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Bible Study This generation shall not pass,

Therefore I consider the GREAT trib and the parousia to have already happened in the first century. The GREAT trib was the destruction of Jerusalem and the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven took place then as Jesus made His return. His return was a spiritual or invisible return which no mortal witnessed or recorded.

Nifty. but where's the Scripture? How do you correlate Acts 1:11?
Cameron said:
I am in spiritual concrete with Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15 keeping me in the Narrow Pathway. (+ 2 Timothy 3:16 & Matthew 4:4)

If there is no repeat, because it is so rare, Christ tells us of it instead of the reverse! Rainbow for one, and Nahum 1:9 for just one more of the few! So??? I just do not wast time with anything that disagrees with these verses!

OK - let's see what your saying Jonny B.

Ecc 1:9 What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecc 1:10 Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already in the ages before us.

(Interpretation): There's nothing new under the sun. OK, am I to understand that computers and the internet where once before or are we dealing with abstract ideas like the Fibonacci Series? Spiritually speaking are you saying that the idea of a pre and post tribuational Rapture was hotly debated in Solomon's day? i don't get your point. But I do get the point of the Scriptures: Put the two verses back into their context of verse 8 and 11 and voila - "people strive for the same vain glories in life generation after generation" and furthermore what they strove for is forgotten and fades into history.

John here:
The question should be put to the Godhead, they documented the two verses, not me. What good does it do us to try to demean the character of an old man by some posters, when it is the Word of God that TWICE CONFIRMS! :fadein:

Can we believe Them???? Such as perhaps the Word that we are repeating.. "that which was before us"? Then start at Adam? It stated both ways, or directions. Lest me start with a question for God? He (THEY) say that they cannot lie. So what was before earths rebellion on earth? Who led the rebellion, and can there be rebellion, without a law? Is the Royal Law of James 2:8-10 the Everlasting Covenant of the Universe, the one that is inside the temple of heaven with the Ark of His Covenant seen? Revelation 11:18-19.

Then the rebellion of heaven. Rebellion over what? No law, no sin! And the verse of the many tomorrows of history repeated??? Revelation 22:8-10 telling 'me' at least (you know, 'i' am now on the LAST SCENE) that even the good angels keep the sayings of this Book, as the 'Brethren the Prophets' & for John not to do what?? And where did this Commandment come from?? Exodus 20:1-4 or the Royal law of the Universe's other Worlds as Heb. TWICE REPEATS?

In leaving for now, let me just ask that when the rebellion started over the Eternal Covenant in heaven, where does satan continually attack today in his constantly repeated posts??? See Daniel 7:27 More repeats are Daniel two with more light building with Daniel 7 & then even more in the last history of Revelation 13:1-3! Notice that we might see (?) 'his deadly wound HEALED'? The same history brought back to life. Repeated.

OK: Got to run for now. Thanks for the opportunity to answer the question at least somewhat. The rest I will try to get back to latter on. Rapture stuff! Your last question that sin would NOT A SECOND time, again tells us a fact! No second time after the end of it is seen. Again, God verified His Everlasting Gospel, & Everlasting Covenant! There will be a last destruction! This will do the REAL job.


So the fact that people make the same vain-glorious mistakes in life keeps you on the narrow pathway by adding:
2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness
And I would add that this is so that we can be complete for every good work. Cool.
Mat 4:4 But he answered, "It is written, "'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
And yes, we should be living according to God’s Word in all we say and do. Great, I’m on track with you here.

Not quite sure about the “no repeat†and “instead of the reverse†phrases. Anybody want to help me out here?

Nah 1:9 What do you plot against the LORD? He will make a complete end; trouble will not rise up a second time.

So you don’t waste your time with anything that disagrees with these verses. Great, I don’t either. Let’s see what Nahum 1:9 is about:

Saying that God is making a complete end is parallel to the idea of allowing the trouble you are destroying to note rise again.

OK – so what meaning do you pour into these verses that give you your interpretative framework?
Hi Cameron,

Nifty. but where's the Scripture? How do you correlate Acts 1:11?

Acts 1:11- is the verse used to illustrate Jesus will return as He left, that being physical because He had told Thomas He was not a ghost.

Jesus is the one entity on planet earth that was in existance before birth. He was invisible before in Heaven , He became visible here on earth and then:

Acts 10 NASB

40"God raised Him up on the third day and granted that He become visible,
41)not to all the people, but to witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God, that is, to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead.
Jesus could manifest as physical or as invisible, that is shown in the 40 days He remained before His ascention., He could walk thru walls and He could disappear right in front of people.

