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Theology and Doctrines


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The point of this post is to find out the thoughts of other members why Christians should not study Theology or doctrines concerning the Bible. Especially if these teaching are against what they hold to be truth.
Are we not to trust the teachings of the men who the Lord put in position to preach and teach?

Let me be clear that all doctrines should be filtered by the standard of the written word.
"filtered" may be key word of eternal importance here.
Most teachings everywhere on earth have always been deceptivee, false, misleading, toward destruction.
So no, we cannot and should not trust "the teachings of the men" even those "who the Lord put in position" ...... too many are false.
The true apostles, messengers of God, themselves said likewise - do not accept us nor our teaching if we vary from Torah. If we teach anything different, opposed to God, different from His Word, do not accept the teaching nor us.
The Jewish-Christians were almost completely wiped out; as was any/and all writings they possessed.....and it was not the pharisees who managed that, it was the Roman empire who tracked as many as they could and put them to the sword. The Roman empire never wanted anyone to know the truth of any of it; only the "truth" the Roman Church leaders saw fit to give.

The first Bible published was only in Latin; a language most people did not know or understand. Even when translated to English (and other languages) Catholics were discouraged from reading the Bible for themselves up until about 3 (or maybe 4) decades ago. Only the priest could read, understand; and then give the "Churches" understanding of the Scriptures to the faithful.

From my experience, every religious organizations doctrine is "absolute"; and must never be questioned by anyone who claims to follow that particular doctrine. As for an outsider asking questions about any of it; that is simply not tolerated.
which is why Prpotestantism is splintered into countless sects.
Each has a DIFFERENT set of dogmas/doctrines.
= Not of Yeshua
which is why Prpotestantism is splintered into countless sects.
Each has a DIFFERENT set of dogmas/doctrines.
= Not of Yeshua
I don't know that's totally correct about the "why", as Yahweh The Creator may have determined that's all according to His Perfect Orchestration for His Own Plan and His Own Purpose.
Likewise why the reset of the world recently increased the one world political power (including religious power now), to an almost iron grip , or worse, on almost everything around us and around the world.
Maybe He would, for His Reason,
and then what happens ? (if He Does)
The old wineskin breaks !!!

well yeah thats what I am saying
Look God poured His Wine into us **hippies** back in the 70's (starting actually late 1960's) ,,
so from my neighboorhhod, Gentilly Woods, only 5 of us came to God.
Roy who left for N california and joined that big move there. Ron, Mark and then AJ found the Lord while in prison late 1970's.
From the many I've known last 70's in local churches,,, all have gone their own way and made nothing of the gift.
Not sure why God chose a few in the late 70's to give His Gift..
well its all over now w no fruits from that entire movement. I see Greg Laurie is blabbing away. ,, having nothing to say.
= God would never ever NEVER pour His spirit into main line protestantism.
They can cry and plead all they want like at Ashbury Revival
Not going to happen
another Out Pouring is 4 years away

Completely Ridiculous Yet it made WIKI...hahahaha
Theology and biblical studies and Christian history are all good studies….but you have to be wary of what people are pushing on you. You should consider doctrines as you would a commentary …. something for your consideration.

After a life long study I can tell you that most false beliefs can be contributed to doctrines. Or well known religious words or phrases that are promoted just like advertising….catchy words or phrases and have caused great harm to biblical understanding and even the reality of history.

How many Christians believe that wedding ceremonies are required by the Bible to be married??…..When the Bible Old and or New Testament does not require weddings and the word(s) wedding or wedding ceremonies do not appear in the scriptures?

Why is this? What caused this? One of the contributing factors was the occurrence of a non-scriptural word….fornication. The word Fornication was cooked up after the 4th century and was accepted in Christianity as the truth….Used by early translators as a generic word for sexual immorality, replacing the specific Greek words for specific sexual immorality with an additional meaning that two unmarried people having sex is a sin.

This was like a can of worms of false beliefs that went in different directions and caused sin and condemnation and people driving people away from Christianity.

Look they are shacking up!
They are living in sin!
They are having bastard children!

Well I hope that on Judgment Day Christ has mercy on the ignorant that condemned people and drove them away from Christianity.

The Truth
For thousands of years in Judaism and Christianity marriages were formed by a man and a woman having sex….no ceremony.

