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[_ Old Earth _] the sun orbits the earth?

Your disbelief about any of these missions is not evidential. Until you can provide credible evidence to back up your unsupported assertions, they remain no more than conspiracy fantasies.

Do you believe everything that is released by NASA without question? Will you believe when you see Pheonix Mars Lander images of little green men waving at you on a youtube vid? Will you worship the image of the beast?

Not 'heaviness', gravity.

Its the same thing::

grav·i·ty from the Latin Gravitas (weight/heavyness)

1. the force of attraction that moves or tends to move bodies towards the centre of a celestial body, such as the earth or moon (weight)
2. the property of being heavy or having weight (heavy)

Thats all the word means......heavyness. Or is this gonna be another Science/Knowledge exercise in dictionary denial?

Gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses concerned. In a way, the atmosphere is collapsed by the gravitational force of Earth (think how much more tenuous is the atmosphere of Mars, for example) so that the air is denser at lower altitudes as the gases of the atmosphere are compressed by that force. But because gravity is not the only force acting on those gases, compression does not 'flatten' the atmosphere to Earth's surface: there is the weak centrifugal force already referred to; in addition, the gas molecules have kinetic energy (temperature) and move in random directions because of this energy; some gas molecules are more massive than others and push them out of the way (which is why there isn't much free hydrogen in the atmosphere); and finally gas molecules are actually resistant to compression as described by the ideal gas law.

You just made all that up. Show me science papers or quotes or something. Anything.

You may find David Andrews' An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics (Cambridge University Press, 2000, ISBN 978-0521629584) sheds more light on this than I have apparently been able to do. want me to read the entire theoretical book? No ta. Quote a chapter where sychronisation of the atmosphere and spinning Earth is dealt with.
Hmm, so NASA had the better part of a decade to prepare for the fake Moon mission and the best they could come up with in that time in the way of awesomely cool kit is what looks to you like black paper and Scotch tape? It's strange that the Soviets never pointed the finger of accusation at this hoax, but then perhaps their own Lunokhod missions were fakes too and they don't want to go around stirring up the mud? Hmm, but then how come the Lunokhod retroreflectors can be used to bounce back laser pulses from Earth-based telescopes? Oh, and who put out the retroreflectors that the Apollo astronauts deployed on the Lunar surface? And while I think about it, what about those faked photos of the Apollo 11, 15, 16 and 17 landers taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter? Exactly how far does this conspiracy extend?

The conspiracy extends as far as humanly possible. Would you expect anything less from Satan? Honestly?

You mean recon photo's like this?


LOLZ! Dont you have any photos taken by hubble that show close ups of all the equipment on the moon? Hubble can see galaxies billions of light years away. Cant you point it at the moon?
Your hero of ralativity Einstein seems to have understood. Even he had to admit....
When all else fails, why not sneer at what you imagine to be the level of my admiration for Einstein (whose name I have not even mentioned in my posts, as far as I can recollect)?
Nope. No mention of 'relativeness' of time and motion. He sees it as simply an explanation for Coreolis and why the pendulum is dragged around. A GEOCENTRIC explanation. Are you so blinded by your indoctrination that you cannot accept this?
I am sure it was simply an oversight that you chose to offer your quotation from Einstein's 25 June 1923 letter to Ernst Mach without the last seven words: with a practically unmeasurably small angular velocity. As I'm certain you wouldn't want to be accused of quotemining, perhaps you can account for the difference between this ‘unmeasurably small angular velocity’ that apparently provides good evidence for a geocentric (I don’t think capitalization is really necessary, as it neither adds to nor detracts from the validity of the idea, even if it appears that it might) and the measured angular velocities at different latitudes that provide good evidence for a rotating Earth and, by inference, a heliocentric explanation.
Name one law of physics that our geocentric Earth doesn't comply with.
Umm, conservation of angular momentum?
There is when you say that the Bible does not provide evidence of the existance of God.
The point is that the Bible’s claim that it provides evidence of the existence of God cannot be used to validate that the Bible provides evidence of the existence of God. This is the nature of the question begging being illustrated and actually says nothing at all about the validity of that evidence. I guess heresy is in the eye of the fervent believer.
It's the same thing unless the hypotheses can be scientifically tested. Which makes it a scientific hypotheses.
And how is this hypothesis not scientifically tested? The tests are applied and used to determine whether or not the hypothesis is supported or falsified.
Yeah...It's an assumption because no real science has ever proved it.
As they say, proof is for mathematics and alcohol; science deals with evidence and there is quite a lot of evidence for Earth orbiting the Sun.

