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The religion of Atheism.

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VaultZero4Me said:
No, Dawkins did not come up with it. The FSM was designed to be a parody of ID during one of the trial in regards to teaching ID in school.

People use it to be anti-theistic, but that was no its original intent.

Okay i thought he did, thanks for clearing that up. So, Anti-ID.. Hmm Why is that not anti God?
That wasn't the question.

How does being against teaching ID in schools (as science) translate to being anti-God?

The argument against ID being taught as science is that there is no scientific merit to it. (which leads into the FSM)

Now, you may disagree about the scientific validity of ID, but that would be a different discussion.
VaultZero4Me said:
That wasn't the question.

How does being against teaching ID in schools (as science) translate to being anti-God?

The argument against ID being taught as science is that there is no scientific merit to it. (which leads into the FSM)

Now, you may disagree about the scientific validity of ID, but that would be a different discussion.

So when people say stuff like "You can't prove or disprove God", then some guy says "right, just the the FSM" that's not anti God then?
JohnMuise said:
My comment of atheist being a religion is this.

If an atheist can create a church of the FSM and get away with it i sure as heck can call atheism a religion.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster (also known as the FSM) is the deity of a parody religion[1][2] called The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and its system of beliefs, "Pastafarianism".[3] The religion was founded in 2005 by Bobby Henderson to protest the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to require the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to biological evolution. Intelligent design implies the existence of an intelligent but not necessarily omnipotent or omniscient designer, thus some, like Henderson, argue that this designer could be anything imaginable.[citation needed]

In an open letter sent to the education board, Henderson parodies the concept of an intelligent designer by professing belief in a supernatural creator called the Flying Spaghetti Monster which resembles spaghetti and meatballs.[4] He furthermore calls for the "Pastafarian" theory of creation to be taught in science classrooms.[5]

Due to its recent popularity and media exposure, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is often used by atheists, agnostics (known by Pastafarians as "spagnostics"), and others as a modern version of Russell's teapot[6] and the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

JohnMuise said:
VaultZero4Me said:
That wasn't the question.

How does being against teaching ID in schools (as science) translate to being anti-God?

The argument against ID being taught as science is that there is no scientific merit to it. (which leads into the FSM)

Now, you may disagree about the scientific validity of ID, but that would be a different discussion.

So when people say stuff like "You can't prove or disprove God", then some guy says "right, just the the FSM" that's not anti God then?

How would it be anti God?
No, he is saying that the logic of saying since you can not disprove God you are not able to not believe in him, forces you to the conclusion that you can not disbelieve in the FSM.
VaultZero4Me said:
No, he is saying that the logic of saying since you can not disprove God you are not able to not believe in him, forces you to the conclusion that you can not disbelieve in the FSM.

Is the FSM helpful to a Christian agenda? No, then its anti God.
JohnMuise said:
VaultZero4Me said:
No, he is saying that the logic of saying since you can not disprove God you are not able to not believe in him, forces you to the conclusion that you can not disbelieve in the FSM.

Is the FSM helpful to a Christian agenda? No, then its anti God.

Then you are misusing the term "anti".

Anti generally is used to mean against, not to mean "not helpful".
VaultZero4Me said:
JohnMuise said:
VaultZero4Me said:
No, he is saying that the logic of saying since you can not disprove God you are not able to not believe in him, forces you to the conclusion that you can not disbelieve in the FSM.

Is the FSM helpful to a Christian agenda? No, then its anti God.

Then you are misusing the term "anti".

Anti generally is used to mean against, not to mean "not helpful".

Unless you're an absolutist who believes that anyone who doesn't pray to jesus fifty times a day is against them.
A flying spaghetti monster, pastafarian, :biglol You guys got to be kidding. That goes to show you how ridiculous atheism really is.
therealsuperman64 said:
A flying spaghetti monster, pastafarian, :biglol You guys got to be kidding. That goes to show you how ridiculous atheism really is.

Yes, and thus you see the entire point.
platos_cave said:
therealsuperman64 said:
A flying spaghetti monster, pastafarian, :biglol You guys got to be kidding. That goes to show you how ridiculous atheism really is.

Yes, and thus you see the entire point.

I'd have thought that the entire point was that they see christianity (or any other religion) as being ridiculous.
ProphetMark said:
I'd have thought that the entire point was that they see christianity (or any other religion) as being ridiculous.

And the FSM is to show you that how you view the FSM is the same we we view any other religion.
The FSM was created to parody the inclusion of religion into a science room specifically.
VaultZero4Me said:
The FSM was created to parody the inclusion of religion into a science room specifically.

Yes, although one could technically use any being that has been created for analogous reasons like the IPU, the Teapot orbiting Saturn, etc.


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