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Bible Study What Does It Take To Walk After The Spirit.

Great subject Chopper. Before that night, when was over come with the Spirit, I planned to sin every day and every night. I, completely, believed that my happiness, not joy, was contained in conquering some younger than I, females body, sin planned. I, without thought, followed Satan, willingly and stupidly.

After the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, as soon as I empty my mind to go to sleep at night, Satan does try to tempt me but God has always been faithful to provide me an escape. And when I get up in the morning I feel it is my duty to be about God's work, the work He has and is giving me. This consistently means having my thoughts in the Bible as well as my eyes feeding my heart the Word that I might submit to and enable the Spirit to teach me new applications of each passage. We, Christians, must learn and we must believe the Word is the Living Word and not, just, some ink on sheets of thin paper.

If we are ever to, truly, serve the Christ that served and serves us, we must learn to submit to Him, daily.

Good post there Mr. Taylor. the Bible certainly is the Living Word of God. Like you, I love the meal I get every time I study it.
Because it is not automatic, we are exhorted again and again to walk in the Spirit and not fulfil the desires of "the flesh". So there is a daily battle. At the start of each day, the Word of God and prayer will get one off to a good start. Through the day and daily, we should be conscious of the conflict between flesh and spirit, and give the Holy Spirit full control (Rom 12:1,2). The basic question is "Am I conforming to the world or to the Word?"

To me i think that renewing your mind (every morning, and all throughout the day), and training our flesh to submit to God's ways are an important part of learning to walk after the spirit. That is one of the fruits, self control. (Galatians 5:22-23).
As we renew our mind to what the Word says, then the battle of the mind is less.
Romans 8:4b "Walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit."

Chapter seven of Romans pictures a person who is tossed back and forth from doing what is right according to the Christian life, and doing the wrong things. The remedy is chapter 8, walking in the Holy Spirit....So, how do we as born again Christians "walk in the Holy Spirit", what must we do?

The answer is quite simple and yet people make it harder then it needs to be.
You first have to start with a quality choice... Mean to decide you want to do this. (walk in the spirit)
Then you have to discipline your your self to carry this out and it will take discipline.

Then you seek God and His word and as YOU do your part...another words stay serious with this and not play games or just when it feels good to you, God will then begin give you more and more understanding of His written word. ( It's called renewing the mind ) It's a must do kind of thing.

Now with this also comes exercising what you are learning, or another words putting forth into practice the word you are learning. Being a doer of the word....Doing what the written word says...This means what it says not just the parts of the word that look good to you or fit your life or easy.

We begin to loose our understanding of things and begin to operate within Gods understanding or another words doing things His way or in the way the written word of God directs us to live and operate.
This all begins to build on our FAITH as well. Soon we will be loving people in the way God loves people or has created us to love people. ( warning when this happens, you will begin to see the need and hurt and pain in other people and you wont be able to just walk by ) Your Heart Wont let you !!

The more you do this, then the more or deeper you begin to walk in the spirit and less and less of the flesh. Soon the things that used to trip you up wont even seem to be a big deal. Thoughts that used to hold you captive loose thier grip. You learn to stop taking just any old thought....(( How do you take a thought?? Well You Speak It ))
You begin to speak of God or another words you words become more and more in line with the written word of God.
When this happens........Well Life will truly change for YOU and around you and for those who are around you.

I could go on and on about this.......
That's My Take On this