I have had a demon attacking me for 15 years, openly. I only realized it was attacking me, in many subtle ways, 15 years ago, and then I became aware it had probably been around me for much longer, since I was even a child, trying to enter my aura, but because I was unaware such things were even real, it gave it so much of an advantage to slowly widdle away my defenses til I was trapped.
I believe I've been told by the weaker good spirits, that it's one of these demons Jesus cannot cast out, that can only be cast out by fasting, but it's simply incredible, the supernatural pheneomena, this super demon dredges up, whenever I try to go without eating, it's almost like in the bible, where he magicallly creates food to tempt you, out of rocks, only he does it through all the soulless people around us now, he can enter any of them, harass you through them.
I've been sort of cornered by these hellish beings, very hard to get out of the hole they've dug for me. To say there are Hardly any sympathetic people is an understatement. There are none. They believe whatever suffering comes your way is a curse from a righteous God, and all the children tortured and molested by Satan must have had it coming or something. They are like the Rabbis and Pharisees, who said the blind man Jesus cured, was cursed by God from birth, for his unrighteousness, stupid ignorant peasants acting like priests and wisemen.
the demon can influence me indirectly, or to a degree, at times, it's not like it's an all or nothing phenenoma, it's a matter of degrees, but I've noticed alot of people these days, who have absolutely no spirituality whatsoever, the devil can come and go in them, at his pleasure, enter them in an instant, and depart, and they have no idea. I think that's what the 'globalists' want to create, people with no souls, that these beings can basically possess anytime they want, and use, for their entertainment, and also as cheap labor.
I was listening to Alex Jones talking about free will, in humans, it's not like we either have or we don't. All humans have it to varying degrees, that's what makes us different from animals, we have more free-will, some of us do, anyways, we have the ability to be conscious of our instincts, consciousness is the result of the exercise of freewill, over our materialistic essence. the Universe, matter, has no free will, but we are matter. The evolution of our free will is an essential part of the reason of our creation. A person will a high level of free will can command those of weaker wills, and they can and most often do, abuse that power to the absolute limit, it's almost always done without much thought. Once a person's free will becomes powerful to such an extent, it begins to warp reality, he begins to become 'the dreamer', reality begins to bend to their will, and this is what demons are, evolved beings, who do not believe in god, they believe they create their own reality, and they are right to a certain extent, the laws of their magic , seem to them to be as solid as the material laws of physics, so they feel comfortable abusing weaker beings, destroying their psychic essence, so that they may have power over them. the day of judgement will be a re-alignment, and as Christ said, 'immortal sins shall not be forgiven', these freaks will not be forgiven for what they've done to us mortals, who've never done anything wrong, but only been seduced by beings from another world.