So yes, Jesus will return as He left....invisible to mortal man and ON THE CLOUDS.

So while Jesus could eat, He clearly told Thomas He was not a ghost, yet He would have been invisible had God not granted that He be seen by some.
I have always wondered how Jesus could survive with His wounds still intact for Thomas to put his hand to, any ideas? As well I have wondered why He told Thomas He wasn't a ghost. The reason I have(no biblical backup) is that He wasn't a ghost, He was just back to His prebirth condition which none of us will ever get to. What He said to Thomas is a verse I will be working on for a while yet. Somewhere in the bible will be a verse that explains it and I haven't found it yet.

I'd like to read your comments of Acts 11 and what you see in the words to Thomas.

Acts 10 NASB

40"God raised Him up on the third day and granted that He become visible,
41)not to all the people, but to witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God, that is, to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead.
Jesus could manifest as physical or as invisible, that is shown in the 40 days He remained before His ascention., He could walk thru walls and He could disappear right in front of people.

So yes, Jesus will return as He left....invisible to mortal man and ON THE CLOUDS.

So while Jesus could eat, He clearly told Thomas He was not a ghost, yet He would have been invisible had God not granted that He be seen by some.
I have always wondered how Jesus could survive with His wounds still intact for Thomas to put his hand to, any ideas? As well I have wondered why He told Thomas He wasn't a ghost. The reason I have(no biblical backup) is that He wasn't a ghost, He was just back to His prebirth condition which none of us will ever get to. What He said to Thomas is a verse I will be working on for a while yet. Somewhere in the bible will be a verse that explains it and I haven't found it yet.

I'd like to read your comments of Acts 11 and what you see in the words to Thomas.

Regarding Acts 10: 40-41 I think you’re misunderstanding this passage. Go back a few verses to see the context of the thought. Jesus did His ministry and then was crucified. When He rose again, He didn’t go about doing the same thing as before for it is pointless or Him to be rejected a second time in Person.

Jesus will have his wounds forever to us a His testimony of love for us. And Adam and Eve will be the only two people we will see in Heaven with no belly button.

He told Thomas He wasn’t a ghost because He wasn’t. He was and is as real as you are – even more so since the flesh is glorified. He’s not in his “prebirth conditionâ€Â. Nope, He’s the “firstborn†from the dead the “first fruit†of those to follow. We will be like Him. Which will be glorified like Adam and Eve were before the Fall. We will fulfill God’s design intent for us. When He thought about you, he had a goal in mind. If you faithfully follow Him, you’ll realize that goal some day. He’ll do it all, A to Z.

What about Acts 11 and Thomas specifically?
Hi Cameron,

SOrry, I meant Acts 10 not 11 and you gave your thoughts on that.

I understand where you are coming from I think. We don't totally agree, but I see where your reasoning is based.

For instance we don't agree that Adam was in a glorified body before he ate the fruit. My interpretation of the bible is that the glorified body comes after the natural or earthly body.

Thanks for your thoughts, tho.

Cameron said:
Hi, do you surface read?
Reread my post. It does not say as you think! (I hope)
Lets say that one has a 5" index finger. The first knuckle gets chopped off. A tribulation of sorts. Then a repeat, the second joint is also gone by, by, another tribulation. And on & ON until the very last Great tribulation of History has repeated! As God tell's us in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15!!

This isn't to me, but I'll respond since I don't surface read. Rather, I like looking at Scriptures in their context as I hope we all do and what I understand you doing is taking these Scriptures out of their context to make a point with them that they were never intended to make.

These passages have as much to do with repeating tribulations as they do with repeating industrial revolutions. That's something new under the sun. My digital watch is something new under the sun. A 100 story building is something new under the sun.

Aw, you are to smart for me, huh? I just knew that your digital watch has got to do with the Eternal Inspired Word of God & His prophecy. And you do not seem to read to good either? But sure, the Word did tell us that 'increased last day knowledge' would be a new thing. Even knowledge after the Word of God was given, in bible form. And to reject this knowledge? God tells what will happen to these ones also. Hosea 4:6.


You now add:
Ecc 3:15 That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.