The Protestants in the mid 1500’s made it a requirement to have a wedding ceremony to be married and later added the requirement for a church wedding….and shortly after the Catholic Church followed their lead. Is it a doctrine or is it a tradition? Either way a good idea. I love weddings. But still, not having a wedding is not a biblical sin.

If it is not biblical where did they get the idea?
One way or another all wedding ceremonies come from Pagan sources.....customs.
Another misconception is that when the Pagans converted to Christianity that they abandoned everything to do with their Pagan culture….not true.
Early on when these “Gentiles” where converting to Christianity, they came from all directions from different regions and different cultures….and they did not abandon all their Pagan customs. Wedding ceremonies was a popular Pagan custom and all along Gentile Christians were having wedding ceremonies….just not required.
Even today various Pagan rituals are imbedded in most Christian weddings ceremonies.

Just one word---fornication….dreamed up from thin air set Christianity on its ear. These false beliefs catch on and people remember them better than the scriptures. And this is just one of many false beliefs that has caused harm and sin and misunderstandings in Christianity. And some coming from doctrines...
The one God formula for the Trinity is another.
Original Sin is another.

Then you have the translations that made adjustment to the scriptures for various reasons ….deletions….additions…. modifications.

Some people will do it on their own, by taking a scripture and make a religion out of it even thou it is not congruent to the rest of the Bible….Ya got to be careful of doctrines because they are designed to make you believe something…..that someone else believes….which is fine if it is true….If you want to see some messed up doctrines, look at some the doctrines the Catholics cooked up.

Drinking is a sin!!!
You could almost call Judaism and Christianity a drinking religion. A drinking culture telling you not to be drunk or a drunkard means something different than what most people understand.
Christ drank with others.
Drinking wine was part of a very important Christian ritual.
Christ used vineyards in his parables.
Paul told timothy to drink wine on his travels for a very good reasons…As you traveled back then each well had it own flora.....Animal decaying in it….bird dropping….bugs….etc. Mixing water with wine helped neutralize the contaminates in the water.
Christianity built several symbologies from the wine, the grapes, the grapevines etc.
The belief that people back then were drinking grape juice a lot is in error, unless they were drinking it from the press….all presses were called winepresses and grape juice does not last in the summer….harvest time....try it.
Used by early translators as a generic word for sexual immorality, replacing the specific Greek words for specific sexual immorality with an additional meaning that two unmarried people having sex is a sin.

So, sex outside of marriage is not a sin?
I can see you are well read on subjects.
On some of your comments i agree.
I am collecting abstracts/books on paganism and christianity, early middle ages etc.
The nazis , most I assume actually would say if you asked them **what religion are you of??** **Oh I am christian of the protestant sects,,we like to sing Christmas Carols during the season*** They reallu believed they were **christians**
Yet their lives were as pagan as one could get.
On fornication,, not sure what you are getting at. The bible is clear about sex w/o love comitment involved.
Like you , well actually unlike you I HATE DESPISE **marriage events** Big marriages ALWAYS end up as divorces.
LOve makes a union, a ceremony is not necessary.
On Original sin, I have my own views on that,,, involves many angles, have to bring in some Jung here. But thats for another time.
If there is no such thing as original sin,, then why does everyone have hangups????
Try to explain that.
Some of my ideas can not be expressed on this forum,, i am walking on thin ice whatever I say at the moment.
The mods are watching me like a hawk,, i am under the mircoscope.
But agree w doctrines, we can all see where all that led the RCC, its like death to the soul
The bible is clear about sex w/o love comitment involved.
Can you explain this.
"filtered" may be key word of eternal importance here.
Most teachings everywhere on earth have always been deceptivee, false, misleading, toward destruction.
So no, we cannot and should not trust "the teachings of the men" even those "who the Lord put in position" ...... too many are false.
The true apostles, messengers of God, themselves said likewise - do not accept us nor our teaching if we vary from Torah. If we teach anything different, opposed to God, different from His Word, do not accept the teaching nor us.
I cannot agree.

There are pastors and teachers out there that glorify God.

many are gifted in the original languages.

If we cannot trust men of God, how do we trust who translates all the different versions of the Bible?

The Bible does tell us that the elect of God cannot be decieved.

Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

I may have to start a thread on this.
I cannot agree.