That aside, you appear to be terminally confused as to the distinction between an hypothesis and an assumption, but I can see why you would want to muddy the waters in this case. In philosophy, an hypothesis is a proposition made as a basis for reasoning without any assumption as to its truth. In science a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon, in this case that the complicated movements of the planets seen from Earth and the slower eastward circle of the Sun over the year, for example. The scientific test is to take multiple measurements of the apparent positions of particular stars over the course of a year and to draw inferences from the observed data. That data supports the hypothesis and the hypothesis is therefore strengthened. I still await your better explanation of that data; simply repeating ‘circular reasoning’ is not an explanation.
The method uses the first assumption to collect the observed data. Circular reasoning.
Balderdash. The data is collected at different times of the year. How does this equate to a ‘method’ based on the ‘assumption’ that Earth moves? Will the data be different if the ‘assumption’ is made that Earth doesn’t move? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Lolz! HUH!?
I’m afraid that’s what testing a hypothesis is about: as a general rule, a hypothesis can be falsified, but it is a great deal more difficult to show that it is absolutely true. The observed data gathered from measurements of stellar parallax could immediately disprove the hypothesis of a Sun-orbiting Earth, but they didn’t.
As I've shown, when the bedrock of the method of observation which supports the hypotheses......IS THE's circular. It's a perfect example of circular. You cant get more circular.....unlesss your talking circle
And you cannot be more mistaken. You have shown nothing of the assert, although you have asserted a great deal to the effect.
The cause of stellar parallax in your examples is false science and circular fallacies. I'm convinced your trolling now because no-one can be this dense.
When all else fails revert to ad hominems as it’s obvious that anyone who disagrees with and offers arguments against your assertions must be ‘dense’ and can only be ‘trolling’ and purposefully antagonizing you by posting incorrect information (such as the evidence provided by measurements of stellar parallax), asking blatantly stupid questions (such as asking you to support various assertions you have made in respect of my arguments) and wise-crackery (such as this reply).
However, you are the only person willing to come up against me on this topic so I guess it gives me the opportunity to destroy your theoretical hornswaggle so others may see it for what it's worth. But just FYI......your overdoing the parallax thing now and making yourself look a tad silly.
I am sure you sincerely believe this, but then I suppose you have to.
Sure bud. They assume that the Earth is 186 million miles from where it actually is every six months which means all their calculations are off by a ratio of 23,250 to one. Simples.
Simply saying this explains nothing. The data from the observations are what drive the calculations. Please elaborate how your assertion about the calculations being ‘off by a ratio of 23,250 to one’ accounts for what the data from the observations actually demonstrates.
Its not simple trigonometry when one of the points that make up the baseline is a pure assumption. It's false trig.
Your resistance to this exercise is becoming increasingly desperate. There is no ‘assumption’; it’s an exercise to demonstrate the potential differences in observations made from (a) a theoretically non-moving Earth and (b) a theoretically moving Earth that orbits the Sun.
Lolz. Can you think of a less theoretical way? To your reasoning there IS no real science. When you measure the boiling point of a liquid, thats not real because it doesnt necessarily apply to a different batch of the same liquid? So everything is theoretical! Einstein seemed to be satisfied with the conclusions but your not? Why?
I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Some theoretical science has practical applications and consequences; other theoretical science doesn’t.
Theres no evidence for countless billions of anything. We can see 6,000 stars with the naked eye and a handful of planets. Hubble sees billions of reflections, nothing more. Earth is the centre of Gods attention and the centre of His universe. Stationary and fixed as per scripture.
You seriously expect me to swallow this unadulterated nonsense? You are aware that Hubble isn’t the only observational tool that shows far more than 6,000 stars exist? Weird how those ‘reflections’ are all, you know, different. We can’t see the moons of Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus with the naked eye. Do you imagine this means they don’t exist or that what we see through telescopes are just reflections? Does anything that we can’t see with the ‘naked eye’ ipso facto not exist?
Do you believe in God Kalvan? I ask in all sincerity.
How is this relevant? Maybe you should take it up with the Christian Association of Stellar Explorers who have no trouble at all in reconciling their faith and their observations.
Most christian churches are apostate so that doesn't worry me in the slightest. They follow all manner of funky doctrines.
Talking of fallacies, glad to see you espousing one of your own.
Do you believe everything that is released by NASA without question? Will you believe when you see Pheonix Mars Lander images of little green men waving at you on a youtube vid? Will you worship the image of the beast?
Well, as you have so far provided no credible evidence of this hoax, meantime I'll take the evidence provided by NASA, the ESA, the China National Space Administration, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the space agencies of dozens of other countries and the astronomy and astrophysics departments of countless universities over your allegations of hoax and fraud.

