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The Religion of Peace


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to quote dr salomon isreal dds." the only good arab is a dead arab"

no i am not for murdering them but neither shall this christian forget that those "peaceful" muslims would love to kill me for my last name.
I think I can find grounds to agree with pretty much every post I have seen here so far, but let me ask this

If the results had been different in that had people converted would our view change of whether he should have went or not?

Also I don't think we know his heart or his reasons or at least I don't because I only watched the link, but if he was lead by the Spirit to go he did not have a choice he had to whether he thought it was a good idea or not.

It would seem though from the video camera and the the title that this was more about proving a point though.

One more thing though the bible does speak about sometimes having to pull people out of the fire it seems that sometimes we have to forgo wisdom trust in God and hope that we are fire resistant.

Like I said though I find merit in all of the posts I have seen and the last thing I would want to do is cause division especially in a discussion that has so far shown nothing but civility and understanding of each of our differing views on the matter, I just wanted to get my take on it out there.
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