PS: John again. What translation are you posting from?? Is that the Jehova Wittness Bible??

but the context of it, particularly verses 12 thru 21 point to the same vainglorious propensities of mankind to persue the same stupid and worthless things. It has nothing to do with repeats!
(ESV) Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Aw, you are to smart for me, huh? I just knew that your digital watch has got to do with the Eternal Inspired Word of God & His prophecy. And you do not seem to read to good either? But sure, the Word did tell us that 'increased last day knowledge' would be a new thing. Even knowledge after the Word of God was given, in bible form. And to reject this knowledge? God tells what will happen to these ones also. Hosea 4:6.

Another verse taken out of context to make a pretext. Word of Faithers do this all the time. Not saying you are, but I would challenge your method of interpretation. This passage is about wayward Israel that has gone into spiritual adultry with the surrounding nations have forgotten about God.
You must be Watch Tower, huh? Use any hermeneutics that suits your need. Whatever? do your thing. Ephesians 6:12

Probably have a take on that also? You know, Nothing New Under.. never mind.

You must be Watch Tower, huh? Use any hermeneutics that suits your need. Whatever? do your thing. Ephesians 6:12

Probably have a take on that also? You know, Nothing New Under.. never mind.


Watch Tower? Uh? We should reach out to JWs for sure.

Regarding hermenuetics, the historic-grammatical method is the way to go. The problem is that many claim to use it and do so to varying degrees. One of the foundational concepts is to understand the Scriptures in the most plain and customary sense. In that way, one is more prone to read out of the scriptures than try to read somehting in there that was never intended.
Cameron said:
You must be Watch Tower, huh? Use any hermeneutics that suits your need. Whatever? do your thing. Ephesians 6:12

Probably have a take on that also? You know, Nothing New Under.. never mind.


John here: You quote the remark below, to a question that I was wondering about.
"Watch Tower? Uh? We should reach out to JWs for sure."And all I needed was a yes or no? Was that a no, that you are not, or have not been a J.W.?

Regarding hermenuetics, the historic-grammatical method is the way to go. The problem is that many claim to use it and do so to varying degrees. One of the foundational concepts is to understand the Scriptures in the most plain and customary sense. In that way, one is more prone to read out of the scriptures than try to read somehting in there that was never intended.
Hi Forum,

The topic of this thread is one of the most important of these times in my opinion. What Christianity is developing into is a system where people live in fear of the future because of what they are told is going to happen in the near future. Sites like the rapture ready website show people in fear and wasting their life on earth preparing for something that isn't even biblical. We have TV evangelists making fortunes off of the naive and the easily led.

Determining the timeframe of the generation that will see all these things would clear all this up. If the generation that sees all these things is the generation of Jesus Christ all of this rapture and 'end times' prediction stuff is out the window, over and done with. It is biblically incorrect and unworthy of even a passing thought. If it is proven future it is time for people like me to accept it and quit speaking against the truth.

I'll show you what I see as fitting the generation Jesus was talking to in reference to the Olivet Discourse.

There will be false Christs appear...............

John agrees here:

1 John 2

18Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

There will be wars and rumors of wars.........

Well, there was the rebellion of Judea and probably many other wars as well in that time period.

Nation will rise against nation...........

This is one of the few times in history where you could honestly say that. The rebellion took place in and around Jerusalem and every nation under Heaven was there at that time as it says here:

Acts 2
5Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.

Persecution because of Jesus name.........
Paul was crucified wasn't he? Peter was killed and Stephen was stoned, there were people killed back then because they promoted this new Christianity thing, Christ Himself was on of them.

Earthquakes, there is earthquakes all the time so I assume there could be earthquakes then without even looking it up.

The gospel being preached .................This is a standard argument that everyone is aware of and most just simply choose to NOT accept the words as they come off the page. Matthew 24:14 and Col 1:23.

Famine...................mothers eating their own children because of hunger...that was famine and it happened in Jerusalem at that time according to Josephus. Father fought against son at that time as well as there are mentions of in-fighting among the people o Jerusalem at that time.

The abomination will appear in the Holy Place..............

Or as Luke says in the parallel verse in his writing:

20"When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near

There was armies in the Holy Place of that temple because they burnt everything to get the gold out of it. That army did cause desolation.

The people are told to flee to the mountains............

they did!

There will be a Great Tribulation................

There was!

There will be signs in the heavens............

An eclipse, I don't know of such things, there was an eclipse on the day of the day Christ was killed, but I don't know about in 70 AD, however, I think Josephus records wierd cloud formations during the rebellion at Jerusalem.

