Well...I am still thinking that it is possible. With God all things are possible and for scripture to say that mountains would sing praises unto Him, and Jesus saying that the rocks would cry out...Although i do not know for sure, i would think that, that was possible moreso than the possibility that Jesus was using hyperbole. I'm not intending to disrespect your opinion, I'm merely saying that, the way I think, it doesn't really make sense to me that Jesus would do that...and I certainly cannot state unequivocally that rocks (or matter) have cognizance, I'm just hesitant to easily dismiss scripture.
Another thought is...IF matter such as rocks could speak or cry out, would that mean that they would have to have cognizance (the ability to *think*)? Or could/would they simply be responding to Gods command? Remember the donkey which spoke in scripture? Did the donkey have cognizance or was it just doing what God commanded?
Oky doky Ed. Animals have cognizance and can think etc because they have Yahweh's spirit. imo. Rocks and mountains don't.
Gen 7:15 KJV And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.