- Jan 18, 2017
- 462
- 29
today its a view, in those old days it was accepted.That is just one view, a theory. Don't state it as fact. For all intents and purposes, it's linear. Biblically speaking, time began and will end, hence it is linear.
i will find some things, but even your mainstream theologians agree on this.Proof please.
but the bible does not give a detailed explanation either way. we have doctrines that are taught to the masses that do mislead the masses that pre existence is non biblical. when the fact if the bible says little about it.This has nothing to do with thinking outside the box; it has everything to do with what the Bible says. If you think you have some novel new idea about something Scripture says, chances are exceedingly high that it is wrong. There is only one who existed before they were conceived, and that is Jesus.
there are other verses but im not letting this one go for now. there was something in that verse that was spoken of as being known, being ordained, until you can explain what that something is im not moving on to something else. ignoring what scripture says is a serious mistake in my opinion.Again, you are taking a single verse and making a doctrine from it. That is a serious mistake.
why leave rome out of it when its very relevant to the point, they were the ones that changed this idea. i know you dont like that but it is in fact true.Please leave comments about Rome out of it. And please, once again, provide proof that "most theologians in the days of Jesus and the 12 did believe it." I'm seeing a whole lot of conjecture from you but no substance, no evidence.