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Bible Study The Second Death


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Lesson 1

-SECOND (Scriptures from the WEB and the Study references courtesy of Navy Chaplin and author of the Nave's Study Bible Concordance.)

Pr 14:12; There is a way which seems right to a man,

But in the end it leads to death.

[[Today, there appear to be many ear tickling pretenders in the pulpits of Churches pretending to serve God. I know that Proverbs 14:12 can seem a strange beginning on an attempt to open the eyes of the blinded to the truth of the Second Death but here goes that weird old man again.]]

Eze 18:4, Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins, he shall die.

10, If he fathers a son who is a robber, a shedder of blood, and who does any one of these things,

13, has given forth on interest, and has taken increase; shall he then live? he shall not live: he has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be on him.

[[Taken by itself and ignore the rest of the Bible and it looks like I have lost my case before I have began but go easy on me, I'm old! Back in the first three chapters of Genesis we learned a truth, so many fail to consider today. I believe they must be, if they are saved, quenching the Holy Spirit because God has taught us there are two deaths, a strange truth to the Natural Man.

...The question must arise and be answer that is, much, like the question Nicodemus asks in John 3 but instead of being Born a second time it is how can a man die two deaths? Here is that lesson from the creation story, we, the creations of God are made in the image of God.

...Hold up, hold up there! God looks like me? Let us all bow our heads now and thank God that He is not like Bill Taylor, the world would really be a mess if God was as foolish me. No, God is a Spirit Being with limitless power and has the, astonishing, ability to be everywhere at once.

...But the Bible says we, the humans, are created in His, in fact in their, image. And Adam, the first of mankind, was created to be Eternal, just like God and until Satan deceived Eve, who then tempted Adam and that day, Adam died the Spiritual Death and forfeited his hold on eternal life.

...Adam from that moment was terminally ill, as a Natural Man, and suddenly must look forward to the arrival of Jesus for his return to Eternal Life. But wait a minute... huge problem to resolve, God is eternal and we are created in His image.
God's Word is Truth, and Truth is unconditional Love. This is the image of God.
To be created in God's image is to have God's Spirit within us.
God's Word is Truth, and Truth is unconditional Love. This is the image of God.
To be created in God's image is to have God's Spirit within us.
All true but do you, honestly and with fore thought believe that is all there is to it? God's Wrath, believe it or not comes from His love. But there are still, at least two more parts to this study and being new here you don't know it but I, generally, will not reply if you make a post that tries to hijack the thread and in the Bible study we are required to use scripture to make comments and never to move towards a verbal contest. We just state our message, backed with scripture and move on through the study.

At least that is the idea and it is the reason this study is not posted in a forum where contention is allowed.

May God bless this study to your heart as He is to mine.
...But the Bible says we, the humans, are created in His, in fact in their, image. And Adam, the first of mankind, was created to be Eternal, just like God and until Satan deceived Eve, who then tempted Adam and that day, Adam died the Spiritual Death and forfeited his hold on eternal life.
And most today will say that Adam had no clue that His Spiritual life was at stake. We are so physically minded, we overlook that this is a spiritual battle we are in. Adam knew full well, the consequences at stake. Just because we don't, doesn't mean He didn't. Adam probably knew more doctrine then Paul, God would not tempt Adam and Eve with more than they could of handled.

And Genesis 2:17 has the Spiritual death and Physical death included in it.

Young's Literal Translation
and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it, for in the day of thine eating of it -- dying thou dost die.'
And most today will say that Adam had no clue that His Spiritual life was at stake. We are so physically minded, we overlook that this is a spiritual battle we are in. Adam knew full well, the consequences at stake. Just because we don't, doesn't mean He didn't. Adam probably knew more doctrine then Paul, God would not tempt Adam and Eve with more than they could of handled.

And Genesis 2:17 has the Spiritual death and Physical death included in it.

Young's Literal Translation
and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it, for in the day of thine eating of it -- dying thou dost die.'
Great and on point! I'll try to remain awake and to prepare the second third of this Naves study.
All true but do you, honestly and with fore thought believe that is all there is to it? God's Wrath, believe it or not comes from His love. But there are still, at least two more parts to this study and being new here you don't know it but I, generally, will not reply if you make a post that tries to hijack the thread and in the Bible study we are required to use scripture to make comments and never to move towards a verbal contest. We just state our message, backed with scripture and move on through the study.

