Elijah I can guess you are very educated and I appreciate that. But you never cease to confuse me with your writings.

You are one person I would like to have a "verbal" discussion with.
What I can say is this.....I don't think any of this is tricky. I personally believe that there is confusion about God's nature based on what most Christians are taught about this before they even have time to pick up the bible and read it for themselves.
So, imho, and yes we will have to agree to disagree, I see in scriptures that God the Father begot his Son, who by the very nature of the word
begot, would cause his Son to be Divine/God just like the One who begot him. This follows the
rules of nature, in which each species begets it own kind. So if God the Father begot a Son, why would the Son have a nature different than his Father? He would be God too!
And while scriptures recognize the Son's divinity, imho they are clear that the Father is the boss and called God, and the Son (who for practical purposes shares the Father's divinity) does not share his Father's rank. So in scriptures the Son calls his Father God...correction the
True God, the apostles call the Father God and we are told specifically the Son is Mediator and High Priest.
Scriptures also state the Son (if you believe Prov 8) was born before creation began. And when the beginning did start, God the Father created the universe and all we see within it (kingdoms, earth, sky, powers seen, unseen, people, etc) through his Son. So when we see in Gen, the Creation Story, God saying "let us make man..." it is obvious (to me at least) that God the Father is speaking to His Son, the architect by His side. Afterall, there are scriptures clearly stating that God the Father created through his Son and that the Son was present in the beginning....the beginning of our creation....the only beginning we have record of.
Knowing all of that, why would "us" be angels speaking when we know that during creation Father and Son were present together....one creating thru the other. Why wouldn't they talk to each other?
-The Father begot a Son
-The Father gave his Son all authority
-The Father created the world thru his Son
-The Father sent his Son into the world to take human form
-The Son revealed the Father's plan
-The Son confessed the Father as his God and our true God
-The Son died and went back to his Father's side, where he awaits the Father's appointed time to return
-The Son will destroy death and the grave
-The Son will turn all authority back over to his Father
-When we enter heaven the Son will write on us his name and His Father's name
I respect your opinons but to be honest, the Father/Son relationship described in scriptures between God the Father and his Son is so pure and simple to me that I cannot go back to the confusion I used to live in about their relationship.