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- #201
Thank You But No More Hair Splitting For Me
Hi BeforeThereWas:
There was indeed a slight misunderstanding above concerning the men paying tithes to Melchizedek separately. You wrote:
The soldier’s portion was already paid by Abraham from off the top. Even Levi and all the patriarchs are paying tithes to Melchizedek from the loins of Abraham (Hebrews 7:10). If Abraham divided the spoils first among the men, THEN each of them would have owed Melchizedek one tenth.
This is a point that you continue to misunderstand completely. When doing your own taxes today, do you pay according to what you own? No. You pay a percentage of your ‘income.’ What Abraham already possessed in Canaan was subject to the tithe in the years he came to possess them. These new spoils were taxed one time only and Melchizedek received his one tenth at the time Abraham met him. Melchizedek is typical of the “Holy Spirit†in the Holy of Holies served by the Levitical Priesthood who also received one tenth from the remaining tribes in the very same way. Please try to differentiate “possessions†taxed by NOBODY from “income†accumulated in that same year.
Please forgive, but you are doing it again . . . If Melchizedek receives “one tenth part OF ALL†(Hebrews 7:2), then the soldiers NEVER received any ‘full share.’ Each received a 90 percent share from Abraham at the very start, because their father (Abraham) removed the ‘one tenth’ (tithe) off the top of every solider and gave that to Melchizedek. If Abraham captured 1000 goats, then 100 went to Melchizedek and his priesthood. If 1000 pounds of gold were taken as spoil, then the priesthood received 100 pounds off the top. Abraham took his share and the remainder was divided among those he gave special dispensation.
We disagree here. Mosaic Law (Romans 9:1-4) was dispensed to Israel of the flesh in a precise manner described throughout the Old Testament Text. We simply do not have that kind of documentation binding Abraham to pay tithes to Melchizedek. The fact that Abraham did so is all the evidence we need that such a ‘relationship’ existed between the ‘king of righteousness’ (Abraham) AND the ‘king of peace’ (Melchizedek) named in Hebrews 7:2. These are types of the Jewish Priesthood possessing a lesser glory ‘paying’ tithes to the greater (Melchizedek) AND also receiving tithes (as Levites) from the servant race (Israel ONLY). This is an advanced teaching under “the Mystery†(Ephesians 3:3) umbrella, but one that becomes very important.
Who existed first – the Gentiles (spirit) or the Jews (water)? The Jews represent the water witness taken from the side of one Gentile (Abraham = father = spirit), just like Eve (water) was taken from the side of Adam (spirit). Israel is the ‘helpmeet’ of the Gentiles who later come to the Lord (Acts 15:16-18) through the same Levitical Priesthood. Scripture is showing you the ‘relationship’ existing between Abraham (spirit) and Melchizedek (spirit) with this ‘tithe’ characteristic seeing ‘income’ passing from the "father" (including all his seed "IN" him) to the one true “forever†priesthood. Scripture is going to show you that Christ Himself bypassed the Levitical priesthood to become a ‘priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.†Hebrews 5:6. God is showing you that the office of the Levites in serving the Temple is TEMPORAL and that their duties will indeed PASS AWAY, but the office of Melchizedek will endure FOREVER. The difference is that Levites will indeed butcher animals throughout the 1000 Years “Day of the Lord†in the restored “Temple†(Ezekiel 40 +) in the restored Kingdom (Ezekiel 47 + Ezekiel 48). There will be NO such offerings in the ‘Sanctuary’ of the New Earth of Ezekiel 37:24-28, because this ‘evil age’ (Galatians 1:4) will by then BE OVER. Christ said that the Law remains for Israel, but for how long? He said “until Heaven and Earth Pass Away.†Matthew 5:18. That is what Hebrews is talking about in saying:
Every ordinance of Mosaic Law concerning the Tabernacle and Temple reveals something about the ‘true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.’ Hebrews 8:2. All the washings (water), and sacrifices (blood) and anointings (spirit) of the Temple point to something in heaven above. However, Christ becoming our High Priest bypasses ALL OF THOSE THINGS, as He ascended “far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things†(Ephesians 4:10) on the basis of obtaining an ‘indestructible life’ (Hebrews 7:16).