Do you not find it even mildly thought-provoking to consider that the exploration of the Solar System amounts to nothing so much as one great con trick exercised on an ignorant population by a global-spanning conspiracy yet that conspiracy is incompetent enough to be detected by the likes of yourself and, despite the huge budget and dedicated minions at its disposal in every country in the world, is quite unable to suppress the existence of that hoax and silencing those who uncover it?
Its the same thing…

Thats all the word means......heavyness. Or is this gonna be another Science/Knowledge exercise in dictionary denial?
In terms of popular understanding, your definition has some merit. However, in terms of physics – which I rather thought was what we were discussing – ‘heaviness’ and ‘gravity’ are not synonymous and cannot be used interchangeably as such. Gravity in this sense is an attractive force that exists between any two masses. However, it’s probably not worth arguing about and if you want to regard the two as synonymous, do so.
You just made all that up. Show me science papers or quotes or something. Anything.
Give me a break. You think gravitational force isn’t inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two masses? You think gas molecules don’t possess kinetic energy when they become heated by, for example, the Sun or by compression? You think some gases aren’t lighter than others? You think Earth’s atmosphere is replete with free hydrogen? You don’t think the ideal gas law is anything other than a figment of my imagination? Go find a bsic textbook on the physics of gases. Failing that, you may find some useful information here: Gas Laws - The Physics Hypertextbook. want me to read the entire theoretical book? No ta. Quote a chapter where sychronisation of the atmosphere and spinning Earth is dealt with.
Your laziness is not my responsibility to deal with. Go find your own chapter. According to you it’s all just ‘quackery’ and ‘false science’ anyway, isn’t it, so what difference would it make?
The conspiracy extends as far as humanly possible. Would you expect anything less from Satan? Honestly?
Well yes, that convinces me. I note that 'as far as humanly possible' didn't extend quite far enough to include you, however. As you have already established in your own mind that I am atheist, why would you expect me to think that Satan is any less a product of the mythology of a pre-scientific culture than are Seth, Ometotchtli, Hermes or Anansi?
You mean recon photo's like this?...
Yes. But you might also want to consider the other points I raised. You may also enjoy scoffing at the LRO photo analysis of the Apollo 14 site discussed in greater detail here:

NASA - 3D Measurements of Apollo 14 Landing Site

LOLZ! Dont you have any photos taken by hubble that show close ups of all the equipment on the moon? Hubble can see galaxies billions of light years away. Cant you point it at the moon?
You can see the Andromeda galaxy with your unaided on a moonless night. Can your eye resolve individual stars within that galaxy? No? Why not? What type of optical telescope does Hubble use? What is the size of it's mirror? Do you understand the uniformed nature of the point you are trying to make?

The Hubble OTA has a resolution of just about 0.0483 arc seconds which, given the distance from Hubble to the Moon, if you do the math (please feel free to interject 'quackery' here) works out at the OTA being only able to image objects greater than about 90m across. For your information, the LEM measures about 4.3m wide. Given its greater proximity to Earth (about 600 km, around 1/600th of Hubble's closest approach to the Moon), absent atmospheric distortion the OTA could make out an object about 14 cm wide.
I am sure it was simply an oversight that you chose to offer your quotation from Einstein's 25 June 1923 letter to Ernst Mach without the last seven words: with a practically unmeasurably small angular velocity. As I'm certain you wouldn't want to be accused of quotemining, perhaps you can account for the difference between this ‘unmeasurably small angular velocity’ that apparently provides good evidence for a geocentric (I don’t think capitalization is really necessary, as it neither adds to nor detracts from the validity of the idea, even if it appears that it might) and the measured angular velocities at different latitudes that provide good evidence for a rotating Earth and, by inference, a heliocentric explanation.

Really confusing Kalv. The whole thing seems to be warping your logic.

Umm, conservation of angular momentum?

LOLZ> You just get funnier dont you. A stationary Earth has no momentum to conserve. Duh?!

The point is that the Bible’s claim that it provides evidence of the existence of God cannot be used to validate that the Bible provides evidence of the existence of God. This is the nature of the question begging being illustrated and actually says nothing at all about the validity of that evidence. I guess heresy is in the eye of the fervent believer.

Depends whether you believe the Bible is the Word of God. You obviously dont.

And how is this hypothesis not scientifically tested? The tests are applied and used to determine whether or not the hypothesis is supported or falsified.

As they say, proof is for mathematics and alcohol; science deals with evidence and there is quite a lot of evidence for Earth orbiting the Sun.

