The Unveiling


Over the next few days I am going to present my study on the book of Revelations. Before we begin our study in Revelation there is one thing we must remember that is very important. Revelation was given to John in visions as prophecies that had their beginnings in the Old Testament, being fulfilled in the New Testament and yet much to be fulfilled in future events before the great and terrible day of the Lords return.

Revelations is given to all nations and tongues that live throughout the whole world as in Jew and Gentile. Israel is mainly mentioned, but not all of Israel is Gods chosen people. Those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb are joined as a branch with Israel as God is the root of that branch and those who are sealed by His Holy Spirit are His own who find favor in Him,
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How many visions did John have?

I've always thought it was one. When does John come out of a vision? Only shifts perspective from time to time.
How many visions did John have?

I've always thought it was one. When does John come out of a vision? Only shifts perspective from time to time.
I've never literally counted how many, but they are numerous. If you read the book of Revelation you will read every vision that John was given by the angel Jesus sent to him.
Different perspective, same vision.
Otherwise it would state the end and beginning of visions as per Daniel, etc.
Different perspective, same vision.
Otherwise it would state the end and beginning of visions as per Daniel, etc.
Let me help you out as there are visions in all 22 Chapters of Revelation

Rev 1:9 the vision of the Son of man
Rev 2-3 the writings John was given to send to the seven Churches in Asia
Rev 4:1 the vision of the throne in heaven
Rev 5:1 the vision of the scroll and the Lamb
Rev 6:1 the vision of the seven seals
Rev 7:1 the vision of the four angels and the 144,000
Rev 8:1 the vision of the seventh seal and the golden censer
Rev 9:1 the vision of the fifth angel
Rev 10:1 the vision of the angel and the little scroll
Rev 11:1 the vision of the two witnesses
Rev 12:1 the vision of the woman and the dragon
Rev 13:1 the vision of the beast
Rev 14:1 the vision of the Lamb and the 144,000
Rev 15:1 the vision of the seven angels with seven plagues
Rev 16:1 the vision of the seven bowls of God's wrath
Rev 17:1 the vision of the great prostitute and the beast
Rev 18:1 the vision of the fall of Babylon
Rev 19:11 the vision of the rider on a white horse
Rev 20:1 the vision of the thousand years
Rev 21:1 the vision of the new heaven and new earth
Rev 22:1 the vision of the river of life
All one vision....
If I may . It is almost as if John is being shown a movie with many different locations where it was filmed and the movie is like no other in that it is interactive . One continuous vision with many scene changes . The chapters give us breaks that may have not been in the original writing .
for_his_glory what do you think ?
If I may . It is almost as if John is being shown a movie with many different locations where it was filmed and the movie is like no other in that it is interactive . One continuous vision with many scene changes . The chapters give us breaks that may have not been in the original writing .
for_his_glory what do you think ?

That is what I have been trying for 2 years to make people see. That a movie is a legitimate way to read Revelation.
Can you explain why you see all the visions John was given as only being one vision?
Because there is no "external to the vision" transition passages in Revelation.
There are transition passages all over the other prophets... but not Revelation.