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Tongues and Interpretation

Mysteryman said:
There are two types of prophecy.
1. Prophecy of a Prophet
2. Prophecy of a Prophetess

Unfortunately dear brother you are totally out in left field. There is no such thing in scripture to support this division of Prophet and Prophetess. This is total hogwash.

I have at least 50 books in my library on the subject of the Gifts of Rom., Eph., & 1 Cor. written by authors of greater renown and higher education that both me and you could ever achieve. Not one of these mention anything of Prophecy of the Prophetess or of the Body of Christ having the name of the Prophetess.

I have studied the Gifts for over 10 years and have never come across anything that lay hold to your twist of these scriptures in order to come up with the bonk you propose.

Mysteryman said:
Throughout all of scripture, there is two types of prohesies. The prophecy of a Prophet, and the prophecy of a prophetess.

When the church comes together into one place, the manifestation of tongues with interpretation and prophecy. The prophecy is that of the prophetess. That is because the manifestation of prophecy comes from the body of Christ which is the prophetess . She brings forth only words of edification, comfort and exhortation - I Corinth. 14:3.

There most definitely is still Prophets !

There are five gift ministries give to the church, the body of Christ - 1. Apostles 2. Prophets 3. Teachers 4.Evangilists 5. Pastors

A Prophet is subject unto the Spirit of the Prophet - I Corinth. 14:32 . No Prophet is to speak, unless God gives him a message that God will cause to come to pass. And it is always future !

The only time a prophecy from a Prophet that contains prophecy of the past, is when that prophecy is combined along with the prophecy of the future. This can be seen by just reading the book of Revelation. The revelation given to John.

Any questions ?

ALSO the word Prophet means, spokeperson, speaker or foreteller. The prophets of the Lord are chosen to speak the messages of God which may not be at times futuristic. However when these prophecies were in the future and so far in the future that the hearers would not be around to see its fulfillment, the Prophet was required to prophecy an event in the near future. If the near future prophecy came true, the people could then believe and stand firm on the other prophecy of far. If it did not come the prophet was to be put to death by stoning as he was declared a false prophet. This was OT law.
Even Jesus was subject to this law when He prophesied His end time prophecy. He gave a prophecy for the near future which was Mat. (24:1-2).

What you are teaching is false which makes you no different than a false teacher or a false prophet. Luckily stoning is not in vogue today.

NAMES for GOD'S Church ---NOTICE Prophetess is not there.

Assembly of the saints Psalm 89:7.
Assembly of the upright Psalm 111:1.
Body of Christ Ephesians 1:22,23; Colossians 1:24.
Branch of God's planting Isaiah 60:21.
Bride of Christ Revelation 21:9.
Church of God Acts 20:28.
Church of the Living God 1Timothy 3:15.
Church of the first-born Hebrews 12:23.
City of the Living God Hebrews 12:22.
Congregation of saints Psalm 149:1.
Congregation of the Lord's poor Psalm 74:19.
Dove Song of Solomon 2:14; 5:2.
Family in heaven and earth Ephesians 3:15.
Flock of God Ezekiel 34:15; 1Peter 5:2.
Fold of Christ John 10:16
General assembly of the first-born Hebrews 12:23.
Golden candlestick Revelation 1:20.
God's building 1Corinthians 3:9.
God's husbandry 1Corinthians 3:9.
God's heritage Joel 3:2; 1Peter 5:3.
Habitation of God Ephesians 2:22.
Heavenly of Jerusalem Gal. 4:26; Hebrews 12:22.
Holy city Revelation 21:2.
Holy mountain Zechariah 8:3.
Holy hill Psalm 15:1.
House of God 1Timothy 3:15; Heb. 10:21
House of the God of Jacob Isaiah 2:3.
House of Christ Hebrews 3:6.
Household of God Ephesians 2:19.
Inheritance Psalm 28:9; Isaiah 19:25.
Israel of God Galatians 6:16.
King's daughter Psalm 45:13.
Lamb's wife Revelation 19:7; 21:9.
Lot of God's inheritance Deuteronomy 32:9.
Mount Zion Psalm 2:6; Hebrews 12:22.
Mountain of the Lord's house Isaiah 2:2
New Jerusalem Revelation 21:2.
Pillar and ground of the truth 1Timothy 3:15.
Sanctuary of God Psalm 114:2.
Spiritual house 1Peter 2:5.
Spouse of Christ Song of Solomon 4:12; 5:1.
Sought out, a city not forsaken Isaiah 62:12.
Temple of God 1Corinthians 3:16,17.
Temple of the Living God 2 Corinthians 6:16.
Vineyard Jeremiah 12:10; Matthew 21:41.
Quote Teach : "Unfortunately dear brother you are totally out in left field. There is no such thing in scripture to support this division of Prophet and Prophetess. This is total hogwash.