That aside, you appear to be terminally confused as to the distinction between an hypothesis and an assumption, but I can see why you would want to muddy the waters in this case. In philosophy, an hypothesis is a proposition made as a basis for reasoning without any assumption as to its truth. In science a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon, in this case that the complicated movements of the planets seen from Earth and the slower eastward circle of the Sun over the year, for example. The scientific test is to take multiple measurements of the apparent positions of particular stars over the course of a year and to draw inferences from the observed data. That data supports the hypothesis and the hypothesis is therefore strengthened. I still await your better explanation of that data; simply repeating ‘circular reasoning’ is not an explanation.

It's a perfect explanation. Your using a premise to prove a premise. Quack quack! Do you have compass handy Kalv? Lolz!

Balderdash. The data is collected at different times of the year. How does this equate to a ‘method’ based on the ‘assumption’ that Earth moves? Will the data be different if the ‘assumption’ is made that Earth doesn’t move? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Because halfway through the year they assume that the Earth is 186 million miles away. Lol. Can you say quack Kalv. Your sprouting yellow feathers buddy. Lol.

I’m afraid that’s what testing a hypothesis is about: as a general rule, a hypothesis can be falsified, but it is a great deal more difficult to show that it is absolutely true. The observed data gathered from measurements of stellar parallax could immediately disprove the hypothesis of a Sun-orbiting Earth, but they didn’t.

They didnt no. Cos they shifted the baseline by 186 million miles so why would it? Lol.....Oh Kalv I cant quite make up my mind...but maybe this circular quackery is actually working on you. It has you so hoodwinked that you actually believe it. It's quite staggering to see false science in action like this. Thanks so much for coming here and chatting with me to show me how blinded people can be by assumption based science. They really are quite clever how they fool people so badly that even when they are confronted with the truth the self-defence mechanism just kicks in so hard that they go into a hardcore state of denial. I'm praying for you...truly.

And you cannot be more mistaken. You have shown nothing of the assert, although you have asserted a great deal to the effect.

Take off the blinkers and you might see it.

Simply saying this explains nothing. The data from the observations are what drive the calculations. Please elaborate how your assertion about the calculations being ‘off by a ratio of 23,250 to one’ accounts for what the data from the observations actually demonstrates.

You keep missing my explanations cos you have selective vision. Go back over my posts without the blinkers and you will see.

Your resistance to this exercise is becoming increasingly desperate. There is no ‘assumption’; it’s an exercise to demonstrate the potential differences in observations made from (a) a theoretically non-moving Earth and (b) a theoretically moving Earth that orbits the Sun.

So can we then add in (c) a theoretically moving Earth that orbits mercury. Oh joy! Now we can prove the Earth orbits mercury!

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Some theoretical science has practical applications and consequences; other theoretical science doesn’t.

But no theoretical science proves anything.

You seriously expect me to swallow this unadulterated nonsense? You are aware that Hubble isn’t the only observational tool that shows far more than 6,000 stars exist? Weird how those ‘reflections’ are all, you know, different. We can’t see the moons of Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus with the naked eye. Do you imagine this means they don’t exist or that what we see through telescopes are just reflections? Does anything that we can’t see with the ‘naked eye’ ipso facto not exist?

No it doesnt mean they dont exist. Everything you see exists. But it doesn't mean you can give them names like galaxies and nebulas and expect people to believe you.

How is this relevant? Maybe you should take it up with the Christian Association of Stellar Explorers who have no trouble at all in reconciling their faith and their observations.

Many are decieved its true. Even most within the Body.
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Well, as you have so far provided no credible evidence of this hoax, meantime I'll take the evidence provided by NASA, the ESA, the China National Space Administration, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the space agencies of dozens of other countries and the astronomy and astrophysics departments of countless universities over your allegations of hoax and fraud.

Fine. Continue to be decieved by men of this world.

Do you not find it even mildly thought-provoking to consider that the exploration of the Solar System amounts to nothing so much as one great con trick exercised on an ignorant population by a global-spanning conspiracy yet that conspiracy is incompetent enough to be detected by the likes of yourself and, despite the huge budget and dedicated minions at its disposal in every country in the world, is quite unable to suppress the existence of that hoax and silencing those who uncover it?

Yes it's very thought provoking. It makes me think that the Bible was right. The whole world will be decieved.

In terms of popular understanding, your definition has some merit. However, in terms of physics – which I rather thought was what we were discussing – ‘heaviness’ and ‘gravity’ are not synonymous and cannot be used interchangeably as such. Gravity in this sense is an attractive force that exists between any two masses. However, it’s probably not worth arguing about and if you want to regard the two as synonymous, do so.

Yeah. Heavyness.

Give me a break. You think gravitational force isn’t inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two masses? You think gas molecules don’t possess kinetic energy when they become heated by, for example, the Sun or by compression? You think some gases aren’t lighter than others? You think Earth’s atmosphere is replete with free hydrogen? You don’t think the ideal gas law is anything other than a figment of my imagination? Go find a bsic textbook on the physics of gases. Failing that, you may find some useful information here: Gas Laws - The Physics Hypertextbook.