Our “One God†stands within His Three witnesses (Revelation 1:8) in His Infinite Realm and our “one Mediator†(Christ Jesus = 1 Timothy 2:5) stands in the “Realm of the Word†between God (spirit) and men (water). Jesus Christ did not merely ascend into ‘Heaven’ (blood) or even the ‘Heavens’ (spirit) of “This Creation†(under blue “Men†in Figure 1), but God removed Him from this Creation entirely and seated Him “IN†Christ Jesus within the Realm of the Word and that ‘perfect tabernacle’ built by the hand of God. Look intently upon the Father, Son and Holy Spirit under the red arrow of “Christ Jesus†and realize this was “The Word†of John 1:2 through whom this Creation (John 1:3 = heavens, heaven and earth) were called into being. Scripture says,
Look again at the diagram above and realize that the “greater and more perfect tabernacle†is “Christ Jesus†Himself (F,S,HS) in the “Realm of the Word†that existed before this Creation (Earth = Figure 1) was called into existence. From the “Realm of the Word†Christ can incarnate into you (Christ in you = Colossians 1:27) through your obedience to Paul’s Gospel AND God Himself is already “IN†Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19). THAT is how Christ is now filling ‘all things’ through our participation in the Gospel today, which is impossible if He ascended to any location “IN†this Adamic (Earth) Creation. When my posts end with the phrase “IN Christ Jesus,†then I am identifying the precise location of where I was called by obedience to the Gospel (“transferred†in Figure 2). Since you and I have been baptized “INTO†Christ (Galatians 3:27) and into the “one Body†(1 Corinthians 12:13), then we were “IN†Christ when God raised Him and seated Him above ALL THE HEAVENS (Ephesians 2:6-7). Look back up there to the final words of Hebrews 9:12 and realize also that Christ obtained 'eternal redemption ' FOR CHRIST. That same redemption we gain access today is also “IN†Christ Jesus†(Romans 3:24), where we gained that and our forgiveness through His shed blood (Ephesians 1:7). If you are following along, then the ‘gospel of the kingdom’ (Matthew 24:14 = water) gives the kingdom disciple membership in the Kingdom OF HEAVEN of ‘This Creation,’ between the ‘heavens’ (spirit) and the ‘earth’ (water). However, obedience to Paul’s Gospel gives you citizenship “IN†Christ Jesus not even part of this Creation “IN†God’s Word Himself. Now, from here you can perhaps backtrack all the way back to Abraham and see his ‘relationship’ with Melchizedek and see the Hand Of God setting the stage for what is to come for us at Calvary. We agree that the “pro-required-tithing camp†is dead wrong, as God is trying to show us ‘much’ greater things in the ‘relationships’ of those giving and receiving ‘tithes’ throughout Scripture.
The Law required the non-Levite Jew to pay tithes to the Levitical Priesthood from his ‘income.’ The Lord God delivered wealth into the hands of Abraham and Melchizedek received his one tenth off the very top. This is far too simple to debate . . . The men received their share from the 90 percent that remained, which means their tithe was already paid by their king of righteousness.
Since Hebrews says that “Abraham apportioned a tenth part of ALL,†(Hebrews 7:2), then obviously he and God’s Word considered the entire spoil to belong to Abraham.
Please go and read the account again. Abram’s relative was taken captive (Genesis 14:14) and he found and defeated them in the following verse (Genesis 14:15). Then this happens:
The men Abram attacked were all dead or they fled for their lives. Abram then “brought back ALL the goods†AND “the women and the people.†That means the soldiers were given wives and their children also to be come their possessions. The sons of Israel do the same thing in Genesis 34:25-29 and also take the ‘little ones their wives, even all that was in the houses.’ Genesis 34:29. Making war over next to nothing (defiling their sister = Genesis 34:27) was a means of acquiring income back in the Old Testament days. Note that Levi is leading the charge with Simeon (Genesis 34:25), which means he owed a tithe to nobody.
What I would do is meaningless to this discussion. The Old Testament includes the killing and appropriation of wealth by the sword, which includes even new wives and children. Those kinds of rewards are what encouraged men to go into battle in the first place and led to such sayings as, “To the victor goes the spoils.†I am sorry that you yet to define ‘spoil’s of war’ in the Old Testament as ‘income.’
Heh . . . There would be no such thing on this planet as a “Christian,†until after Calvary. We cannot force our morality upon those living in the Old Testament. David brought foreskins to the king in order to become his “son-in-law†(1 Samuel 18:27), but do you consider that “Christian†behavior? What did the Lord command Saul to do to Amalek?
In cases like this even the women, children, infants, oxen, sheep, camels and donkeys were to be killed, which cut into the ‘spoils’ for the soldiers. Our Christian morality today has NOTHING to do with how the Lord dealt with His enemies while protecting the sons of righteousness of that day. Let’s read Scripture for what God ‘does’ say apart from our preconceived notions about forcing our Christian morality wherever we wish.
