Whoa! :shock This is the reason I am loving people's threads. I have to re-trace my footsteps in the Word.
Revelation 22:1-2 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
Quick note: the definite article ("the") quoted in your "[the] tree of life" is a translators insertion, and isn't in any original languages of the scriptures which I just checked. The original sentence is probably more properly translated as, "a tree of life, bearing twelve crops"... because "The" tree of life has multiplied into more than one since the time of Genesis, though their root may be the same these tree-of-life's in Revelation are not a completely single tree any more.
hmm.... When two different prophets see the same image, it's interesting to compare them so see how they describe the exact same place differently:
So, try reading Ezekiel 47:1-2 and Ezekiel 47:12, and compare it to Revelation 22:1-2.
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
If you count those crops...there are 9.......if you add the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...3 9+3=12 Life giving, from the tree.
Trees of life, in allegorical logic, turn out to be persons; therefore, the fruits which contain their seeds in them, are the distilled or concentrated product of a person's life which can either be eaten (food) for another person's life, or sprouted to begin a new life.
For example, in one allegorical interpretation, Jesus could be the offspring (sprout) of the tree of life in Genesis (and of many just men, including the "stump" of Jesse etc.). So -- very possibly, the tree of life in Genesis could be understood either as Adam, or perhaps to God (YHWH) the 'Father' of Adam; eg: because, as I have said before, In most ancient cultures the tree of life and the local king are interchangeable in meaning.
4afaithfulone nicely demonstrated that type of reasoning by showing us the image of Christ among the menorah, too -- eg: as a ruler/king. in Revelation.
So: Jesus can be considered a tree of life descended from the original Tree of Life, should that tree be considered Adam or God; likewise, Eve was called the mother of all the living when she became the wife of Adam sexually and "joined" to that tree -- and began to beget children; so once she became part of the king, he gives her the same name as the tree of life, eg: "Mother of all the living."
Other arrangements can be made (other allegories), but in general a tree is equivalent to a person.
This causes me to puzzle over your mixture of people and virtues as both being "fruits".
Jesus certainly is a fruit of the tree, inasmuch as the seed in the fruit germinated to become a son/offspring ; (Fruit of the womb). But he is a germinated fruit. Whereas, the Father and Holy Spirit -- those two were never born from anything before them, they are the "first" or "Origin" of all life, and as such -- I think they can only be trees, not fruits.
hmmm... I don't quite see why you see them as 'fruits'.
I'm going give translations from the Greek Old Testament, to try and draw out my point a little bit about the tree of life. If the unusual translation bothers you for any of these passages, we can talk about it a bit; but I am hoping they will be useful for understanding the idea of 'tree-of-life' to the ancient mind, and are more helpful than just the KJV version.
Proverbs 3:18
A tree of life she [wisdom] is, to all those holding her; and to the ones leaning upon her as upon the Lord are safe.
Proverbs 11:30
Out of fruit of righteousness germinates a tree of life, but the lives of lawbreakers are removed at unseasonable times.
Proverbs 13:12
Better is he that begins to help heartily, than he that promises and leads [another] to hope: for a good desire is a tree of life.
Proverbs 15:4
A remedial tongue is a tree of life, and the one keeping it shall be Spirit filled.
The tree of life, for example, might be considered as both the king and his spouse together; so that Proverbs 3:18's tree of life can be understood as the church, as well as the Groom (Lord), for a Christian holds also the female of Christ, eg: leans on their church (Church = the tree as a whole, including the woman, but God as YHWH or Lord is the Tree as a trunk/vine/source/ or root. ). cf: Colossians 2:6-7
Proverbs 11:30 shows that, as I mentioned, the fruit of a tree can begin a new life; just as Jesus is a new tree of life which is born from Adam and Eve; and ultimately, from the Father. Righteousness or "way" of life, then, is also a "tree" or a person.
Proverbs 13:12 is obscure -- but I want to note that 'hope' is a good desire, and therefore a product of a tree of life is hope, eg: which can be 'eaten' by faith.
And proverbs 15, shows indirectly how the one holding the tree (grafted into/attached to) shares the Spirit; eg: Spirit being life, and the life is in the 'blood' for animals, is analogously found in the sap/syrup of a tree or vine. A person rooted, or grafted, into the tree of life is filled with Spirit much as a plant is filled with sap/syrup/sugar/etc.
Now, that I have all the pieces of scripture in the post -- I can finally come to my point, and question for you:
When I look at Galatians 5:22, I'm puzzled -- For, I think it must certainly be an incomplete list ; but how did you come to the conclusion that there should be 12 fruits in Galatians 5:22 in the first place ?
Paul does list Faith, and Love, in Galatians 5:22 -- and I absolutely KNOW that by the definition of Faith, that Hope too must also be a fruit of the Spirit. Eg: we know Faith always goes together with "hope" and "love" as an equal...
1Corinthians 13:13, Hebrews 11:1
So when Paul lists both faith and love, then -- automatically -- I would expect hope to be a fruit found in that list too, eg: by default. So, I don't have much trouble thinking Paul's list is meant to be selected examples, and not an exhaustive list; but although I do people use synonyms in order to make the list come out to 12 fruits, just like you tried to ; I've never seen anyone insert persons there before, or show how Paul derived his list in the first place.
What I have seen is things like:
Goodness is a synonym for generosity, so instead of listing one or the other -- some bibles list both;
and self control in a sexual sense is what modesty, and chastity or "continence" are all about -- so sometimes I see "self control, modesty, and chastity" listed as if there were three different fruits -- although, they are really the specific examples of the fruit called "self control".
So, people and some bibles do try to make a list of 12 fruits;
But, how or why did you come to associate the 12 fruits of Revelation with the passage in Galatians?
As far as I know, the trees in Revelation could be producing 1 kind of fruit 12 times, but once a month; or it could be 12 trees of life ( or a vine with branches) representing the 12 tribes of Israel (12 rulers) each producing 9 or 10 different fruits. (and 10 is a Good Godly number.)
So, explain a little more -- how do you see the relationship between the trees and Galatians ?