Right Hitch – I always appreciate your satire. You're right the global warming hoax is a real moneymaker - just ask Al-gore. It's also control through fear, which helps keep the secular humanists in political power and in control of the public treasury. Secular humanists (liberals) are by nature atheists or at best agnostics, so that means that maintenance of the planet is solely up to them alone - since there is no God. This same crowd a few decades back were 100 percent positive that we were entering an ice age: another abandoned fear tactic.
There are three massive, massive, systems at work that control the temperature of this planet.
- Obviously the sun – and its output varies somewhat - it is not absolutely perfect. It operates on an 11 year cycle plus there is the fact of apogee, perigee, and solar flairs.
- Second, the weather system variations are not exactly perfect either – they also produce a variation in the amount of reflection of the sun's energy back into space.
- And third I have been following for over a decade the work of one Dr. J. Marvin Herndon a physicist who has theorized that the earth itself is being heated internally by a five mile ball of fissionable material at the center of the earth. This concept is supported by the fact that since the sixties the scientific community has known that the larger planets are emitting into space more energy than they are receiving from the sun. For example Jupiter is emitting double the energy into space that it receives from the sun. In addition Dr. Herndon said that there have been particles found in volcanic magma that can only be produced in an atomic reactor. He states that there is no good explanation of the earth's magnetic field as molten iron is non magnetic, He states that this reactor would explain this as well as its shift from time to time. The research continues and he points out that it took 50 years to prove and establish the theory of tectonic plate movement.
With all of these massive systems at work it amazes me that the temperature is as stable as it is today. But it is God who controls the world not happenstance and surely not us.
One other item that you may find interesting is a couple years ago I became interested in hydroponic gardening – which is growing plants in water laced with nutrients. (my comments cover all gardening in an enclosed space where the growing conditions can be totally controlled.) Reading up on the subject one book I read was called gardening with CO2. The author states that the normal level of CO2 in the air is 350 PPM (parts per million) He cautions growers to us a fan or some other means of circulation to keep the plants supplied with fresh air because the plants will deplete the CO2 in the air. If the level of concentration drops to 200 PPM from 350 the plants will stop growing. Right away you can see that if the environmental nutzoids could actually reduce this “dangerous green house gas” in the air our total food production would diminish.
Also the author states that plants can absorb up to 5 TIMES the normal level of CO2 in the air. And in doing so they will flourish assuming that the other nutrients and sunlight are also available. In fact hydroponic growers buy liquid carbonic to feed their plants. When I go to my local hydroponic supply store they have displayed all different size tanks of liquid CO2 for sale. By feeding liquid carbonic to their plants through metering systems growers who increase the CO2 levels from the normal of 350 PPM to 700 PPM experience an increase in yield of an average of 40 percent.
This is not some massive, theoretical, computer model of the dangers of CO2 - it is simple and right down where the rubber meets the road fact that is easily measurable. And it also totally contradicts the “scientific consensus” community's belief system. Unfortunately science today has become political and not scientific but now limited to liberals only – no one else is allowed to contribute to the "consensus." By the way - Herndon's theories are totally rejected by the "consensus scientific community."
I fully agree that CO2 is a “greenhouse gas” (the more the better) but in the greenhouse industry CO2 is called an “essential nutrient” and not a "dangerous greenhouse gas."