Jim Parker
- Apr 17, 2015
- 11,259
- 2,694
What is the best source of truth?
First, “facts” and “truth” are similar but not the exact same thing.
Scientists seek facts.
Believers seek truth.
- Scientific research, medical research, mechanical research, or studies in general
These are the best source of facts pertaining to the specific areas of research mentioned. (Except “studies in general” because that description does not, infarct, describe anything specific.
So, if you want to find out about quantum physics, you study quantum physics and do research in that area. Ditto for medical and mechanical. If you want to find the truth about medicine then you go to medical sources. You do not go to the Bible to learn about quantum physics or the latest surgical techniques.
- The Bible
The Bible is the best source of truth about God and our relationship with Him.
That being said, it requires a certain level of intelligence (reading and reading comprehension skills) to get the truth from the Bible. A low level of literacy and comprehension will make it very difficult to understand what is written.
If one is listening to the Bible being read, a good command of the language in which it is being read is necessary. If the listener only has a 500 word vocabulary, then much of what he hears will not be understood or will be misunderstood.
It also requires a mind uncontaminated by false teaching (Mormon, JW, Islam, Christian Science, etc.) or by preconceptions.
Further, it requires some level of preparation including prayer for understanding and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit, or direct contact with God
Both of these are hypothetical. They assume that the person seeking truth has properly prepared himself, through prayer and fasting, etc., to clearly hear from the Holy Spirit.
There are many people who have claimed to hear from the Holy Spirit who, in fact, clearly have a very difficult time distinguishing between the Holy Spirit and the noise in their head.
And no one gets “direct contact” with God the Father except the Son and the Holy Spirit. So you’d need to clarify what you mean there and I would be very suspicious of the sanity and/or reliability of someone who says they have “direct contact with God.”
- A trusted religious teacher
Our trust establishes nothing. People trust charlatans, frauds and politicians on a regular basis.
A proven trustworthy teacher, as attested by many reliable witnesses, would be a good source of truth about scripture and God. Those are not as common as we might wish and I doubt that any of them would claim to be infallible.
So, bottom line; we won't ever have perfect understanding this side of glory.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully,
even as I have been fully understood. (1 cor 13:13)
First, “facts” and “truth” are similar but not the exact same thing.
Scientists seek facts.
Believers seek truth.
- Scientific research, medical research, mechanical research, or studies in general
These are the best source of facts pertaining to the specific areas of research mentioned. (Except “studies in general” because that description does not, infarct, describe anything specific.
So, if you want to find out about quantum physics, you study quantum physics and do research in that area. Ditto for medical and mechanical. If you want to find the truth about medicine then you go to medical sources. You do not go to the Bible to learn about quantum physics or the latest surgical techniques.
- The Bible
The Bible is the best source of truth about God and our relationship with Him.
That being said, it requires a certain level of intelligence (reading and reading comprehension skills) to get the truth from the Bible. A low level of literacy and comprehension will make it very difficult to understand what is written.
If one is listening to the Bible being read, a good command of the language in which it is being read is necessary. If the listener only has a 500 word vocabulary, then much of what he hears will not be understood or will be misunderstood.
It also requires a mind uncontaminated by false teaching (Mormon, JW, Islam, Christian Science, etc.) or by preconceptions.
Further, it requires some level of preparation including prayer for understanding and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit, or direct contact with God
Both of these are hypothetical. They assume that the person seeking truth has properly prepared himself, through prayer and fasting, etc., to clearly hear from the Holy Spirit.
There are many people who have claimed to hear from the Holy Spirit who, in fact, clearly have a very difficult time distinguishing between the Holy Spirit and the noise in their head.
And no one gets “direct contact” with God the Father except the Son and the Holy Spirit. So you’d need to clarify what you mean there and I would be very suspicious of the sanity and/or reliability of someone who says they have “direct contact with God.”
- A trusted religious teacher
Our trust establishes nothing. People trust charlatans, frauds and politicians on a regular basis.
A proven trustworthy teacher, as attested by many reliable witnesses, would be a good source of truth about scripture and God. Those are not as common as we might wish and I doubt that any of them would claim to be infallible.
So, bottom line; we won't ever have perfect understanding this side of glory.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully,
even as I have been fully understood. (1 cor 13:13)