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Matthew 25 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Question, who are the least of the brothers in today's world?The answer is found in Matthew 25:31-46...............And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Yhwh created all things simple. Man messed it all up.
it is written: "with food and clothes be content" and again "love does not seek what it does not have" and again "no man can serve 2 masters, he will love one and hate the other, or he will despise one and serve the other" ... ... ..
and once more "avoid every form of greed" and "little children, keep yourselves from idols" ... ..
and finally, for now,
one righteous by faith man of God pointed out that one of the first things lost in the first 3 centuries (for the 'church')
was voluntary poverty....... and it was downhill from then on, until God turned things around for those seeking Him...
until later (it's late and I have to get up early) ... shalom to all who love ABBA in truth and holiness. amen.
Matthew 25 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Question, who are the least of the brothers in today's world?
the ones you don't see in church, because they're too poor to 'dress up'. often own one set of clothes and that's it. maybe they live under a bridge or in a cave or an abandoned house or in the woods. they are the ones everyone ignores trying to believe they're not there, or if they are there that it's their own fault somehow and they should just move on.......
That is a great example. My husband and I had a prison ministry for awhile and we still work with others who do prison ministry. With the private prison system we now have in place, it is very advantageous to put people in prison. Prison for profit makes it necessary to have prisoners so that others can make a profit. There are many that are falsely accused and others that have done things that rehab would actually be a better solution than prison. There are families that are broken, children that lose their parents, and usually the bread winner is gone. There is a great need to minister to the families of prisoners. Then when these men and women get out of prison, especially if they were accused of a sex offense, they have no way to rebuild their lives. There is much that could be done to reform the prison system if politicians weren't lining their pockets with lobby money.The least are those who have not by circumstances out of their control. Example: someone loses their job because the business they worked for closed down. Jobs are hard to find in depressed areas and moving to another area may not be plausible for lack of funds to do so as moving can be expensive. These circumstances make these people loose their homes and force families out on the street with no where to go. In all humility and humbleness of heart we need to reach out to those inn need to help them get back on their feet again.
did someone say he would give money to the romans ?
(the gospel, the good news, is certainly infinitely more worth than money, and much more sure.)