Just digging up this old thread, because even though I haven't checked in for a while I am still pushing myself. In some ways I am where I was when this thread started, and in other ways I'm not. I am still a person who has a disease and who is pushing forward. I am still someone looking to God to give me strength daily. I am further along in knowing how to pace myself when I am sick. My energy is more constant these days. I am breathing better, and in two more months I will be on the lowest dose of my maintenance steroid, provided I do not get pneumonia. I am able to work harder, by God's grace. I am also beginning to do some of the hobbies I use to love, and I even began violin lessons and joined a sewing class! I have lost some weight the hard way and slowly, and my oxygen levels are better...and so my brain seems a little better. Most of all, though, I feel as if the Lord has just used so much of my time to turn my heart toward Him more and more...for that, I am so grateful. The Lord bless all of you who may be pushing yourselves today.