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[__ Prayer __] The same mistakes as always...

I am hurting inside and ashamed of the same mistake I have been making since the past four years. Just when I think I have this problem beat, the problem is back and beating me. God has brought me out of it so many times and I just keep going back again. Finding myself with the same problems only worse. I love God so very much, but I let my insecurities get the better of me. I don't want to loose my salvation or the plans God has for my life. There are no words to describe my love for Him. I am tired of going back and forth and all the struggles and pain I have endured because of past mistakes I have made. Please pray that I will get my house back and get to go back home. I am so very tired and my life has been unending pain and sorrow. I feel I can do nothing right as this is whats been told to me since childhood. I don't want to fail the Lord one more time:sad I love Him so much!
Hi Michelle
I'm sorry you continue to struggle with the same issue time and time again. If I may ask, is it addiction? You don't have to say if it causes you discomfort, an I'll apologize in advance for crossing that boundary.

You aren't going to loose your salvation due to whatever your struggling with. I don't care how bad you think it is.

Keep your chin up. I know how difficult that can be. The good news is Jesus said he would never leave or fore sake you and he understands what it is to suffer, so your in good hands with our Lord. Your not alone, even when you feel like you are
Dear Sister @Michelle6488, in Christ you are judged by His finished work, and are looked on as the new nature that cannot sin.

Quit measuring your failures against Jesus' righteousness, and just start living in His love of you that took Him to the cross; that's how much He loves you in whatever state you find yourself.
A real indicator of your fear lies in the statement you made: "I don't want to loose my salvation," and you never fail Him; you are His very most important work in progress.

I wrote the following pamphlet I pray will lift your spirit to not only believe you are saved, but to know it not only in the present, but forever; the very meaning of eternal or everlasting life.
Salvation with Security – 1, 2, 3

May God richly bless your life to be delivered of the consequence of your weakness, and in that weakness make you strong by turning to Him in all your decisions in Jesus' name.
I am hurting inside and ashamed of the same mistake I have been making since the past four years. Just when I think I have this problem beat, the problem is back and beating me. God has brought me out of it so many times and I just keep going back again. Finding myself with the same problems only worse. I love God so very much, but I let my insecurities get the better of me. I don't want to loose my salvation or the plans God has for my life. There are no words to describe my love for Him. I am tired of going back and forth and all the struggles and pain I have endured because of past mistakes I have made. Please pray that I will get my house back and get to go back home. I am so very tired and my life has been unending pain and sorrow. I feel I can do nothing right as this is whats been told to me since childhood. I don't want to fail the Lord one more time:sad I love Him so much!

Hook to people that are doing the plan of God. You have to stick close to someone close to God.
Hello Michelle6488,

I pray to our Heavenly Father that you will get your home back; it certainly does sound like you are having a troubling time. Brother Mike is right; spending time with other Christians will have a positive effect on you; why not try a group prayer.
God has a plan for your life; He knows your trials! Keep strong in faith and allow God to do His work. :pray
Hi Michelle

I can somehow relate to what you going through but I have realized that you need to make a conscience decision to really want to get out of this situation whatever you are facing. Sometimes it can actually be comforting staying in the same situation because you to scared to try something new or to deal with change. But it's for your own sanity and yourself.

You need to dig yourself out of it, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just to easy to give up. I know what it's like when the past taps on your shoulder but you need to look forward, live and plan your life for tomorrow. Yesterday is history, learn from it and let go. Everybody can help you with advice but only you can help yourself.
All the best for the future and there is plenty of inspiration here on this forum. It is almost a year now since I joined this forum and reading Steve Bolts and Christ Empowered's trials what they have faced and dealt with makes me realize once again that anything is possible with God. Don't give up the fight!
Hi Michelle
I'm sorry you continue to struggle with the same issue time and time again. If I may ask, is it addiction? You don't have to say if it causes you discomfort, an I'll apologize in advance for crossing that boundary.

You aren't going to loose your salvation due to whatever your struggling with. I don't care how bad you think it is.

Keep your chin up. I know how difficult that can be. The good news is Jesus said he would never leave or fore sake you and he understands what it is to suffer, so your in good hands with our Lord. Your not alone, even when you feel like you are
No my dear brother... but a bad relationship I have been in the past 5 yrs now. Thank you for your reply
The Scriptures have laid out some ,rules, guidelines, paths etc call them what one will.. but they are there to direct us .. 60 years ago I would hear this very often ( bolded part;) about every time i got a spanking...still not as obedient to His Word as i would like :blush .. Following His Word when I dont want to has proven over the years to be the better choice...

1Sa_15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
No my dear brother... but a bad relationship I have been in the past 5 yrs now. Thank you for your reply
Ahhhhh, I see

Relationships can get sketchy at times. I get it. My first marriage flopped pretty hard. We tried to keep it together and we made it 7 long, laborious, drama filled years. The next few gals I dated weren't much better. One was actually worse.
So I put my desire to be with another woman on hold, I I started searching inside myself why I was attracted to these messed up gals. In short, I was single for a few years...

I've since married and we are bumping 18 years. Most of them have been calm, good years. But you really learn about each other in the not so good years and that's where I think the real growth can occur, if your both willing. It's not fun....

I hope this guy your with isn't abusive. If so, you shouldn't live in fear. It's not healthy.

I hope your able to make it through this time in your life and don't loose your hope
Sister,I don't know what you are happen in your life,but I believe that God will always with you.I have the same problems.

7:18Romans For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
7:19Romans For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
What should we do?
I've been there, Michelle. I've gone back to 'bad' relationships with guys before, and I know the pain hurts, and you think that you're done, and then you return to it again. May God illuminate your path and give you the strength to respect yourself enough to get out of the bad habits you go back to. It is hard and change takes time. Don't think that God is holding this against you, for you love Him and you are trying. Jesus's Light and Love is stronger than our mistakes, always remember that. Praying for you! :hug
I am hurting inside and ashamed of the same mistake I have been making since the past four years. Just when I think I have this problem beat, the problem is back and beating me. God has brought me out of it so many times and I just keep going back again. Finding myself with the same problems only worse. I love God so very much, but I let my insecurities get the better of me. I don't want to loose my salvation or the plans God has for my life. There are no words to describe my love for Him. I am tired of going back and forth and all the struggles and pain I have endured because of past mistakes I have made. Please pray that I will get my house back and get to go back home. I am so very tired and my life has been unending pain and sorrow. I feel I can do nothing right as this is whats been told to me since childhood. I don't want to fail the Lord one more time:sad I love Him so much!
Hi Deidre I have been their. But as much as you love God, He loves you more. Part of your dilemma is that you think you have to love God more so that He will not reject you or that you can not please Him enough to save you eternally. There is no such thing as losing your salvation. There is nothing you can do to be saved , but trust God at His word by Faith. God will do the rest.

Love you in the Lord.
In Christ
Douglas Summers