So what doesn't fit in that ALL these things.......

Maybe you on this thread could go thru the same 'things' and show me they didn't happen in 66-70 AD.

Show me what doesn't fit the rebellion of 70 AD from these things as the topic of the thread is concerned.

So what doesn't fit the biblical story, not the story you hear on TV or coming from the pulpit of certain churches , but the bible.

John here:
This chapter 24 of Matt. has a repeat history. God's WORD says so. The Eccl. verses.

If the new church did not understand this, how would they had acted when the Holy Spirit DOCUMENTED Matthew 24:14 as again taking place? See Romans 10:18

Paul & Crew (Christian Believers) would have been preaching false doctrines as to the Lord's Second coming. And a large, if not a huge portion would have left the new church. (as did happen to Adventist in 1844)

Matt. 24 is progressive in repeated history. Even mens heart failing them for fear.
But the part most of todays Christians (even) miss, is Christ & Paul both being INSPIRED to state that this second time around "IT WILL BE CUT SHORT IN RIGHTEOUSNESS". What does that mean? We see in documented hindsight from 27-34 AD seven years (Daniels 'midst of the week') up until Saul (Paul) was converted & was the one to take the Everlasting Gospel to the Gentile.

The True Fold of Christ's OWN had ALREADY REJECTED HIM! Matthew 23:38. This was the ABOMINATION THAT MADE DESOLATE this ex/true/fold!! And it was aprox. 36 years until the ARMIES took Jerusalem. The four Gospels as most call them, give different TRUTH in this setting of Abomination of the True Fold & it destruction. The MIDNIGHT CRY is the JUDGEMENT HOUR to the VIRGIN CHURCH. (see 1 Peter 4:17) and the slaughter of Ezekiel 9:1-6 is the Loud Cry of the professed of Israel of old. (the counterpart of the Revelation 17:1-5 ones & 666) There are two GOING OUT in Matthew 25:1-6. These are COMBINED times of warning.

Remember that Israel were going ALL OVER THE WORLD making converts at Christ's day here. (Note Matthew 23:15) God LOVED these ignorant ones & He gave them (not the rejected already judged fold) 36 more years of maturity to see if they would accept the Everlasting Gospel message from the short lived life of the 12 (except John) and the same exact Everlasting Gospel one of Paul.

And the above Matt. 24 is mis-understood in Daniel 9:25-27 by most, because of the two time periods being different by being 'cut short in RIGHTEOUSNESS' in the SECOND time around Truth, as Christ documented.

Then: There are those also who do not understand who Israel now were in Christ's day! They do not know what a CLOSED DOOR meant. Or an DESOLATE FOLD. They might re/read Revelation 3:9 or Revelation 17:1-5. Even Isaiah 5:3 is prophesied for the rejection of Christ by His own true Virgin FOLD! And the FOLD? It stayed put to do satans work, what was Saul doing in Acts 9:1.

If one would just toss all preconceived stuff, and just use Matthew 4:4, 2 Timothy 3:16 along with 1 Corinthians 14:32, then BELIEVE the WORD OF CHRIST in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15's DOUBLE TWICE STATED TRUTH, then they could understand Matthew 24! :fadein:

It is kind of 'interesting' with what most of the today ones might do with Peter's three time vision from the Lord? Most already knew what the vision meant even at the first vision, huh? :wink:

Anyhow: We see Matt. 24 about a done deal AGAIN for the last time! No more 36 years. The only thing of great importance still missing, is Christ's documentation of the Matthew 10:23 explanation of the finished product of the Matthew 25 Virgin parable to His disciples. (take note that Christ was already there at that first coming) This ENDING can all be understood as again now taking place from Matthew 10:5-38.
Hi JOhn the Baptist,

Cameron explained quite well, the errors of your interpretation.

Heres my attempt to show you where your repeat thing is wonky.

The sequence of events from Matthew 24 is as follows:

1) the abomination appears
2)there is a flight of the people
3)the GREAT tribulation
4) he celestial display which includes
5) the coming of the son of man

They are tied together like like a calf to a rodeo cowboy, there is not an option to disconnect this sequence, everybody is aware of this.

The GREAT trib has/will never have occurred before in history and never will again..........that means only one and repeats are not possible.....concerning the entire sequence of events.

Forget it, no repeats here, end of story.

So what are your comments on my actual post? What do you see not fitting AD 70 in Matthew 24?

