Vince said:
Several years ago, I researched an 18-page thesis on the Biblical teachings on divorce and re-marriage. I found that Christians suffer from four major errors:
1) Divorce and remarriage can be understood from an English Bible.
Not entirely certain of your intent here. We English speaking peoples pretty much have very little choice BUT to use an English bible
That said, the bible AND a study of the Hebrew culture is pretty much the only way to really understand what the scriptures are dealing with.
In my travels the last few years Ive concluded that some folks actually seem to believe that scripture is given in a context at all, just random statements tossed into the wind like some peyote smoking mountain top guru spewing forth meaningless parables about trees falling in the forest.
It is RARELY without a context that scripture speaks...
For example, in 1 corinthians chapter 7 many think that Paul is simply spouting out instructions for marriage blindly.
But that isnt the case at all. Verse 7:1 starts off immediately showing us that Paul is RESPONDING to things asked of him by the Corinthians.
1Co 7:1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me:
Thus EVERYTHING he says therein is a response TO those questions.
It seems like a small point to the unstudied, but to the true student a detail like that is huge as it removes ambiguity and helps us see that Paul may not be giving instruction to EVERY possible scenario there, so we have to be careful about making blanket assumptions.
2) Divorced people are still married to each other.
This one an epidemic.
These false teachings that reject Gods word about what divorce is are marriage wreckers, for certain...and they cause a lot of pointless anxiety among the brethren who, no fault of their own, end up divorced and possibly remarried at some point.
3) Divorcing your wife and putting away your wife are the same thing.
Depends on the context where each is presented, but generally they are meant as being one and the same.
4) "Fornication" is a general term for sexual immorality.
Actually it is just that.
Fornication can be committed by the married individual or the unmarried. Porneia is all inclusive of perversion and immorality, Im afraid. Thousands of hours of study in the matter have proven that to me.
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