Forgive me. I meant the part where you tie it all in to the sychronicity of the atmosphere with an alledged spinning Earth. Thats the bit I want documentation on.

Your links dont work by the way. Keep forgetting to tell you. Try hitting the "insert link" button in the toolbar and do it that way rather than pasting the address straight into your post. I've been having more luck that way recently.

Your laziness is not my responsibility to deal with. Go find your own chapter. According to you it’s all just ‘quackery’ and ‘false science’ anyway, isn’t it, so what difference would it make?

Lolz. Why are you even bothering with me then? :chin
Yes. But you might also want to consider the other points I raised. You may also enjoy scoffing at the LRO photo analysis of the Apollo 14 site discussed in greater detail here:

NASA - 3D Measurements of Apollo 14 Landing Site

Well your link didnt work but I googled it and....LOLZ! Yes! Your right...I did enjoy scoffing at those pics immencely. I just have to post some of these for the benefit of others...they are so funny:::


Look! It's real! Cant you see??? We've even put blue lines in and a big red dot to make it clearer!!! It's the landing site...Promise! Bahh! :)

This next ones hilarious:


Theres the landing module in red! SEE!!!!! It's real! that proves it!! :lol

You can see the Andromeda galaxy with your unaided on a moonless night. Can your eye resolve individual stars within that galaxy? No? Why not? What type of optical telescope does Hubble use? What is the size of it's mirror? Do you understand the uniformed nature of the point you are trying to make?

The Hubble OTA has a resolution of just about 0.0483 arc seconds which, given the distance from Hubble to the Moon, if you do the math (please feel free to interject 'quackery' here) works out at the OTA being only able to image objects greater than about 90m across. For your information, the LEM measures about 4.3m wide. Given its greater proximity to Earth (about 600 km, around 1/600th of Hubble's closest approach to the Moon), absent atmospheric distortion the OTA could make out an object about 14 cm wide.

Whatever Kalv. With all our technology and satellites that can read a vehicle number plate from space we can't zoom in on the moons surface to look at the good 'ole USA flag? Yeah right.


Since men first considered the sky above them, their senses have told them that the sun, moon and stars are revolving around our stationary earth. We do not feel the earth spinning beneath our feet, or rushing around the sun. Simple observation led scholars
like Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe to the logical conclusion of geocentrism. The earth is what she appears to be - the unique world at the center of the universe.

This empirical model, unfortunately, was rejected by men like Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. These irrational sun-worshippers convinced the world that our earth is just one of many moving planets.


Honest reflection tells us that human beings are as utterly unique among animals as is the earth among the heavens. We possess language, ethics and technology - we are simply not mere beasts. But Darwin claimed otherwise. What Copernicus did to the
earth, Darwin did to the earthlings - reducing us to one of many evolving animals. No one has ever observed macro-evolution. It is as far beyond our senses as the motion of the earth.

Yet millions do see evolution on a weekly basis! TV shows like "Star Trek" portray for us a universe rich with advanced "humanoid" beings. It is a basic dogma of humanism that Extra Terrestrials must exist. After all, if evolution happened here - and if we are one
speck among trillions - it must have happened other places as well. Taxpayer dollars are wasted listening for our fellow beings from outer space. Why can't they be found?


The error in this equation is not the logic, but the premises. Neither heliocentrism nor evolutionism is true. Therefore, the conclusions carefully drawn from them are false. The earth is still, and we are alone in the universe. The sun, moon and stars are
planets. You can see them move with your own eyes. God made these heavenly bodies to give us day and night, the lunar month, the north star for navigation, and other such useful information. Any fool can see that the extant universe is designed for earthlings.


Man is unique, whether he is comfortable with his uniqueness or not. No animal shares our consciousness, conscience, aesthetics or language ability. And there are no little green men out there seeking our company. Science Fiction must give way to reality.
The cosmos is an orderly creation. Men who will not seek their Creator are alone indeed.

Heliocentrism plus evolution equals jar jar binks. Geocentrism plus creationism equals Biblical Christianity. Both equations are correctly stated; only the second one has correct starting data.
Well you could start by using trigonometric points that are actually real!

1) A point on one side of our stationary Earth

2) A point on the other side of our stationary Earth

3) The star / planet

Obviously this only gives us a baseline of 8,000 miles so this parallax is useful only for close objects such as the Moon and perhaps a few planets.

