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Bible Study The Significance of Job


His banner over us is love!
I won't pretend to be any kind of authority on the book of Job; but this past year it keeps coming up in my biblical studying. Perhaps that is because of major losses I have personally experienced these past few years. I am not sure but I do know that the more I study Job, searching out the context of the scriptures, taking each speech there (Job, his friends, God) and prayerfully reflecting..the more and more I am enlightened and blessed to seek more.

What is your general take on this book? Some scholars and some references point out that it is likely one of the earliest written books in the Old Testament. I do think it needs more attention than it sometimes gets.

In a time when churches preach positive answers to spiritual questions, TV evangelists do a lot of preaching on prosperity, and suffering as usual is not the desired status quo.. So how do we understand Job and yet remain positive?

I have read it and read reflections on it and although what I share and have learned is far from conclusive..I sure do see more each time than I have seen in the past. For one thing I no longer avoid reading Job because who wants to think about his losses and suffering until of course we face our own losses and challenges..then we are prone to ask why. And we may ask:

Does this book have answers to the age old dilemma of faith in the midst of suffering? How does it fit into the promises of God? All questions I have asked and I continue to ask.

Your comments and reflections on the book of Job in it's entirety or else in part..chapters, quotes, characters in the story, etc. most appreciated and encouraged. I think we can learn from this. Please have at it. Thanks in advance.
Well I know that Job's wealth caused some measure of jealousy by his peers. They were sure that all his wealth was either gained by exploiting or robbing others. Then they believed that God was punishing Job for his sins.
Job just wanted an advocate to plead his case with God. (He didn't believe that he was capable of doing it himself)

In the end...
He became an advocate for his friends and much wealthier than ever before.
It was a demonstration of a biblical principle of "first comes judgement then comes blessing"

Earthly life has become our judgement...our heavenly life will be our blessing.
Whenever I read about Job the more I admire him. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong. But he didn't ask why. In chapter 1:21 He blessed the name of the Lord.

Chapter 2:10 he said shall we not accept good from God and also bad.

Later Job is deep in despair. He still cannot find what sin he has done and calls out for God to show him where he has gone wrong. And he asks God why He hasn't forgiven him. Poor Job doesn't your heart go out to Him? He wants to die.

Then he has no mediator. Can you imagine how that must feel? No mediator means you are lost.

His friends accuse him of wickedness many times and mock him. Everyone deserts him. But still he does not lose faith and states that God's judgments are righteous.

God challenges Job with many questions. And Job repent for speaking words he had not understood. God rebuked Jobs friends.

Hooray Job is restored even more than he had. What a man he kept faith, and glorified God all through his many sufferings.
Well I know that Job's wealth caused some measure of jealousy by his peers. They were sure that all his wealth was either gained by exploiting or robbing others. Then they believed that God was punishing Job for his sins.
Job just wanted an advocate to plead his case with God. (He didn't believe that he was capable of doing it himself)

In the end...
He became an advocate for his friends and much wealthier than ever before.
It was a demonstration of a biblical principle of "first comes judgement then comes blessing"

Earthly life has become our judgement...our heavenly life will be our blessing.

This is an awesome insight! I always got absorbed by the prefiguring of Christ as our Advocate with the Father, and missed that Job became the advocate for others that he wanted for himself. What a revelation of who God is, and how He works ...
Your comments and reflections on the book of Job in it's entirety or else in part..chapters, quotes, characters in the story, etc.

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or can you loosen the cords of Orion?
Job 38:31 38:31&version=LEB

With modern technology (radio telescopes measuring doppler shift) we now can show how the stars that form the Pleiades constellation are indeed gravitationally bound together. Moving through the galaxy together, that is. Whereas Orion’s stars are moving away from each other and will eventually no longer form Orion’s belt. Amazing when you think about how long ago this was written.
Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or can you loosen the cords of Orion?
Job 38:31 38:31&version=LEB

With modern technology (radio telescopes measuring doppler shift) we now can show how the stars that form the Pleiades constellation are indeed gravitationally bound together. Moving through the galaxy together, that is. Whereas Orion’s stars are moving away from each other and will eventually no longer form Orion’s belt. Amazing when you think about how long ago this was written.
Definitely amazing..thanks for sharing.
Hi sunflower ,
Like yourself, deep suffering drew me to the book of Job. I've spent more time in that book than I'd like to admit, and I still wrestle with parts of it.

Perhaps the best commentary I've found, and is in my collection comes from Jewish sources. It can be a bit confusing, but with persistence it is ver enlightening. Here is a link if your interested.

Job is parsed into two section. 1, the poem which is the first few chapters and the last few chapters. 2. The middle, and bulk of the book which wrestles with the very nature of God.

