"Orion"Yes. . . . . . . bring on the "scare tactics" when you side is facing a losing debate. :-?
Scare tactics,, did they scare you? losing the debate, never, I see it as, you can never prove evolution, never, never, never.....
Can you all not see what you are actually saying?
What I'm saying is, there was a flood, there was a garden of Eden where satan tricked Eve, Poor Adam just eat because EVE said it was good... Jesus is the only way.. I'm a creationist, I believe the universe and everything in it was created by God Around 6000 to 12000 thousand years, not 4.5 billion which evolution needs to make it's religion work... did I miss anything?
These guys aren't saying this stuff out of "rebellion". They are saying these things because SCIENCE has dictated how things form, such as they limestone, and if it messes up your idea of what YOU think God said,
out of rebellion... sure. If it has to do with God, or against their way of how God should have done it, well they get upset.SCIENCE has not and can not say how things where formed... they can guess and have guessed and missed it by a long shot.(insert bible references here).. as for me.. I just try to tell them what it says in the bible.. 6 day of creation,,, no where does it say 20 billion yrs. isn't that now the distance across the universe, well my question would be then.... whats past that... do you know?..........I do........God!!
. . . .based upone the word of sheep herders from several thousand years ago, . . . . then those same guys are automatically "going to be surprised when they die". Oh yeah, . . . .there will be some surprises for sure! . . . . . . But not necessarily how YOU think the surprising will go.
some sheep herders? isn't if funny how God never use mighty men.. Or how Jesus never used people of high esteem... He used just plain old fellows............like sheep herders. umh...
same guys?................what?............the sheep herders?.......what?
I think the sheep herders, fell to their knees and worshiped the Creator of the universe....
If it contradicts the world that God made, than don't you think that perhaps, . . . it DIDN'T actually happen? :-?
do you mean evolution, or creation... BIG difference there. the religion of evolution says that we came form... nothing...if you take the whole concept to the farthest edge....
But creation says we came...or was created by a loving creator for him to love and receive love..
Also a little off topic...........but anyway.. Did you know that Christianity is the "only" religion where their (my) God is working to get man to him...(salvation thur Jesus). every other religion is man working to be acceptable to their god... 8-) 8-) 8-)