Your repeat stuff on Matthew 10 is just not worth talking about, the audience is listed by name there.

Your use of terms such as folds and midnight crying has significance to you that means nothing to some of us readers. You are using in-house jargon from your denomination(?) and the all-inclusive meaning of that jargon is not known outside of that denomination. Therefore I don't follow your reasoning where you use those terms. Don't try to explan them tho, I won't live long enough to learn the in-house jargon of all denominations and I have no interest to learn it either.The words of the bible work fine.

noblej6 said:
Hi JOhn the Baptist,

Cameron explained quite well, the errors of your interpretation.

Heres my attempt to show you where your repeat thing is wonky.

John here:
My repeat thing???? Nothing in Christ's Word is [my] repeat thing. Ecclesiastees 1:9-10 & Ecclesiastes 3:15 is the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD!
So what is my warning RED FLAG that comes next from you? More history repeated! :crying: Let just see?

The sequence of events from Matthew 24 is as follows:

1) the abomination appears

John here: You just flew the coop! Do a study on verse one!!
The abomination appears?? You ran right past the greatest ABOMINATION in the Universe. "The Virgin Fold that REJECTED CHRIST was, is and will eternally be the grearest Abomination of DESOLATION in the history of the Universe, bar none!

You miss the work of Matthew as it was intended, for it alone takes Matthew 4:4 for TRUE UNDERSTANDING. Matt. 24:1 says that Jesus simply.. "And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple.."

Not much there, huh! :wink: (for some) Let see if 'inspiration' can build on this for some here on earth??? John 1:10-11 "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world KNEW HIM NOT.

(you can think on that one! who cares about the 70AD slaughter that you seem to place more importance on than GREATEST ABOMINATION? :sad :crying: )

He came unto His OWN and HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT." And John again builds on Matt. 24 verse one. John 7:1 "After these things (what THINGS!) Jesus walked in Galilee; FOR HE WOULD WALK NO MORE IN JEWRY, BECAUSE THE JEWS SOUGHT TO KILL HIM." See John 11:53-55.

And Christ's own Words in Matthew 23:38 you just flat out reject to mean the JUDGEMENT of the second death! Who cares much about the 70 AD's stuff in the Universe? It matter not how one is slaughtered in death, only to the ones that are left. WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE!
Christ said it VERY CLEARLY! "YOUR HOUSE (fold, denomination) IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE." (even my young grand'uns can understand that)

2)there is a flight of the people
3)the GREAT tribulation
4) he celestial display which includes
5) the coming of the son of man

So what does that do with annuling the Word! These were even 7th day Sabbath keepers in 70 AD! That is INSPIRATION! Exekiel 9 tells one who left and were not slaughtered. But, you can bet your last dollar that they BELIEVED what they were to do! Again repeated history! 666 is that testing for all professed Christians!

They are tied together like like a calf to a rodeo cowboy, there is not an option to disconnect this sequence, everybody is aware of this.

The GREAT trib has/will never have occurred before in history and never will again..........that means only one and repeats are not possible.....concerning the entire sequence of events.

Forget it, no repeats here, end of story.

Me again: I have NO problem with your dis/missal of the Word of God. That is your decision to make, not mine! Lets just look at a couple verses of inspiration again.

2 Peter 3: 7-10 says: "... reserved unto fire against the day of judgement the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also ... shall be burned up." (you can read he rest & tell God that this is not the end of earth, but there is another abomination that makes desolate! :roll:)
So what are your comments on my actual post? What do you see not fitting AD 70 in Matthew 24?

Your repeat stuff on Matthew 10 is just not worth talking about, the audience is listed by name there.

You say: Your repeat 'stuff'??? God/Forbid!
Again read the LAST few verses of Revelation 22:18-19! (if one name is there in the Book of Life in first place) Ecclesiastes 3:14 says "I KNOW that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: NOTHING CAN BE TO IT, NOR ANY THING BE REMOVED FROM IT.."

And God continues on in the next verse of Ecclesiastees 3:15 "That which hath been, IS now; (don't BLINK!) and that which IS TO BE HATH ALREADY BEEN; and [GOD] (not me) REQUIRETH THAT WHICH IS PAST." (you can call God a liar if you desire? It is His INSPIRED WORD!)

