there are many things in the Scripture(Bible) which are not these things that they point out literally
.....It would seem, according to the Bible, women:
1. Are to be submissive to their husbands
such passages (as it is in Ephesians 5:22) mean that it is good the women to respect their men, and the respect is not a submission, but it means that the women ought to defer so as not to disappoint the men
2. Can't wear gold, pearls, or expensive clothes, and have to dress modestly
this (as it is in 1 Timothy 2:9-10) means that the female believers must not be: proud and intriguing/mischief-making("broided hair"), vainglorious("gold"), high-minded("costly array"), sapient("pearls"), etc., but they must be humble(meek), good and earnest as well as the male believers
3. Can't braid their hair
this is about the aforementioned for the fact that it is not good the women to be proud and intriguing/mischief-making which is the "broided hair" in 1 Timothy 2:9
4. Have to wear veils to cover their heads
this (as it's in 1 Corinthians 11) is about how the show of knowledge in the faith on the part of (the) human (which is the "hair" there) is not a good thing according to as it has also been written:
Genesis 3:6 "the woman saw that the tree was(i.e. that the forbidden "tree" ostensibly looked) good for food, and that it was(i.e. and that it ostensibly looked) pleasant to the eyes(i.e. to the human mind), and a tree to be desired to make one wise(i.e. to make the human being omniscience and omnipotence)",
1 Corinthians 8:1-8 "Now as touching things(i.e. as regards the religious/spiritual things) offered unto(i.e. which are (a) service/ministry to/of) idols(or: spiritual/religious misbeliefs/iniquities), we know that(i.e. usually the human tendency in this regard so far was that maybe) we all(i.e. all clerics/believers) have knowledge(i.e. spiritual knowledge and abilities). Knowledge puffeth up(viz. in the faith), but charity(i.e. but Love/Good(-ness)) edifieth(or: humbles). And if(i.e. and if in this regard) any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. But if any man love God(i.e. the true Lord God), the same is known of him. As concerning therefore the eating(i.e. the following/practising) of those things(i.e. of those spiritual/religious things) that are offered in sacrifice unto idols(or: which are unrighteous), we know that an idol(or: the spiritual/religious misbelief/iniquity) is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords(or: and christs) many,) But to us(i.e. but the setup is such that to all humans of whole this universe) there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every man(i.e. (as) yet there is not in every cleric/believer/worshipper) that knowledge(i.e. that conscience/understanding): for some(i.e. for some of them by reason of this) with conscience of the idol(or: by notion of spiritual misbelief/iniquity) unto this hour eat it(i.e. until this moment follow/practise the faith) as a thing offered unto an idol(or: unto a spiritual/religious misbelief/iniquity); and their conscience being weak(i.e. thus becoming weak) is defiled. But meat(i.e. but the occultism/idolatry/knowledgeable faith) commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat(i.e. if we follow/practise it), are we the better; neither, if we eat not(i.e. if we do not follow/practise it), are we the worse."
so, it is normal for the female believers to obey the Word of God, while for the male believers to be go-ahead and judicial, while it is typical for the women to be more memorizing in the life as a rule, the men typically are more discerning/prudent/reasoning, that is why the female believers must ignore("cover") their conversance/cognizance("hair") in the faith, while the male believers must be denied("shaven") from the show of knowledge in the faith("hair"), because it is written that "God is love"(1 John 4:7-21) which means that the faith must be show of love principally, not of knowledge, for exactly the love is the basis in the true Lord God, because not that there is no sanity therein, but it is like automatically received/obtained thereof, not that the human there must be witless, but it is good there be prudence based on the love in the true God by Jesus
5. Can't instruct/teach men
it is not a good thing if a woman becomes proud over a man considering the character of female nature which (as it already was mentioned above) is more (the) memorizing, but when we say this we really mean just "more", not entirely, but this must not be a reason the men to misuse the women, because such an act also is a violation/shame
6. Are bound for domestic duties
not that it is a compulsory, but the nature of woman is: to be sweet, motherly, to cradle/nurse the children, to cook, to keep the house clean, to wash clothes, etc. - it is just in her nature
so, the true God is not a male chauvinist, but there is a need of respect to the women, that is why i always try not to tease them and so everything is all right