There are very,very few single women who are virgins in our world now.That is a precious gift to give your husband when you marry and visa versa.The couple have to make a commitment to God to remain pure into they become man and wife.It is not easy.You just have to be responsible and not put yourself in the position where tempation takes over.Even if you have to ask a friend or parent go chaparone.I know this sounds very old fashioned but temptation is very powerful.Of course alot of guys do not want to wait and alot of times you just have to say "Hey wait a minute here Bub" .They might even tell you that if you love them you will get intimate with them.Don't listen to that line.It is as old as Moses. It is good to wait to get married until you are ready.God will bring the right person to you if you pray for him.Me I was brought up as a Catholic but as I grew older and became a teen and adult my religious views changed and I just have my own beliefs. Anyway I have been told by my parents and from TV and movies that Virgins should wait until marriage to have sexual intercourse. Now I have done other stuff just never sexual intercourse because I am waiting until marriage for that to happen.
So my question and comments here are that do men and women even believe in this anymore? I know I do and I know I am going to wait until marriage to have sex. Even if I get married at 30 or 40 and I am still a Virgin. I am only 26 going on 27 and know that I am still young and should be enjoying life and not worrying about getting married or finding a partner etc.
But this thing about waiting to have sex does sometime's bother me because everyone brings me down about it saying how I should not do it. No guys and a lot of guys I have tried to date don't want to wait. So what are your thoughts on this and what I should do?