To doing what? Taking cholesterol pills, watching the salt, slathering on the sun screen, low fat diets and the like, while people have been doing this and they are dying sooner and sicker than ever? As gen x would say, been there and done that. The advice they give out today is junk science and Big Pharma propaganda that no true Christian ought to listen to.
I buy his advice, and vitamins, and at 55 I don't even need to go to doctors and on no medication. If what I'm doing is that harmful, why am I here healthy while others on this forum complain about illnesses and problems all the time while telling me how harmful this is, but I'm the one who's not sick. How many times were you to the doctor this year, on antibiotics, or how many medications are you taking? Once of anything is too often IMO. No need to answer, just reflect. As for me, nada, zip.
Like Dr. Douglass, I'm a Maverick and I don't believe all the junk they say out there. At least I think for myself, and if I do myself in, it's my own doing.