thought of even having a good desire.
"Do your work within me, Lord" vs. "I will not serve". It is indeed free will.