Abram did not ‘steal’ anything, but he took the possessions of God’s enemies and divided that among the principals of his kingdom.
Why ask why? Your attempt to insert your Christian morality into the Old Testament stories is throwing your for a loop. : 0 ). Just read the accounts for what they say and perhaps God will lead you into the higher understanding.
Hebrews is showing you the ‘relationship’ that existed between these two kings in order to then show you something greater. You are hung up on the ‘tithing’ part without recognizing the ‘greater tabernacle’ and the higher teachings that connect Melchizedek to the Holy Spirit and Christ to that Higher Priesthood. The ‘tithe’ lingo is there to show you the direction of the income going from the king of righteousness to the king of peace. There is no reason to assume that Abraham neglected Melchizedek over any increase in his income, but that is a minor consideration from the overall teaching.
You missed the point entirely. Who is going to protect the women and children and possessions of the men Abram just cut down with the sword? What sense does it make to leave them high and dry? How is Abram going to rally his men for the next battle, if he allows the spoils to fall to others? Scripture shows Abram going to battle, killing his enemies and taking their possessions home as spoils. Just read the account for what it says, and ask God ‘why’ when you get the opportunity . . .
Please . . . You are splitting hairs here over nothing. The NASB for Hebrews 7:8-9 says ‘tithes.’ Whether rendered singular or plural is irrelevant to anything.
Please . . . Man-0-Man. Do you know the difference between “MOSAIC LAW†given to Israel and commands given to Abraham 400 years earlier? My statement is based upon what God says through Paul concerning Abraham and the Promise:
The sixth day races were given commands by God (Genesis 1:26-28) and Adam in the Garden and Noah and Abraham, but MOSAIC LAW came through Moses as the ‘steward’ over Israel of the flesh ONLY. Romans 9:1-5.
This side has made his points and no longer has the desire to continue splitting hairs on this topic. The ‘body of Christ’ today is under NO LAW at all to pay tithes (plural) to anybody. We give to the church, according to the grace of God and our own desire to supporting and edifying the ‘body of Christ’ (Ephesians 4:11-13 (evangelists, pastors, teachers).
Thank you very much for writing,
In Christ Jesus,
Hi BeforeThereWas:
There was indeed a slight misunderstanding above concerning the men paying tithes to Melchizedek separately. You wrote:
Before >> Umm, I think that if you read what I said, I stated that the soldiers who went with Abraham didn't hand Melchizedek anything of what they took for their full portion. I didn't say Abraham didn't give Melchizedek a tenth of the spoils. Sorry if I didn't make that more clear.
The soldier’s portion was already paid by Abraham from off the top. Even Levi and all the patriarchs are paying tithes to Melchizedek from the loins of Abraham (Hebrews 7:10). If Abraham divided the spoils first among the men, THEN each of them would have owed Melchizedek one tenth.
Before >> It's also understood that Abraham's personal property was still up in northern Canaan, so he wasn't able to give a tenth of his own property when he handed over a tenth of the spoils. (snip. I apologize for misunderstanding your intentions)
This is a point that you continue to misunderstand completely. When doing your own taxes today, do you pay according to what you own? No. You pay a percentage of your ‘income.’ What Abraham already possessed in Canaan was subject to the tithe in the years he came to possess them. These new spoils were taxed one time only and Melchizedek received his one tenth at the time Abraham met him. Melchizedek is typical of the “Holy Spirit†in the Holy of Holies served by the Levitical Priesthood who also received one tenth from the remaining tribes in the very same way. Please try to differentiate “possessions†taxed by NOBODY from “income†accumulated in that same year.
Before >> Agreed. The tenth came out before the soldiers got their full share. What I said was that the soldiers, after receiving their full share, gave nothing to Melchizedek.
Please forgive, but you are doing it again . . . If Melchizedek receives “one tenth part OF ALL†(Hebrews 7:2), then the soldiers NEVER received any ‘full share.’ Each received a 90 percent share from Abraham at the very start, because their father (Abraham) removed the ‘one tenth’ (tithe) off the top of every solider and gave that to Melchizedek. If Abraham captured 1000 goats, then 100 went to Melchizedek and his priesthood. If 1000 pounds of gold were taken as spoil, then the priesthood received 100 pounds off the top. Abraham took his share and the remainder was divided among those he gave special dispensation.
