Silver Bullet said:Another great read Paidion. Thanks. I am inspired by your depth of thought in these matters.
Paidion said:The Proof:
3. The idea of the Universe always existing contradicts the third premise. For an infinite amount of time would have passed, plenty for plenty for entropy to have increased to the extent of inert uniformity. Thus the Universe did not always exist, but had a beginning, or is still coming into being.
A potential problem here, and I'm no physicist, maybe that time itself is thought to have started at the Big Bang.
Your proof sounds a lot like the "prime mover' argument.
It really doesn't explain anything, because you'd have to explain where the Supernatural Source came from, and that just starts an infinite regress.
If you say that the Supernatural Source always existed (and how could you say that since, as you've pointed out, you can't really say anything about the Supernatural Source because there's no way of knowing anything about it if it is outside our natural world), then all you've done really is said that the problem of existence has no natural explanation, so it must be supernatural. That's no explanation.
Lastly, it is not falsifiable or testable. It doesn't help us to understand anything and we cannot test it in any way, so I don't think its of any use.
No, you're confused. You don't have to explain where the 'supernatural source' came from because it is necessary. That it is necessary follows logically from the premise that the universe had a beginning and has no natural explanation. This is an ontological claim, not an epistemological claim. You don't have to know any specifics about the 'supernatural source' to say that it does not need something else to explain its existence.
Also, you talk about what's falsifiable and testable. But this is also confused. By its very nature the supernatural source cannot be investigated empirically, so you can't 'test' it. Saying you need to test it empirically in order to verify its truth is just begging the question of metaphysical naturalism. But it can be disproven. You'd have to demonstrate some logical incoherency about the existence of this 'supernatural source' to show that it isn't true.