What Are You Cooking ?

Can't ya just smell the bacon and onions sauteing...
Yeah I can
Dakota chicken (healthy, with sauteed onions on top) with a baked potato smothered in butter and melted cheese (Potatoes are healthy too, right?) And I still have some of yesterday's chocolate pudding for desert.
Mmmm. Bachelor dinner. Salmon salad sandwiches. pretty much like tuna salad only a'la Edward.

I can of canned salmon deboned.
a white onion (all I had)
fresh spinach leaves chopped small (to make up for the lack of green onions, lol)
2 hard boiled eggs chopped fine
some lemon juice
seasoned salt & pepper.

Better'n you'd think, lol.
Edward the makings of a good cook....

My mother in law cooked for the really rich people in Pebble Beach... there was nothing she couldn't cook... One of those ladies who could pull a meal out of a empty kitchen....
Dakota chicken (healthy, with sauteed onions on top) with a baked potato smothered in butter and melted cheese (Potatoes are healthy too, right?) And I still have some of yesterday's chocolate pudding for desert.
Wooooooo Weeeeeeee you done did it now. I am parked across the street from your house, down the dock.
Edward the makings of a good cook....

My mother in law cooked for the really rich people in Pebble Beach... there was nothing she couldn't cook... One of those ladies who could pull a meal out of a empty kitchen....

That's how my ex wife is. She can whip up dinner from the gravel in the driveway. She can take nothing and make a meal out of it.




Sorry, ate it all already. But hey, lets plan on tomorrow!
So brother Obadiah, what's on the menu for tomorrow ? Do you go fishing a lot ?
Nope, I realized years ago that fish see me coming and run the other way. I have to catch them at the local fish market. It looks like tomorrow's going to be wet chicken tacos smothered in green salsa (homemade, of course) and crema mexicana. (Because chicken seems to be all that's left in the larder until I go to town for more groceries. :) )
Nope, I realized years ago that fish see me coming and run the other way. I have to catch them at the local fish market. It looks like tomorrow's going to be wet chicken tacos smothered in green salsa (homemade, of course) and crema mexicana. (Because chicken seems to be all that's left in the larder until I go to town for more groceries. :) )
Yeah that meal will work too. So Obadiah what kind of fish do you like ?
Never really met a fish I didn't like. Same with shellfish, with the exception of oysters and mussels. Never really liked either of them. But my dad used to go fishing a lot, both fresh and salt water. So I had a lot of different kind of fish growing up and liked them all. Of course, it helped too that my mom was a pretty dern good cook!
Never really met a fish I didn't like. Same with shellfish, with the exception of oysters and mussels. Never really liked either of them. But my dad used to go fishing a lot, both fresh and salt water. So I had a lot of different kind of fish growing up and liked them all. Of course, it helped too that my mom was a pretty dern good cook!