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Topic #2: Was Satan "a liar from the beginning"?


am i missing something?

has the nwo ensued?
Ha dude I'm not a fan of tv I couldn't resist the opportunity to pick on a socially corrupting instrument of the devil.
Ha dude I'm not a fan of tv I couldn't resist the opportunity to pick on a socially corrupting instrument of the devil.

About 25 years ago I read an 'end times' book where the guy wrote that the beast and the anti-Christ were ELECTRICITY (the beast) and TELEVISION (the anti-Christ.)
"he [Satan] was a liar from the beginning". The beginning of what?

I believe we touched on this in the other topic as it pertained to Adam and Eve.

From his perspective, did Satan even lie?
I don't think so.... After all, in Eve's mind, she was "like God"... That's where we get the idolatry from.

It's all about perspective...

What I was hoping you would catch, is that it's all about perspective. I would suggest that the paradox lies only in perception, and not in truth. Did you know that one could be telling the truth, yet still be in the lie? Think about this and ponder it as I try to address you other concerns.
Then God did create evil.

Without any question.

God is not in need of excuses or isolations from the realities of and within His Own creation.

Before you get all riled up over this matter, you may consider that GOD in Christ Is Infinitely GREATER than the sum of ALL EVIL and FULLY ABLE to use EVIL for GOOD.

Evil then is HIS SERVANT.

And for the record, if any mans 'religious' constructs have a 'god' that can not stand up to the FACTS of REALITY in creation and seeks to HIDE their 'god' from these matters, that is A FALSE 'god' and A FALSE 'idol.'

God is ABLE to use EVIL for GOOD and will deploy EVIL, AS HE SEES FIT.


Then God did create evil.
Actually, on 2nd thoughts, lying isn't necessarily evil. If you're saying Satan was evil from the beginning, I think it logically follows that God created evil though.

God deals conversely with disobedient spirits.

In other words, RETRIBUTIVE EVIL is a common practice of God in creation.

God is NOT just dealing with MANKIND alone in His creation.

He made and created EVIL entities and 'allows' them a certain RULE in this present creation.

The PRODUCE of that deployment is LONGSUFFERING which GOD Himself participated in. Longsuffering is a DIVINE and ETERNAL TRAIT of LOVE.

It is not beyond God to provide A CONTRAST to make LONGSUFFERING a genuine reality. Longsuffering is reaped from being IMMERSED into EVIL.

It is one thing for God to set on His High Horse and make CLAIMS about His Eternalness.

It is quite another to participate within these matters. This PROVES God Is God.

Romans 8:17
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Our own IMMERSION into EVIL does create that suffering and ultimately DEATH is the instrument that is used to PUT OFF flesh and blood and become CLOTHED with our INCORRUPTIBLE bodies. And in that suffering we also participate in the reality of LONGSUFFERING, a DIVINE ETERNAL QUALITY of LOVE.

Hebrews 2:14
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;


So, then if I'm understanding correctly, then Satan was created with all his qualities of evil, with no good therein. Is this correct?
So, then if I'm understanding correctly, then Satan was created with all his qualities of evil, with no good therein. Is this correct?

Yep. And that working SERVES His Divine Purposes...

EVEN in those who can not see or perceive it.

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Here is THE WORLD that has been 'set' in the hearts of ALL MANKIND:

It is A WORLD that is described IN WORD by can NOT be seen:

1 John 2:16
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.


1 John 5:19
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

This WORLD is very real and is IN THE HEARTS of all mankind.

The GOOD NEWS that the GOSPEL proclaims to ALL MEN is that this working IS NOT US.

We are called OUT of that WORLD and are to LIVE SEPARATED from same.

Those who do not see, remain SLAVES within to that working and that worker of iniquity.

No man can see this unless and until they are CALLED...and they will then HEAR.

Until then they remain in BABYLON which is CONFUSION of FACE. Such think that the EVIL THOUGHTS in their hearts and MINDS is ONLY THEM.



So, then if I'm understanding correctly, then Satan was created with all his qualities of evil, with no good therein. Is this correct?

Incorrect. Beauty is widely considered a quality of good, and Satan was created with great beauty.

As for God creating Evil well of course. It is a pretty fundamental principle that most everything has its opposite. Matter has antimatter, Good has Evil, Light has dark. So when good came into existence evil was made the exact same instant.
I believe that I'm finished contributing to this thread, but feel free to continue discussing. However, all this just reinforces why I believe that it is dangerous to idolize the writing of men into a supernatural work.
I believe that I'm finished contributing to this thread, but feel free to continue discussing. However, all this just reinforces why I believe that it is dangerous to idolize the writing of men into a supernatural work.

And that is one of the more astute observations I've seen on these boards fwiw.
Perhaps I'm confused. I've not studied the difference between various entities mentioned in the Bible sufficiently to state categorically.

Was "Satan" and "Lucifer" the same? Was that angel "created evil" or did he fall? Seems to me that if he did indeed "Fall" then the words questioned in the topic, "from the beginning" would refer to the genesis account where the origins of his interaction with man started.

:chin That beginning.

am i missing something?

has the nwo ensued?
I was joking I always think of the devil when I think of TV the original question was left open i thought.
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