Maybe He goofed, huh? NO. The GODHEAD CONFIRMED IT TWICE!!! In Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 "The thing that has been; IT IS THAT WHICH BE, and that which IS DONE IS THAT WHICH SHALL BE DONE: and THERE IS *NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN. (do things escalate, sure. like a time of trouble! :wink: Does God tell us of a very few things that do not repeat? surely! Nahum 1:9 & the rainbow in the sky)

And Matthew 10:23 is what?? You say Matthew 10:32-38 negates us on planet earth today from this Everlasting Gospel & Eternal Covenant MESSAGE??? What am I hearing??? :o :crying:

Your use of terms such as folds and midnight crying has significance to you that means nothing to some of us readers. You are using in-house jargon from your denomination(?) and the all-inclusive meaning of that jargon is not known outside of that denomination. Therefore I don't follow your reasoning where you use those terms. Don't try to explan them tho, I won't live long enough to learn the in-house jargon of all denominations and I have no interest to learn it either.The words of the bible work fine.


Me again: Look, I have been around a long while. Matthew 4:4 is my life! I LOVE MY LORD!! And I BELIEVE WHAT HE TELLS ME! So about the Everlasting Gospel using the Word of FOLDS? See John 10:16 (there is not just one fold!) And MIDNIGHT CRY??? It was given to Christ own FOLD. And it was their JUDGEMENT HOUR MESSAGE!!!
(Revelation 18:4 comes later)

Take notice of John 9:39-41. (these were not the other ones of Revelation 17:5)
"And Jesus said, For [judgement I am come into this world,] that they [which see not might see],; and [THAT THEY WHICH SEE MIGHT BE MADE BLIND]. (got that? read 1 Peter 4:17)

And some of the Pharisees which were with Him heard these Words, and said unto Him, Are we blind also? Jesus said unto [them], If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: [but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.]"

Just one last thought question noblej6, you do understand that the Holy Spirit was sent back to uplift Christ after He left, right? Well, while Christ was here on earth, could there be any more POWER seen or rejected that the Mighty Miracles that God Christ wrought? Even the Blind had their eyes opened & the dead were brought back to life! One often thinks of Act 2's out pouring of the Holy Spirit, which was sent to UPLIFT CHRIST, as of more importance than that of Christ's week here on earth.

And yes, we disagree about what the most disastrous ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION IN THE UNIVERSE WAS, IS, and EVER SHALL BE!

HI John the Baptist,

God inspired the words written in Ezekiel and He also inspired the writing in Matthew 24 where He tells us there is only one great tribulation. I don't care how many times you repeat that it some kind of repeat , it isn't! There is only one great tribulation and that is final because God said so.

There are many abominations also but we are talking about the one that appears in the holy place and is used as a warning by the people of Judea to flee to the mountains in time to miss the GREAT tribulation which is immediately before the coming of the son of man on the clouds.

Your entire post is basically nonsense and I chose not to dignify any of it by answering it.

noblej6 said:
HI John the Baptist,

God inspired the words written in Ezekiel and He also inspired the writing in Matthew 24 where He tells us there is only one great tribulation. I don't care how many times you repeat that it some kind of repeat , it isn't! There is only one great tribulation and that is final because God said so.

There are many abominations also but we are talking about the one that appears in the holy place and is used as a warning by the people of Judea to flee to the mountains in time to miss the GREAT tribulation which is immediately before the coming of the son of man on the clouds.

Your entire post is basically nonsense and I chose not to dignify any of it by answering it.

Yes nobel (?)
Our postings have all been recorded in the heavenly record books. Ecclesiastes 12:14.

"And who soever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I day unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgement, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:14-16

And regardless of which one we be? One thing is certain, we both know! And that was our decision to make, huh?
Hi John the baptist,

In your country and in mine, we are guaranteed the right to believe as we wish. So your personal wish to believe that there are many GREAT tribulations is fine with me. My intention is to point out the error of the interpretation in the hope that readers can see the other interpretation and use that information in the formulation of their own interpretation.

You never deal with any points in my posts anyway, except the "it's a repeat" theory. If you're not able to understand that there is only one GREAT tribulation, that tells me there won't be much of value in anything else you have to say either.

Why not go back to the post where I pointed out what I feel fits the 70 AD rebellion in Mattherw 24 and actually deal with something. Forget the repeat theory, that isn't going to fly.

Hi forum,

I would appreciate any and all comments on my post which discusses the 'things' I see happening in the generation that Jesus spoke to. What fits and what doesn't as you see it? Anything but the "repeat" theory.

Thank you