Before >> Abraham handed over a tenth of property he knew was never his in the first place, and he gave a tenth based upon no prerequisite, command or requirement. He did so freely. This is one aspect of that event that flies in the face of the pro-required-tithing camp.
We disagree here. Mosaic Law (Romans 9:1-4) was dispensed to Israel of the flesh in a precise manner described throughout the Old Testament Text. We simply do not have that kind of documentation binding Abraham to pay tithes to Melchizedek. The fact that Abraham did so is all the evidence we need that such a ‘relationship’ existed between the ‘king of righteousness’ (Abraham) AND the ‘king of peace’ (Melchizedek) named in Hebrews 7:2. These are types of the Jewish Priesthood possessing a lesser glory ‘paying’ tithes to the greater (Melchizedek) AND also receiving tithes (as Levites) from the servant race (Israel ONLY). This is an advanced teaching under “the Mystery†(Ephesians 3:3) umbrella, but one that becomes very important.
Who existed first – the Gentiles (spirit) or the Jews (water)? The Jews represent the water witness taken from the side of one Gentile (Abraham = father = spirit), just like Eve (water) was taken from the side of Adam (spirit). Israel is the ‘helpmeet’ of the Gentiles who later come to the Lord (Acts 15:16-18) through the same Levitical Priesthood. Scripture is showing you the ‘relationship’ existing between Abraham (spirit) and Melchizedek (spirit) with this ‘tithe’ characteristic seeing ‘income’ passing from the "father" (including all his seed "IN" him) to the one true “forever†priesthood. Scripture is going to show you that Christ Himself bypassed the Levitical priesthood to become a ‘priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.†Hebrews 5:6. God is showing you that the office of the Levites in serving the Temple is TEMPORAL and that their duties will indeed PASS AWAY, but the office of Melchizedek will endure FOREVER. The difference is that Levites will indeed butcher animals throughout the 1000 Years “Day of the Lord†in the restored “Temple†(Ezekiel 40 +) in the restored Kingdom (Ezekiel 47 + Ezekiel 48). There will be NO such offerings in the ‘Sanctuary’ of the New Earth of Ezekiel 37:24-28, because this ‘evil age’ (Galatians 1:4) will by then BE OVER. Christ said that the Law remains for Israel, but for how long? He said “until Heaven and Earth Pass Away.†Matthew 5:18. That is what Hebrews is talking about in saying:
“For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also. For the one concerning whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from which no one has officiated at the altar. For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests. And this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to the likeness of Melchizedek, who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life.†Hebrews 7:12-16.
Every ordinance of Mosaic Law concerning the Tabernacle and Temple reveals something about the ‘true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.’ Hebrews 8:2. All the washings (water), and sacrifices (blood) and anointings (spirit) of the Temple point to something in heaven above. However, Christ becoming our High Priest bypasses ALL OF THOSE THINGS, as He ascended “far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things†(Ephesians 4:10) on the basis of obtaining an ‘indestructible life’ (Hebrews 7:16).

Our “One God†stands within His Three witnesses (Revelation 1:8) in His Infinite Realm and our “one Mediator†(Christ Jesus = 1 Timothy 2:5) stands in the “Realm of the Word†between God (spirit) and men (water). Jesus Christ did not merely ascend into ‘Heaven’ (blood) or even the ‘Heavens’ (spirit) of “This Creation†(under blue “Men†in Figure 1), but God removed Him from this Creation entirely and seated Him “IN†Christ Jesus within the Realm of the Word and that ‘perfect tabernacle’ built by the hand of God. Look intently upon the Father, Son and Holy Spirit under the red arrow of “Christ Jesus†and realize this was “The Word†of John 1:2 through whom this Creation (John 1:3 = heavens, heaven and earth) were called into being. Scripture says,
“But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.†Hebrews 9:11-12.