I have at least 50 books in my library on the subject of the Gifts of Rom., Eph., & 1 Cor. written by authors of greater renown and higher education that both me and you could ever achieve. Not one of these mention anything of Prophecy of the Prophetess or of the Body of Christ having the name of the Prophetess."

Hi Teach

Hogwash ? :biglol

I think its time for you to have a book burning then.

You do not know me, so how can you suggest that these authors know/understand more than I do ?

You might agree with these authors, but to your demise.

Apparently, you study books that give their opinion. Instead of studying the Word of God, and allowing God to open up the eyes of your understanding.

There most definitely is a difference between the prophecy of a Prophet and the Prophecy of a Prophetess.

IN Christ - MM
uh, i have operated in that gift , and have seem woman do that as well.

is their a different holy spirit for a woman?
jasoncran said:
uh, i have operated in that gift , and have seem woman do that as well.

is their a different holy spirit for a woman?

Hi Jason:

No , of course not. All those who are in Christ, can operate the nine manifestations of the Spirit.

But one must understand, that the prophecy of a Prophet is different than the prophecy of a prophetess.

The body of Christ is the wife to Christ. The body of Christ is a she/female. She brings forth the prophecy of a prophetess. Words that bring, exhortation, comfort, and edification. A prophetess always repeats what the Prophet has said. But she brings forth these words in such a manner, that only expresses exhortation, comfort, and edification. Never, ever, is the prophecy of a prophetess , words brought forth with authority . The words of a Prophet are words brought forth with authority.

All one has to do, is look for the consistency throughout scripture, and this holds true , time and time again.
Mysteryman said:
No , of course not. All those who are in Christ, can operate the nine manifestations of the Spirit.

But one must understand, that the prophecy of a Prophet is different than the prophecy of a prophetess.

The body of Christ is the wife to Christ. The body of Christ is a she/female. She brings forth the prophecy of a prophetess. Words that bring, exhortation, comfort, and edification. A prophetess always repeats what the Prophet has said. But she brings forth these words in such a manner, that only expresses exhortation, comfort, and edification. Never, ever, is the prophecy of a prophetess , words brought forth with authority . The words of a Prophet are words brought forth with authority.

All one has to do, is look for the consistency throughout scripture, and this holds true , time and time again.

Would you kindly do us all a big favour? In the quote above you more than a few statements.
Please provide us with chapter & verse to these statements.

Mysteryman said:
No , of course not. All those who are in Christ, can operate the nine manifestations of the Spirit.
But one must understand, that the prophecy of a Prophet is different than the prophecy of a prophetess.
The body of Christ is the wife to Christ. The body of Christ is a she/female. She brings forth the prophecy of a prophetess. Words that bring, exhortation, comfort, and edification. A prophetess always repeats what the Prophet has said. But she brings forth these words in such a manner, that only expresses exhortation, comfort, and edification. Never, ever, is the prophecy of a prophetess , words brought forth with authority . The words of a Prophet are words brought forth with authority.
All one has to do, is look for the consistency throughout scripture, and this holds true , time and time again.

Would you kindly do us all a big favour?
If you’re going to reply to a post, please try not to Cut & Paste the same answer over again like you did with Jasoncran and myself.
In the quote above you make more than a few statements.
Please provide us with chapter & verse to these statements.

  • 1)The body of Christ is the wife of Christ. (Or should I assume you meant Bride) If not, verse please.
    2)A prophetess repeats what the Prophet has said. Verse please.
    3)Never is the prophecy of a prophetess, words brought forth with authority. Verse please.

The Body of Christ is also called the:
  • a)Husbandry of God. - 1 Cor. (3:9) Does that make the prophetess bi-sexual?
    b)Fold of Christ. - John (10:16) What does that make the prophetess?
    c)A Spiritual House - 1 Peter (2:5) Does that make the prophetess a condo?

