There's already all sorts of proof of God. All you really have to do it to step outside your front door and glance around. He created this beautiful creation, it's awesome. Too bad we ruined it. Big bang theory they call that one. You don't something from nothing unless you're God. I think there was a big bang. When God spoke. Then it went bang, into existence. I'm not being facetious either.Even the scientist said that in the video. Explosions destroy not create. Explosions blow up and out, not together. If it was a normal explosion then the planets would be in a different order than they are with the bigger planets in close and the smaller planets out there far.
Hey brother, what do you think about the asteroid belt? (I think it used to be a big planet and was destroyed, probably by God for some reason)
I don't know what the asteroid belt is but I spose it could be debri from collissions like when the moon was formed. It could also be accreted matter slowly forming new planets too I think maybe Barbarian has a better idea.