Look again at the diagram above and realize that the “greater and more perfect tabernacle†is “Christ Jesus†Himself (F,S,HS) in the “Realm of the Word†that existed before this Creation (Earth = Figure 1) was called into existence. From the “Realm of the Word†Christ can incarnate into you (Christ in you = Colossians 1:27) through your obedience to Paul’s Gospel AND God Himself is already “IN†Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19). THAT is how Christ is now filling ‘all things’ through our participation in the Gospel today, which is impossible if He ascended to any location “IN†this Adamic (Earth) Creation. When my posts end with the phrase “IN Christ Jesus,†then I am identifying the precise location of where I was called by obedience to the Gospel (“transferred†in Figure 2). Since you and I have been baptized “INTO†Christ (Galatians 3:27) and into the “one Body†(1 Corinthians 12:13), then we were “IN†Christ when God raised Him and seated Him above ALL THE HEAVENS (Ephesians 2:6-7). Look back up there to the final words of Hebrews 9:12 and realize also that Christ obtained 'eternal redemption ' FOR CHRIST. That same redemption we gain access today is also “IN†Christ Jesus†(Romans 3:24), where we gained that and our forgiveness through His shed blood (Ephesians 1:7). If you are following along, then the ‘gospel of the kingdom’ (Matthew 24:14 = water) gives the kingdom disciple membership in the Kingdom OF HEAVEN of ‘This Creation,’ between the ‘heavens’ (spirit) and the ‘earth’ (water). However, obedience to Paul’s Gospel gives you citizenship “IN†Christ Jesus not even part of this Creation “IN†God’s Word Himself. Now, from here you can perhaps backtrack all the way back to Abraham and see his ‘relationship’ with Melchizedek and see the Hand Of God setting the stage for what is to come for us at Calvary. We agree that the “pro-required-tithing camp†is dead wrong, as God is trying to show us ‘much’ greater things in the ‘relationships’ of those giving and receiving ‘tithes’ throughout Scripture.
Terral Original >> Tithes do not work that way, according to Mosaic Law or Jewish tradition. Rather than extract a 10th of what you own, the priest can take the best of your sacrifices and a tenth of your ‘income.’
Before >> Income? How do you figure that, if you don't mind my asking...basing strictly from the Law. The Law required not one wage-earner to pay a tithe of his income. After all, they did have currency, and lots of it, and there were also many wage-earners.
The Law required the non-Levite Jew to pay tithes to the Levitical Priesthood from his ‘income.’ The Lord God delivered wealth into the hands of Abraham and Melchizedek received his one tenth off the very top. This is far too simple to debate . . . The men received their share from the 90 percent that remained, which means their tithe was already paid by their king of righteousness.
Terral Original >> Abraham’s spoils from war fall under the ‘income’ category.
Before >> Indeed? This only holds true if one can prove that Abraham ever intended to keep what he knew was never his to begin with. He brought it all back to it's original owners, so his actions alone seem to indicate that he was above the usual mindset of men like the heathen Vikings, who always considered the spoils to be theirs.
Since Hebrews says that “Abraham apportioned a tenth part of ALL,†(Hebrews 7:2), then obviously he and God’s Word considered the entire spoil to belong to Abraham.
Before >> Additionally, why would Abraham ever think to keep what was needed by those from whom it was taken?
Please go and read the account again. Abram’s relative was taken captive (Genesis 14:14) and he found and defeated them in the following verse (Genesis 14:15). Then this happens:
“He brought back all the goods, and also brought back his relative Lot with his possessions, and also the women, and the people.†Genesis 14:16.
The men Abram attacked were all dead or they fled for their lives. Abram then “brought back ALL the goods†AND “the women and the people.†That means the soldiers were given wives and their children also to be come their possessions. The sons of Israel do the same thing in Genesis 34:25-29 and also take the ‘little ones their wives, even all that was in the houses.’ Genesis 34:29. Making war over next to nothing (defiling their sister = Genesis 34:27) was a means of acquiring income back in the Old Testament days. Note that Levi is leading the charge with Simeon (Genesis 34:25), which means he owed a tithe to nobody.
Before >> Would YOU keep property you retrieved from a band of thieves when you knew who it belonged to in the first place?
What I would do is meaningless to this discussion. The Old Testament includes the killing and appropriation of wealth by the sword, which includes even new wives and children. Those kinds of rewards are what encouraged men to go into battle in the first place and led to such sayings as, “To the victor goes the spoils.†I am sorry that you yet to define ‘spoil’s of war’ in the Old Testament as ‘income.’
Before >> Can you tell me that the Christian thing to do is to keep it to yourself? Would you consider what you retrieved to be your "income"? Somehow, what you have said here just doesn't seem to set right with the Christian ethic to which we are all called to aspire.
Heh . . . There would be no such thing on this planet as a “Christian,†until after Calvary. We cannot force our morality upon those living in the Old Testament. David brought foreskins to the king in order to become his “son-in-law†(1 Samuel 18:27), but do you consider that “Christian†behavior? What did the Lord command Saul to do to Amalek?
"Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he set himself against him on the way while he was coming up from Egypt. 'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'" 1 Samuel 15:2-3.