Job is part of the wisdom books and Job is thought to be a Gentile during the time of Abraham. He is a religious man an a man the community looked up to. Outwardly, Job was doing all the right things. Inwardly, his relationship with God was transactional. It is very possible to fear God, but not know God. Its possible to know a tremendous amount about God, but fail to truly know God.

A previous poster stated that God never answered Job, and I have heard that from many. However, Job does get his answer, and it comes by way of wisdom, and to bring that wisdom out, much study and soul searching has to occur because just as Job knew much about God that his relationship became transactional, if one tries to formulate Gods answer with the wrong variables. They will never see Gods answer much in the same way Job didnt understand why all that occurred happened to him. In reality, God was on the stand and the question was, is God a just God.

Job 42 King James Version (KJV)
42 Then Job answered the Lord, and said,

2 I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.

3 Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.

4 Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.

5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.

6 Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

Emphasis on verse 5 understanding what Job saw was not physical, but rather Gods very nature. God desires a relationship with us, not rote ritual and transactions.
I won't pretend to be any kind of authority on the book of Job; but this past year it keeps coming up in my biblical studying. Perhaps that is because of major losses I have personally experienced these past few years. I am not sure but I do know that the more I study Job, searching out the context of the scriptures, taking each speech there (Job, his friends, God) and prayerfully reflecting..the more and more I am enlightened and blessed to seek more.

What is your general take on this book? Some scholars and some references point out that it is likely one of the earliest written books in the Old Testament. I do think it needs more attention than it sometimes gets.

In a time when churches preach positive answers to spiritual questions, TV evangelists do a lot of preaching on prosperity, and suffering as usual is not the desired status quo.. So how do we understand Job and yet remain positive?

I have read it and read reflections on it and although what I share and have learned is far from conclusive..I sure do see more each time than I have seen in the past. For one thing I no longer avoid reading Job because who wants to think about his losses and suffering until of course we face our own losses and challenges..then we are prone to ask why. And we may ask:

Does this book have answers to the age old dilemma of faith in the midst of suffering? How does it fit into the promises of God? All questions I have asked and I continue to ask.

Your comments and reflections on the book of Job in it's entirety or else in part..chapters, quotes, characters in the story, etc. most appreciated and encouraged. I think we can learn from this. Please have at it. Thanks in advance.
Before I read the comments, the Book of Job has been central in the building of my Christian Faith through, for me, the central lesson, of the Book. I have learned from experiences and comparing them to the Lesson Teaching Trials of Job to dig deep into the why of any trouble because YHWH, Yashuah ha'Mashimah ande the Ruah will not allow a child to suffer meaningless troubles and trials.

Job learned the very most important lesson a man can learn about being a Child of God... he learned, just how strong his faith was and coupled with Satan's Trial and YHWH's Restoration, there is no better construction method of God given Faith.
I copied this out of my Bible as it goes into a deeper account of Job.

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That's good commentary for the most part. I dont think Job ever questioned Gods sovereignty, but he did question if God was just, which can be found in the later part of 9 through the first part of 10.

In Essence, he understand God is sovereign and there is no one else to put his trust in, no one else to turn to and he wants to put God on trial because he is questioning if God is a just God.

The first several verses of Chapter 27 call God to court, and Job affirms that he is innocent and loyal to God. This section is a very, very good study imo.
That's good commentary for the most part. I dont think Job ever questioned Gods sovereignty, but he did question if God was just, which can be found in the later part of 9 through the first part of 10.

In Essence, he understand God is sovereign and there is no one else to put his trust in, no one else to turn to and he wants to put God on trial because he is questioning if God is a just God.

The first several verses of Chapter 27 call God to court, and Job affirms that he is innocent and loyal to God. This section is a very, very good study imo.

I agree Job never did question God's sovereignty. It was more or less a why me questioning, Job 3, coming out of his distress as Job never lost faith in God,. If we go back to the beginning of Job IMO God was actually proving a point to Satan that no one, including Satan, can snatch anyone out of Gods hands that are already His own, John 10:28-30, no matter what they face here on earth. Our struggles are to make us stronger as we trust God in all things and never lose faith as we can not reason the ways of God.
I agree Job never did question God's sovereignty. It was more or less a why me questioning, Job 3, coming out of his distress as Job never lost faith in God,. If we go back to the beginning of Job IMO God was actually proving a point to Satan that no one, including Satan, can snatch anyone out of Gods hands that are already His own, John 10:28-30, no matter what they face here on earth. Our struggles are to make us stronger as we trust God in all things and never lose faith as we can not reason the ways of God.
Yeah, it certainly was a "why me" type of deal. God himself said,
Job 1:8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”

Job is catagorized as a Mashal, which is similar to a parable, yet much more because it is a story with intent. Nowhere else in scripture is the human soul laid bare exposing the deepest questions on suffering.

God knew Job, and knew he would endure because similar to the Apostles in John 6, where was Job to go?