Which was actually how it was originally done. In 1672 Cassini and Jean Richer, made concurrent observations of Mars from Paris and French Guiana, respectively, to determine the distance from Earth to Mars. This then allowed them to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which allows us to calculate the orbital radius of any observable planet around the Sun.

So, Sinth, going back to your original point about ridiculous speeds to get around the Earth....The proof that calculations of "nearby" star distances are dependent upon the heliocentric assumption of a rotating, orbiting Earth couldn’t be more clear. What we have here is mathematical tautology, pure and simple, viz.,: The earth orbits the sun and provides a parallax figure which pushes even the close stars out 23,250 times further than they would be if a non-moving earth parallax were used. Then the light-year distances derived from this slight of hand are used to "prove" that the earth cannot be stationary because the stars are too far away to get around nightly!

Not talking about stars; we're talking about Neptune, whose position relative to the Earth and Sun has been determined using your preferred method. Specifically, the fact that for Neptune to orbit the Earth every 24hrs it would have to exceed the speed of light.
Which was actually how it was originally done. In 1672 Cassini and Jean Richer, made concurrent observations of Mars from Paris and French Guiana, respectively, to determine the distance from Earth to Mars. This then allowed them to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which allows us to calculate the orbital radius of any observable planet around the Sun.

Not talking about stars; we're talking about Neptune, whose position relative to the Earth and Sun has been determined using your preferred method. Specifically, the fact that for Neptune to orbit the Earth every 24hrs it would have to exceed the speed of light.

Ok lets see your documentation please Sinth.

Wheres the math that shows this?
lol, i have a theoritical condition in my chest, yup its not really there just a speculation.

that cough, yup mustnt be real yet as i cant seem to know what is the cause.

asthma its just a theretical condition that kills many, all dreamed up. since we theorised how the lungs absorb oxygen, and also we have never really seen that cause of asthma just observed and theorised the effects of those observations.
Really confusing Kalv. The whole thing seems to be warping your logic.
I'm sorry that you don't realize that leaving out the omitted qualification changes the inferences you are attempting to draw from Einstein's comment. Of course, it may be that the source you derived this quotation from didn't include these words. Why do you think that might be?
LOLZ> You just get funnier dont you. A stationary Earth has no momentum to conserve. Duh?!
Except that if earth was formed in the same way as every other significant cosmological body that we are aware of, i.e. from a collapsed cloud of gas the dust, the slightest asymmetry in the structure of the cloud leads the entire system to rotate. If the Sun and every other planet and moon is rotating, the Earth would have been rotating. Absent that rotation, objects would simply fall into the gravity-well of the Sun. In order to stay in orbit where it is, Earth has o be rotating (and conserving angular momentum) or it would fall into the Sun.
Depends whether you believe the Bible is the Word of God. You obviously dont.
Whether I 'believe' the Bible or not, this does not alter the fact that the example I gave illustrated circular reasoning.
It's a perfect explanation. Your using a premise to prove a premise. Quack quack! Do you have compass handy Kalv? Lolz!
You clearly do not have a grasp of what circular reasoning constitutes. There is absolutely nothing circular in the hypothesis posed and the observations made in respect of stellar parallax. You have entirely failed to support your assertion that it amounts to question begging, beyond repeating your mantra of circular reasoning as if simple repetition is sufficient to establish the validity of the assertion.
Because halfway through the year they assume that the Earth is 186 million miles away. Lol. Can you say quack Kalv. Your sprouting yellow feathers buddy. Lol.
Another unsupported question that fails to address the questions it is supposedly responding to.
They didnt no. Cos they shifted the baseline by 186 million miles so why would it? Lol.....Oh Kalv I cant quite make up my mind...but maybe this circular quackery is actually working on you. It has you so hoodwinked that you actually believe it. It's quite staggering to see false science in action like this. Thanks so much for coming here and chatting with me to show me how blinded people can be by assumption based science. They really are quite clever how they fool people so badly that even when they are confronted with the truth the self-defence mechanism just kicks in so hard that they go into a hardcore state of denial. I'm praying for you...truly.
More rhetorical bluster that explains nothing. 'They' do not 'shift...the baseline', the observed data indicates that the position from which the observations have been made has shifted over time. If it had not shifted over time, their would be no variation in the observations. You have yet to offer an account that explains this these observations in terms of a stationary Earth, presumably because you are unable to and must instead try to rubbish the methodology.
Take off the blinkers and you might see it.
It's hard to see what doesn't exist.
You keep missing my explanations cos you have selective vision. Go back over my posts without the blinkers and you will see.
Nope, I read your assertions and recognize them for what they are.
So can we then add in (c) a theoretically moving Earth that orbits mercury. Oh joy! Now we can prove the Earth orbits mercury!
This is a massive red herring that is presumably designed to allow you to evade the point yet again. You accuse others of trolling, but you display some of the characteristics of the troll yourself.
But no theoretical science proves anything.
Proof is for mathematics and alcohol. Theoretical science may be supported by observed, measured and analysed data that provides evidence to confirm it.
No it doesnt mean they dont exist. Everything you see exists. But it doesn't mean you can give them names like galaxies and nebulas and expect people to believe you.
As an explanation of your assertion about 'reflections', this is wholly inadequate. I'm not even sure that it makes sense as it doesn't exactly square with your assertion about 'billions of reflections' (of what, one is prompted to ask, and how do you know?). Apparently, then, according to you some things that we cannot see with the unaided eye but can see with a telescope are actual objects as identified and classified by astronomers, but others aren't. Please explain your criteria for determining which of the things that exist that have been correctly identified and classified by astronomers and which haven't.
Many are decieved its true. Even most within the Body.
Still banging the drum for your own particular fallacy, I see. Maybe you should consider the possibility that you are one of the ones who has been deceived.
Except that if earth was formed in the same way as every other significant cosmological body that we are aware of, i.e. from a collapsed cloud of gas the dust, the slightest asymmetry in the structure of the cloud leads the entire system to rotate. If the Sun and every other planet and moon is rotating, the Earth would have been rotating. Absent that rotation, objects would simply fall into the gravity-well of the Sun. In order to stay in orbit where it is, Earth has o be rotating (and conserving angular momentum) or it would fall into the Sun.