At least that is the idea and it is the reason this study is not posted in a forum where contention is allowed.

May God bless this study to your heart as He is to mine.
(NIV) 1Cor 10:12-13
12 So if you are thinking you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall.
13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

God's Word is Truth, and Truth is unconditional Love. This is the image of God.
To be created in God's image is to have God's Spirit within us.
This is my response to your last sentence,...
But wait a minute... huge problem to resolve, God is eternal and we are created in His image.
... it invites for a solution, so I responded. Sorry my error.
All true but do you, honestly and with fore thought believe that is all there is to it?...
In regards to the Second death? No.
In regards to being created in God's image? Yes.

Sorry th1b.taylor that you considered my response as a means to hijack your thread. It was not in my heart to do that.
Pro 14:12 There is a way--right before a man, And its latter end are ways of death.
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man - This may be his easily besetting sin, the sin of his constitution, the sin of his trade. Or it may be his own false views of religion: he may have an imperfect repentance, a false faith, a very false creed; and he may persuade himself that he is in the direct way to heaven. Many of the papists, when they were burning the saints of God in the flames at Smithfield, thought they were doing God service! And in the late Irish massacre, the more of the Protestants they piked to death, shot, or burnt, the more they believed they deserved of God’s favor and their Church’s gratitude. But cruelty and murder are the short road, the near way, to eternal perdition." Adam Clarke's Commentary

I thought this was your point.....
"a false faith, a very false creed; and he may persuade himself that he is in the direct way to heaven."
Hi. I've asked for this to be ended because even the illiterate Montanyard of Central and Northern, South vietnam understood subject and context in conversing. I'll try this from a different direction but I already have one hyjacking, unashamed, and that is never good for any Bible study. This is dead and over.
I thought this was your point.....
"a false faith, a very false creed; and he may persuade himself that he is in the direct way to heaven."
What happened Deb? This is my 4th name on this site, and I got here when you did. You had grace in your posts. I can hardly even follow what you are saying anymore.
What happened Deb? This is my 4th name on this site, and I got here when you did. You had grace in your posts. I can hardly even follow what you are saying anymore.
Bill is trying to make the point that those who believe that the second death means one dies and is not eternally burning in hell are incorrect in their doctrine.
My post did not disagree with him in anyway. It supported his quote of Proverbs 14:12 in that man thinks his ways are correct but he may be under a false doctrine/false creed.
I fail to see how that is being ungracious in anyway. Please explain your contention with what I posted.
Bill is trying to make the point that those who believe that the second death means one dies and is not eternally burning in hell are incorrect in their doctrine.
My post did not disagree with him in anyway. It supported his quote of Proverbs 14:12 in that man thinks his ways are correct but he may be under a false doctrine/false creed.
I fail to see how that is being ungracious in anyway. Please explain your contention with what I posted.
Well, then it is me. I used to read your posts and they were clear to me. And we were for the most part on the same page. As of late,IMO, you have left the mystery doctrine and went back to the OT. So I have been reading your posts through that bias and not giving you the benefit of the doubt of what you are saying on different subjects. Your still a new Deb to me from what I used to know, so I have to get used to it and pay a little more attention to what you are really saying. Because we have drifted pretty far from each other on our doctrine when We used to be pretty close. So I am still getting used to it.

So I will slow down and read your posts closer.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The second death is the death of the soul.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs, they shall consume, into smoke shall they consume away.

Like fat on a grill the smoke goes up 4ever.

God is a consuming fire.

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever.

The great harlot judged,
And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
Well, then it is me. I used to read your posts and they were clear to me. And we were for the most part on the same page. As of late,IMO, you have left the mystery doctrine and went back to the OT. So I have been reading your posts through that bias and not giving you the benefit of the doubt of what you are saying on different subjects. Your still a new Deb to me from what I used to know, so I have to get used to it and pay a little more attention to what you are really saying. Because we have drifted pretty far from each other on our doctrine when We used to be pretty close. So I am still getting used to it.

