I am very disturbed because I read an article that sent me to this link http://www.informedchoice.info/cocktail.html that gives the ingrediants of vaccines and some vaccines like the common childhood vaccine MMR contains "human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue". I wonder if anyone knows how to confirm if this is true or not. If it is true, my heart sinks because I just finished the 3rd round of MMR shots with my daughter and my son finished all 4 of them years ago. If this is true, I feel many people are committing sins unknowingly, myself included my injecting human parts into our children. I have heard a lot of debate about vaccines lately about them not being good due to the metal in them or the increase in altisim, but I have dismissed these arguments because I grew up with my neighbor's mother having polio before the polio vaccine so I saw for myself the benefit of vaccines, but if murdered baby parts are being injected into children, I don't think it is worth it. It sickens me and makes me wonder why every food and medicine package has to list the ingredients but government thinks we should not be informed that aborted baby parts are being injected into our children. And some governments even make vaccines mandatory. Anyway, here is the link. If anyone knows how to confirm if this is true or not, I would REALLY appreciate hearing back from you.