I think the Original Post posses an interesting question and just wanted to add a couple of considerations. I think Glorydaz presents a principle that one can consider in a greater depth (or not...)
The earliest Christian Apologist
Justin Martyr, in his “
dialog with Trypho the Jew†accuses the Jews of removing from the early texts, references to the Messiah that would have made it clear that it was Jesus who was the messiah, (and Justin then gives examples of changes made). It is difficult to tell to what degree Justin is correct in his claim and what impact this might have on your question, if any at all. However, if I could, might I simply observe that you might want to consider the various euphemisms by which the Messiah was known rather than simply looking for the word “son†(which is dependent upon the translator, to some extent). If someone refers to “the father of our nationâ€, an american will know who this means though George Washington’s name is not mentioned (The same is true of “The King†as a reference to “Elvis†or “The father of the telephoneâ€, etc).
Another point is that "the son" IS mentioned in wonderful detail in the Enoch literature which remains firmly in the eastern othodox Christian Canon. Thus, in the Eastern Christian Orthodox Church for example(45 million) - (e.g. Ethiopia) where Enoch remains firmly in the Canon), their Christians WILL read specific references to the “Son of Man†before Birth and the records of the pre-mortal Jesus being Chosen as the future Messiah of men.
For example, when Enoch see’s God the Father among other spirits in prison he says “
“I saw the one whom belongs the “chief of daysâ€, he who is of primordial days. And his head was white like wool, and there was with him another individual....His countenance was full of grace...†Enoch asks an angel, “Who is this...â€. The angel answers Enoch “This is the Son of Man, to whom belongs the righteousness and with whom righteousness dwells...for the Lord of the Spirits has chosen him, and he is destines to be victorious before the Lord of the Spirits in eternal uprightousness. This Son of Man whom you have seen is the one who would remove the kings and the mighty ones from their comfortable seats....†(1 Enoch 46:1-6)
There are references to God the Father giving his son tasks to do : “
And God said to his only begotten son,...†(The Apocalypse of Sedrach 9:1-2 &5) (Though Jesus is NOT yet born in this verse, he is still references as the Only Begotten, in reference to what he WILL do after his birth.)
Such sacred literature is replete with References to the pre-mortal “Son of Man†(a euphemism for the Messiah), for example :
“(Then) their dwelling places become with the holy, righteous, and elect ones. At that hour, that Son of Man was given a name, in the presence of the Lord of the Spirits, the Before-Time (Lit “before the beginning [or “headâ€] of days,â€), even before the creation of the sun and the moon, before the creation of the stars, he was given a name in the presence of the Lord of the Spirits. (1 Enoch 481-7)â€
In the early ascension literature, there are many euphemistic references to the pre-mortal messiah. The Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah text records Isaiah saying of his vision of heaven :
“And I heard the angel who led me, and he said to me, “this is the Most High of the high ones, who dwells in the holy world, who rests among the holy ones, who will be called by the Holy Spirit in the mouth of the righteous the Father of the Lord.â€.... 10:6
The Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls (4q) also include texts such as “THE INHERITANCE OF THE FIRSTBORN, THE MESSIAH OF DAVID 4q369 which speak of the pre-mortal messiah as a son (the “firstbornâ€) ( remember that there are lacunae in these records representing gaps that are present) :
“And all…and You tested Your good judgments for him to…in everlasting light, and You appointed him as Your firstborn son. There is none like him, as a prince and ruler in all Your inhabited world…the crown of the heavens and glory of the clouds You have placed on him…and the angel of Your peace in his congregation. And he…You gave him righteous statutes, as a father gives a son….his love. (THE INHERITANCE OF THE FIRSTBORN, THE MESSIAH OF DAVID 4q369)
Again, in another pre-mortal description regarding the messiah will be
“…For the heavens and the earth shall listen to His Messiah and all which is in them shall not turn away from the commandments of the holy ones….Will you not find the Lord in this, all those who hope in their heart? For the Lord seeks the pious and calls the righteous by name. Over the humble His spirit hovers, and He renews the faithful in His strength. For He will honor the pious upon the throne of His eternal kingdom, setting prisoners free, opening the eyes of the blind, raising up those who are bowed down….and the Lord shall do glorious things which have not been done, just as He said.†(REDEMPTION AND RESURRECTION 4Q521)
There are a vast number of sideways references that speak of the Messiah and then divert to historical references that do not refer to his name, yet still refer to him. For example :
“…in his youth, his words will be those of a man who does not know anything until he knows the three books…Then he will be wise and will know many things…vision to come to him on his knees…old age shall be his…his purposes, because he is the chosen one of God. His birth and the spirit of his breath…his purposes will last forever…THE BIRTH OF THE CHOSEN ONE 4Q534-536)
I do believe that the Early Christian claim that the Jews edited their scriptures were probably correct but it is debatable as to what was edited and how much affect it would have had on the Jews and their recognition of Jesus as the Messiah. It is an interesting subject but very removed from the Original Posts question.