So I will slow down and read your posts closer.
I'll do my best to be more clear. I haven't left the mystery doctrine of grace by faith. When I post something from the OT it's not about a doctrine of works, God forbid, it's just that I am seeing more and more how the old is tied to the new. How the old explains some of the doctrine in the new and the Jewish thought patterns.
Abraham was saved by grace through faith and so was David and many others, not by the covenant of works. If anyone understood God's grace/favor, it was David.
My doctrine hasn't changed. I still believe that the only thing that can separate us from the Redeemer is to willingly reject the salvation He has provided. We are justified and sanctified, made righteous, in Christ. It has nothing to do with our works.
But you are right in that my posts have not been as hmm...soft? Thank you for pointing it out to me. :nod
Hi. I've asked for this to be ended because even the illiterate Montanyard of Central and Northern, South vietnam understood subject and context in conversing. I'll try this from a different direction but I already have one hyjacking, unashamed, and that is never good for any Bible study. This is dead and over.
I am sure Bill is referring to me, as the unashamed hijacker.
Bill, I again say that I am sorry you think this of me. I hope you can forgive me, for the sake of your own soul and surviving the second death.

And since Scripture is required to back my words...
Job 36:13 "The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help"
Matt 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Luke 17:1-4 Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves."
"If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."

My prayer for us.
"Dearest Beloved Jesus Christ, please help Bill and I to forgive each other so we no longer bear resentment. That we can realize that even if things do not go our way, that You still love us regardless if we don't think so and look for others in your place. Forgive us Lord Jesus Christ for we often do not know what we are doing. This world is full of traps and subtleties of deception, it gets difficult to keep on top of them. Lord, we need your ever lasting truth, the way, and the life to guide us.
Loving you always. Amen."
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The second death is the death of the soul.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs, they shall consume, into smoke shall they consume away.

Like fat on a grill the smoke goes up 4ever.

God is a consuming fire.

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever.

The great harlot judged,
And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.
All, so, very true. If this string remains here and continues in this spirit, the spirit of a study to learn from, I apologize because I did not prepare the second part but I promise that I will do so tomorrow, if the little girls I'm preparing the 'puters for give me time to think about God for a minute or two. They will be here 'til late tomorrow.

Anyway, great points Dianne.
I am sure Bill is referring to me, as the unashamed hijacker.
Bill, I again say that I am sorry you think this of me. I hope you can forgive me, for the sake of your own soul and surviving the second death.

And since Scripture is required to back my words...
Job 36:13 "The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help"
Matt 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Luke 17:1-4 Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves."
"If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."

My prayer for us.
"Dearest Beloved Jesus Christ, please help Bill and I to forgive each other so we no longer bear resentment. That we can realize that even if things do not go our way, that You still love us regardless if we don't think so and look for others in your place. Forgive us Lord Jesus Christ for we often do not know what we are doing. This world is full of traps and subtleties of deception, it gets difficult to keep on top of them. Lord, we need your ever lasting truth, the way, and the life to guide us.
Loving you always. Amen."
You, now, seem to take the idea I am hating you, you could be no more wrong. I hated the men that fired Chinese Quad Fifties at me. I hated the men that tried to shoot us down with flying telephone poles and I still hate the men that butchered you girls and young women to satisfy their evil desires and I enjoyed killing them.

I have no reason to hate you! Reason to pray for you, yes, but no reason this side nor on the other to hate you. I don't even hate the Hippie that spit in my face on the behalf of the United States Citizenry. II, just, cannot deal with folks that cannot hold two thoughts together and then reason why they connect. Now, hopefully, a Bible Study on the Second death.

Mods, please forgive us. (Further along this line restricted to the IM. Thank you all.)
All, so, very true. If this string remains here and continues in this spirit, the spirit of a study to learn from, I apologize because I did not prepare the second part but I promise that I will do so tomorrow, if the little girls I'm preparing the 'puters for give me time to think about God for a minute or two. They will be here 'til late tomorrow.

Anyway, great points Dianne.
Take your time, I'll be gone for a few days, where there is no internet service.
Talk to you later.


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