Oh dear. Your reliance on theoretical science is such a crutch to you. I'll stick with the Genesis account thanks. Nothing there about Earth spinning up from a cloud of dust. Can you show me other cosmological bodies forming from clouds of dust? Explain exactly how Earth spinning stops it from falling into the Sun? Lolz.

More rhetorical bluster that explains nothing. 'They' do not 'shift...the baseline', the observed data indicates that the position from which the observations have been made has shifted over time. If it had not shifted over time, their would be no variation in the observations. You have yet to offer an account that explains this these observations in terms of a stationary Earth, presumably because you are unable to and must instead try to rubbish the methodology.

You must be joking with that? Lolz! :lol

Doc: So can we then add in (c) a theoretically moving Earth that orbits mercury. Oh joy! Now we can prove the Earth orbits mercury!

This is a massive red herring that is presumably designed to allow you to evade the point yet again. You accuse others of trolling, but you display some of the characteristics of the troll yourself.

Come on. You want to add in an assumption and use it as proof that the assumption is correct. So why cant I add in that one too? If we make the Stellar parallax model with theoretical Earth orbiting mercury instead of the Sun then that proves Earth orbits mercury doesnt it? Lol! Oh Kalv. I almost feel sorry for you now.

Proof is for mathematics and alcohol. Theoretical science may be supported by observed, measured and analysed data that provides evidence to confirm it.

Boink! If a theory / hypotheses is confirmed by observed, measured and analysed data........ITS NOT A THEORY ANY MORE....ITS SCIENCE!
Fine. Continue to be decieved by men of this world.
So that's that still no evidence, just an invitation to join you in your conspiracy fantasies.
Yes it's very thought provoking. It makes me think that the Bible was right. The whole world will be decieved.
Still no evidence, then. Still no answers to any of the points I've raised in respect of your various assertions on this subject elsewhere.
Yeah. Heavyness.
I can't help feeling that you like using 'heaviness' because you have some issues with 'gravity'.
Forgive me. I meant the part where you tie it all in to the sychronicity of the atmosphere with an alledged spinning Earth. Thats the bit I want documentation on.
Try a basic physics textbook. It's the same thing that 'ties' you to the spinning surface of Earth, keeps the oceans in place and is illustrated by the analogy of you jumping in the air in the aisle of a 747. If you understand and agree with all the other points raised in the paragraph you are responding to, then you should follow the argument and understand why Earth's atmosphere moves in the same frame of reference as Earth, but if you don't 'get' it, then you don't 'get' it. I have explained it as best as you can and given you such online references as I have thought might help explain things. Did the example of Mars not help at all? Oh, that's right, it can't because it's all part of the Great Space Hoax/Conspiracy
Your links dont work by the way. Keep forgetting to tell you. Try hitting the "insert link" button in the toolbar and do it that way rather than pasting the address straight into your post. I've been having more luck that way recently.
Sorry about the links. There seems to be no toolbar showing in the post reply box, although there is in the post reply boxes on other forums I visit. I have tried to find out what I have failed to do to activate this, but have had no luck. I'll keep looking. Sorry again.
Lolz. Why are you even bothering with me then? :chin
Because bunk, woo, junk science, nonsense and counterknowledge show be challenged whenever it manifests itself.
Well your link didnt work but I googled it and....LOLZ! Yes! Your right...I did enjoy scoffing at those pics immencely. I just have to post some of these for the benefit of others...they are so funny...
There you go, I knew you wouldn't fail me. (Sorry about the non-working links again - still trying).
Look! It's real! Cant you see??? We've even put blue lines in and a big red dot to make it clearer!!! It's the landing site...Promise! Bahh!
To me you appear to inhabit a bizarre, paranoid world. Graphic additions to photographs for explanatory purposes axiomatically mean that those photographs are fake and can be thoughtfully critiqued with - oh, yes, ridicule: that's really persuasive.
This next ones hilarious:

Theres the landing module in red! SEE!!!!! It's real! that proves it!!
It 'proves' nothing, the links to the photos were provided to see whether you would bite and offer anything other than personal incredulity and ridicule in response. Obviously you can't. Fro the text serving to explain and interpret the photos and to tell the viewer why the graphic additions have been made:

Thanks to the high image resolution of the LROC NAC cameras, among the visible objects are the descent stage of the Apollo 14 lunar module Antares, the ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package, and a formation nicknamed "Turtle Rock" (Image credit: NASA). Also visible are multiple astronaut footpaths, clearly indicated by disturbed soils. Data processing methods can be used to identify the objects, as well as measure their sizes and shapes. Such information can then be used to reconstruct 3D models, which are displayed on the digital terrain model (DTM) of the site that is automatically generated from the same data set.

Source: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University/Ohio State University.

You forgot to ridicule the photo that is used to compute the height and diameter of the LEM from image and shadow analysis. Those boys and girls on the LRO team are great jokers, aren't they?
Whatever Kalv. With all our technology and satellites that can read a vehicle number plate from space we can't zoom in on the moons surface to look at the good 'ole USA flag? Yeah right.
So when your assertion is exposed for the uninformed ignorance it is, simply repeat it again as if nothing has changed, with an added sneer for a better refutation. You've been watching Enemy of the State too many times and at the same time seem to imagine that distance has no effect on the ability of a telescope to resolve objects of different sizes.
Oh dear. Your reliance on theoretical science is such a crutch to you. I'll stick with the Genesis account thanks. Nothing there about Earth spinning up from a cloud of dust. Can you show me other cosmological bodies forming from clouds of dust? Explain exactly how Earth spinning stops it from falling into the Sun? Lolz.
You are quite entitled to believe what you like. As you appear to believe that virtually all cosmology and the data that supports it are nothing more than a part of some global-spanning, satanic-led conspiracy, nothing I can show you will serve any purpose. If you prefer Late Bronze Age pre-scientific mythology to the understanding and Knowledge of the Enlightenment, then that is your privilege and your loss.
You must be joking with that? Lolz! :lol
This doesn't look like anything like an account that explains the referred to observations in terms of a stationary Earth.
Come on. You want to add in an assumption and use it as proof that the assumption is correct. So why cant I add in that one too? If we make the Stellar parallax model with theoretical Earth orbiting mercury instead of the Sun then that proves Earth orbits mercury doesnt it? Lol! Oh Kalv. I almost feel sorry for you now.
You can add in anything you like, but simply stating that X provides proof of something is not the same as showing that X provides proof of that something.
Boink! If a theory / hypotheses is confirmed by observed, measured and analysed data........ITS NOT A THEORY ANY MORE....ITS SCIENCE!
Oh wow, capitalization again. That means your argument is, like, totally irrefutable. So theoretical science is what? A complete and utter waste of time, effort and resources? Go tell the medical profession. You're not an engineer by any chance, are you?
To me you appear to inhabit a bizarre, paranoid world.

To me you appear to inhabit an all too common gullible, overly trustful world. Trustful in manmade pseudo-science. Continue sleeping if you wish. :sleep

It 'proves' nothing, the links to the photos were provided to see whether you would bite and offer anything other than personal incredulity and ridicule in response. Obviously you can't. Fro the text serving to explain and interpret the photos and to tell the viewer why the graphic additions have been made:

Thanks to the high image resolution of the LROC NAC cameras, among the visible objects are the descent stage of the Apollo 14 lunar module Antares, the ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package, and a formation nicknamed "Turtle Rock" (Image credit: NASA). Also visible are multiple astronaut footpaths, clearly indicated by disturbed soils. Data processing methods can be used to identify the objects, as well as measure their sizes and shapes. Such information can then be used to reconstruct 3D models, which are displayed on the digital terrain model (DTM) of the site that is automatically generated from the same data set.

Lolz....have these visible objects been accidentally covered over with the computer graphics? :hysterical