There are pastors and teachers out there that glorify God.
Thus, you 'discovered' and/or accepted and/or proved what they say glorifies God how ?
"by filtering" , testing what they say or teach.
The Bible does tell us that the elect of God cannot be decieved.
It is also all along written likewise: the whole world is deceived.
So much that when one third dies of various causes listed,
the remaining people REFUSE to give up (to repent of) serving demons.

What is your point?

If it is easy , why don't they ? (avoid what is false and destructive)
Thus, you 'discovered' and/or accepted and/or proved what they say glorifies God how ?
"by filtering" , testing what they say or teach.

It is also all along written likewise: the whole world is deceived.
So much that when one third dies of various causes listed,
the remaining people REFUSE to give up (to repent of) serving demons.

If it is easy , why don't they ? (avoid what is false and destructive)
Becuase they have itching ears and love the darkness.
I cannot agree.

There are pastors and teachers out there that glorify God.

many are gifted in the original languages.

If we cannot trust men of God, how do we trust who translates all the different versions of the Bible?

The Bible does tell us that the elect of God cannot be decieved.

Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

I may have to start a thread on this.

The **pastor*** Thingy I have major issues with
You will know them by their fruits,, so far I've only tasted rotten worthless fruits from **pastors**.
The Elect, = many are called, But only a select few (1 ina million)) are My Chosen.
Take Billy The Goat Graham.. Chosen?? For what,....??? propagandist , Billy had serious issues, He was fake and a fraud.
Yet many think he was **so great so soooo The Chosen** Chosen to lead astray is what he was.
Becuase they have itching ears and love the darkness.
Yeah,, all the church leadership has these meetings behind closed doors in secret. = Been there SEEN THAT
Schemeing those who want to know more of God yet leading downa path of darkness = The IgnoranceSSS (Plural as in more than 1 ignorance)
The **pastor*** Thingy I have major issues with
You will know them by their fruits,, so far I've only tasted rotten worthless fruits from **pastors**.
The Elect, = many are called, But only a select few (1 ina million)) are My Chosen.
Take Billy The Goat Graham.. Chosen?? For what,....??? propagandist , Billy had serious issues, He was fake and a fraud.
Yet many think he was **so great so soooo The Chosen** Chosen to lead astray is what he was.
Its a shame, there is some great preaching out there from men of God.

I do not know enough about Billy Graham except what I remeber seeing on t.v. as a child.
So, sex outside of marriage is not a sin?

Beliefs, Truths, Facts,
Good to stay with the facts. Then again Truth can be shocking.
This one is simple….A requirement for a wedding ceremony to be married cannot be found in the scriptures….end of story. Marriages were formed just as God described.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24

Casual sex is a sin.
Whore Whoremongering is sin.
Having sex with a prostitute is a sin.

The scenario where a man and woman find each other attractive and fall in love and make love and start a family….is what God intended. No sin in this process.

Christianity learned a few things “slowly” after the biblical era….
We learned that slavery, polygamy, and concubinage was bad.
And in the mid 1500’s we learned that marriage is sacred and should have a ceremony…..all good lessons.
Yeah,, all the church leadership has these meetings behind closed doors in secret. = Been there SEEN THAT
Schemeing those who want to know more of God yet leading downa path of darkness = The IgnoranceSSS (Plural as in more than 1 ignorance)
This will always be with the unregenerate false teachers.
I cannot agree.

There are pastors and teachers out there that glorify God.

many are gifted in the original languages.

If we cannot trust men of God, how do we trust who translates all the different versions of the Bible?

The Bible does tell us that the elect of God cannot be decieved.

Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

I may have to start a thread on this.

Over 30,000 Protestant denominations….which one are you going to trust with your soul? Might want to look into it yourself.
Beliefs, Truths, Facts,
Good to stay with the facts. Then again Truth can be shocking.
This one is simple….A requirement for a wedding ceremony to be married cannot be found in the scriptures….end of story. Marriages were formed just as God described.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24

Casual sex is a sin.
Whore Whoremongering is sin.
Having sex with a prostitute is a sin.

The scenario where a man and woman find each other attractive and fall in love and make love and start a family….is what God intended. No sin in this process.

Christianity learned a few things “slowly” after the biblical era….
We learned that slavery, polygamy, and concubinage was bad.
And in the mid 1500’s we learned that marriage is sacred and should have a ceremony…..all good lessons.
Are we not obey our governments law on marriage between a man and a woman?

Did not the Lord put the government in place?


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