In cases like this even the women, children, infants, oxen, sheep, camels and donkeys were to be killed, which cut into the ‘spoils’ for the soldiers. Our Christian morality today has NOTHING to do with how the Lord dealt with His enemies while protecting the sons of righteousness of that day. Let’s read Scripture for what God ‘does’ say apart from our preconceived notions about forcing our Christian morality wherever we wish.
Before >> Well, that certainly would have merit if we didn't have the rest of the story, which means that Abraham's actions speak otherwise. I am curious: Why would you think that a man of the stature of Abraham would do what you would never think to do, which is to keep stolen property for yourself? I'm not talking about our social laws here in the USA, I'm talking strictly along the lines of moral absolutes.
Abram did not ‘steal’ anything, but he took the possessions of God’s enemies and divided that among the principals of his kingdom.
Before >> Now, I agree that while it was under Abraham's control, it was his to do with as he pleased...within reason. And yet, if he ever considered it to be his personal property, then why did he bring it back, and why did the king of Sodom tell him to take the spoils, excepting the captives, and why did Abraham ask that the soldiers be allowed to take their portion for going to war?
Why ask why? Your attempt to insert your Christian morality into the Old Testament stories is throwing your for a loop. : 0 ). Just read the accounts for what they say and perhaps God will lead you into the higher understanding.
Before >> Hebrews 7 says nothing about Abraham continuing to tithe to Melchizedek, if I understand you correctly. (snip; assumptions are being made on both sides for lack of Bible evidence)
Hebrews is showing you the ‘relationship’ that existed between these two kings in order to then show you something greater. You are hung up on the ‘tithing’ part without recognizing the ‘greater tabernacle’ and the higher teachings that connect Melchizedek to the Holy Spirit and Christ to that Higher Priesthood. The ‘tithe’ lingo is there to show you the direction of the income going from the king of righteousness to the king of peace. There is no reason to assume that Abraham neglected Melchizedek over any increase in his income, but that is a minor consideration from the overall teaching.
Before >> Let's kick it up a notch, shall we? If the spoils were indeed considered to be Abraham's property by any one of the men standing there, watching this event unravel before their eyes, then, pray tell, why did the king of Sodom give Abraham permission to keep the spoils if either of those two men ever considered the spoils to be the property of Abraham for having gone to war? Abraham's going to war had only to do with Lot having been taken captive. No other reason is given. In other words, Abraham was not out on a conquest for spoils. He got what he went after, and he was in the process of returning the stolen property, just like any other true believer would do, knowing full well that this is the truly moral thing to do. Abraham was already wealthy. He didn't need that stuff.
You missed the point entirely. Who is going to protect the women and children and possessions of the men Abram just cut down with the sword? What sense does it make to leave them high and dry? How is Abram going to rally his men for the next battle, if he allows the spoils to fall to others? Scripture shows Abram going to battle, killing his enemies and taking their possessions home as spoils. Just read the account for what it says, and ask God ‘why’ when you get the opportunity . . .
Terral Original >> Well, Scripture does indeed teach that Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek in Hebrews 7.
Before >> You rendered the term "tithe" in the plural (tithes). Why is that? Not all of our English translations render it in the plural, and the Greek makes no such stipulation according to the Greek rules of grammar.
Please . . . You are splitting hairs here over nothing. The NASB for Hebrews 7:8-9 says ‘tithes.’ Whether rendered singular or plural is irrelevant to anything.
Terral Original >> Perhaps you are forgetting that the Lord God instituted Mosaic Law 400 years later the Twelve Tribes and that no written law was given to Abraham.
Before >> Really? My Bible says otherwise. What does yours say in Gen. 26:5?
Please . . . Man-0-Man. Do you know the difference between “MOSAIC LAW†given to Israel and commands given to Abraham 400 years earlier? My statement is based upon what God says through Paul concerning Abraham and the Promise:
“Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, "And to seeds," as referring to many, but rather to one, "And to your seed," that is, Christ. What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise.†Galatians 3:16-17.
The sixth day races were given commands by God (Genesis 1:26-28) and Adam in the Garden and Noah and Abraham, but MOSAIC LAW came through Moses as the ‘steward’ over Israel of the flesh ONLY. Romans 9:1-5.
This side has made his points and no longer has the desire to continue splitting hairs on this topic. The ‘body of Christ’ today is under NO LAW at all to pay tithes (plural) to anybody. We give to the church, according to the grace of God and our own desire to supporting and edifying the ‘body of Christ’ (Ephesians 4:11-13 (evangelists, pastors, teachers).
Thank you very much for writing,
In Christ Jesus,