At its core, Job addresses suffering. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow this, or why does God allow that. Why is life so unfair.

Job was a good man, and his actions bore fruit of his dedication and loyalty to God. So why did a house fall on his kids killing them all, and why did thieves steal all of his wealth. Why do we work so hard to do what's right, and still get treated so badly by others or circumstance? If God is good, then why does God allow these things to occur and if so, how does Gods economy work?

What we learn in Gods reply is not necessarily a chastising of Job by God, but rather an explanation by God that He has set boundaries on all things. Harken back to what he said to Satan, because He set the boundaries in the same way He sets the boundaries of the oceans. Yes. Tsunamis can cause great damage, but they will never flood the world. Yes, tornados will knock down shelters and kill loved ones, but many will be ok. All the things that happened to Job continue to happen today. I've burried two of my children, yet I have surviving children and am blessed. I know people who lost their home and savings, it happens. Its the world we live in. A world where God still puts limits on the suffering that occures.

When we look at the boheimeth, it has a powerful "tail" aka sex organ. If used properly, it brings about great joy for a Father and Mother, and the children are blessed. Yet how many homes have been ruined by infidelity? How many kids grew up with a deadbeat dad? You see, while some things are out of our control, others are not. Yet there is always ripple in either direction.
Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Job may have questioned all that was happening and felt so much distress, but yet never gave up on his faith in God as he placed God above all that he had. I love the above verses as when the oppressor (Satan) comes as he will to always tempt us into losing our faith my mindset has to be on things from above as God will never leave us or forsake us.
You hear so many people saying "poor Job", but Job was more blessed in the end then from the beginning as even though he knew not why he still trusted God in His purpose for letting all of this happen to him.

I know what it is to lose everything you had by unforeseen circumstances only to be blessed above and beyond that of what I could have ever imagined in my life. Faith is a powerful stronghold to cling to.
You hear so many people saying "poor Job", but Job was more blessed in the end then from the beginning as even though he knew not why he still trusted God in His purpose for letting all of this happen to him.

I know what it is to lose everything you had by unforeseen circumstances only to be blessed above and beyond that of what I could have ever imagined in my life. Faith is a powerful stronghold to cling to.

I know a gal who lost her only two children. They were young adults and died within 2 years of each other. Her husband shut down and rarely leaves the house and he has no visitors. I've known her for at least 15 years and he still suffers with deep depression. Both of their sons died in tragic, unforeseeable accidents. She struggles with God, and leans more toward Athiesm than Christianity. I understand her pain, and she blames God. In her mind, God hurt her, and it's easier to not believe in God when you feel like God broke your heart. It's about trust, I think anyway and like Jobs "friends", the church tries to tell her what she's doing wrong and how she is thinking wrong, instead of listening to her, and helping her through it.

Sometimes I think it scares those around you when they see you going through something that scares them. They mean well, but they are mostly responding out of fear and confusion themselves.

But your right, God doesnt leave us, nor forsake us, even if we say things that are not true about God and even when we reject Him because we are hurting.
I know a gal who lost her only two children. They were young adults and died within 2 years of each other. Her husband shut down and rarely leaves the house and he has no visitors. I've known her for at least 15 years and he still suffers with deep depression. Both of their sons died in tragic, unforeseeable accidents. She struggles with God, and leans more toward Athiesm than Christianity. I understand her pain, and she blames God. In her mind, God hurt her, and it's easier to not believe in God when you feel like God broke your heart. It's about trust, I think anyway and like Jobs "friends", the church tries to tell her what she's doing wrong and how she is thinking wrong, instead of listening to her, and helping her through it.

Sometimes I think it scares those around you when they see you going through something that scares them. They mean well, but they are mostly responding out of fear and confusion themselves.

But your right, God doesnt leave us, nor forsake us, even if we say things that are not true about God and even when we reject Him because we are hurting.

One of my pet- peeves is when someone says "I know how you feel". No, they do not as they have never been through what another is going through. People do not need to hear what they should do, they just need someone who will listen to them as they need to just talk it all out in order to make sense of things.
One of my pet- peeves is when someone says "I know how you feel". No, they do not as they have never been through what another is going through. People do not need to hear what they should do, they just need someone who will listen to them as they need to just talk it all out in order to make sense of things.
Yup, and that's certainly one of the lessons of Job :)

You'll notice that his friends sit respectfully with him in his silence for days and when Job speaks, he is so consumed in his grief that his first words are some of the most gut wrenching, raw, truthful words to come out a human soul.

Some might consider Job as unthankful to his friends because he does not embrace them and say, "Thank you for sitting with me". But this shows us how consumed in his anguish he was suffering. Its deep...

But Jobs friends dont understand and because of their beliefs on howthe world, and how God operates, they take offence. And because theyare offended, instead of shutting their mouths and consoling him, they end up lecturing him, which turns into a debate.... sound familiar?