What Are You Cooking ?

Now we are really talking, a can of this smothered in gravy onions and bell peppers Woooooooo Weeeeeeeeee

Oh that was the crazy russian hacker. I almost posted that same video the other night when it was posted about peeling eggs. He is kinda funny and has a bunch of videos, some of which were useful.

Dinner tonight was nothing special. Braunshweiger (sp?) sandwiches and raviloi from a can. Oreos and coffee on the side.
Keeping it simple again today, but I am cooking for 2 days. Turkey wings, cabbage with smoked turkey necks and brown rice. I will not be cooking anymore dinner until Sunday.
I'm going to have pasketti and ground turkey (it's way cheaper than ground beef). At least, that's what I'm hoping to have, if the meat i just took out of the freezer thaws by tonight.

The TOG​
Sunday's dinner will consist of ham, but it is boneless ham, that was given to me, I really only like ham with the bone in it. but hey it was free, Now I have to figure out what I want to cook with it. Sweet potatoes come into mind, oh' I got it also spinach. Now let's see what else hmmmmm:chin okay I got it sweet cornbread.You know folks it seems like the older I get the more greedy I get.
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Have you guy's stopped cooking reba' anybody ?
LOL Mixed up some beer batter onion rings last nite.. not much cooking tonite steak and a baker ..
sausage and beer pancakes this AM... fix nice fluffy pancakes and he puts that half cooked egg on top :screwloose2
LOL Mixed up some beer batter onion rings last nite.. not much cooking tonite steak and a baker ..
Beer batter what is that, i have to look that up
Using beer as the, or part of, liquid in a batter... Beer will go foamy when ya go to blend it in.. sorta gives a sour dough or yeasty flavor...
My ground turkey didn't thaw in time the other day, so I'm making spaghetti with ground turkey now. I'm having a late dinner. It's 10:40 PM.

The TOG​
where about are you TOG ? and dont tell me home.... :)
I just heated up this frozen pasta thing...grabbed my eye in the frozen section. Bow tie pasta, chicken, and alfredo. Its surprisingly good (I don't know why, but I was expecting not so good stuff).
Using beer as the, or part of, liquid in a batter... Beer will go foamy when ya go to blend it in.. sorta gives a sour dough or yeasty flavor...
Oh, Reba, you drink beer?
That's a sin!:nono
No i dont , never liked it.. drank about a half can in high school.. i would rather have a Pepsi :)