God the Father chooses to reveal Himself to mankind as a Father, yet God is spirit and has no gender. This goes for the Son, Jesus, who was man on earth, but now in heaven has no gender, no more than we will have a gender in heaven. Neither is there a gender to the Bride. This is called figurative language.
The fact that you cannot distinguish between literal language and figurative language, places any assertion you make extremely doubtful, let alone you can’t support what you’re saying with scripture. You prefer to attack me and my books instead of providing sound doctrinal reference to your outright false teaching.
BTW my books on the subject include, C.H. Spurgeon, J. A. Seiss, C. G. Finney, J. D. Pentecost, D. L. Moody, F. B. Meyer, A. T. Pierson, J. S. Baxter, J. F. Wallvord, J. W. Hayford, etc.
It is true that I do not know you compared the above notable writers, but the heresy and false teaching that you bring forward more than allows judging your sour fruit. Your prophetess SLANT is nothing but ridiculous and if her prophecies are without authority she’s wasting her breath. Who would want to listen or heed to anything without authority? But truthfully, we members of the body have been raised with Jesus into high places where His enemies are His and our footstool having given us authority and power over all. Eph. (1:20-22) Eph. (2:5)
Luke (9:1) “Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and ...â€
Any member of the body who speaks a prophetic utterance, under the anointing of the Spirit, proclaims God’s message and Words, which has authority and power and never returns unto Him void.
Isaiah (55:11)
There is no doubt in my mind, nor should there be in anyone else, that you are fostering FALSE TEACHING, you should repent of such fallacy and submit to the authority of scripture, which you seem unable to properly exegete.
You need not reply to this post as I am done with your false teaching. (2 Cor.(11:13) 2 Peter (2:12) I turn you over to God who may take cause against you. Nevertheless, His patience and grace is greater than mine and He can still forgive you for your lies. As for me, I warn the brethren to be careful of this wolf in sheep’s clothing. Do not accept anything of him without strong reference to the Word.
Prophetess Deborah

Judges 4:6 & 7 - "Hath not the Lord God of Israel commanded" , etc. - past tense

Judges 4:9 - Comfort

Judges 4:14 - Exhort

Judges 5:1 & 2 - Edifiy

Hebrews 11:32 - Barak - the prophets listed in this verse
have actually been to service where that gift is used. i have rebuked,warned and exhorted. ot prophets aren't the best to look at for modern church age gifts.
Quote Teach : "It is true that I do not know you compared the above notable writers, but the heresy and false teaching that you bring forward more than allows judging your sour fruit. Your prophetess SLANT is nothing but ridiculous and if her prophecies are without authority she’s wasting her breath. "

Hi Teach

That is correct, you do not know me, nor do you know what I know. You only know what you have read by these writers.

Your words are strong words with no merit. All you are suggesting, is that you disagree with me. Which is fine, if you want to continue in error.

The consistency of the Word of God does not change. That is because God is a God that changes not. Administrations change, but God does not change. Those whom God calls out to be a Prophet or a Prophetess stays consistent throughout scripture !

The body of Christ is the wife to the Prophet , Christ. The two being one is the Last Adam. Seperate, the head of the body is the male, and the body of Christ is the female. The prophetess, the body of Christ repeats what the Prophet has said. This consistency holds true throughout scripture !

I still suggest that you have a book buring, if this is what you are receiving out of these books. False teachings by false teachers. You are also showing me, that you do not walk by the Spirit. Your comments are a reflection of your ignorance. If you were walking by the Spirit, you would double check that which I have suggested to you. But you decided to falsely accuse me instead. By which you will be held accountable.

Your slanderous comments do not go unnoticed. I will let God be your judge !

IN Christ - MM
Teach -

Good post.

AND I saw that you have read Jack Hayford. I LOVE his teachings, he speaks pure spiritual truths.
LaCrum said:
Teach -
Good post.
AND I saw that you have read Jack Hayford. I LOVE his teachings, he speaks pure spiritual truths.

Thanks LaCrum:
You are right Jack Hayford is an awesome writer and very seasoned on Spiritual Gifts. We do well to read him, unlike some who say they have no need of any other brother-if-the-faith's writings and therefore come up with conclusions that have never been heard of before.

Did you notice my earlier post, dividing the gifts (Rom., Eph., 1 Cor.) into the three members of the Godhead? This something the Lord showed me approx. 5 yrs ago based on 1 Cor. (12:4-6).

Ciao! 4 now.

I just read this entire thread. Now I know why my grandmother told me to never bring up spiritual gifts with people out of my church. Though I must say I never really knew why, I kind of figured everyone knew about the gifts the Spirit gives us.

I've spoken in a tongue before. Absolutely no clue what I was saying, no one was around but me. It happened one night, I believe it was the night I was baptized int he Holy Spirit. Rather incredible, actually.

ANYWAYS, I just wanted to agree with LaCrum. Good posts teach