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What if all creations abandoned God?!


I had a recent tragic incident and that's where all this thought came from.

To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?

I am guessing no one.
No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.

God has disadvantaged me and I don't love him so as I was thinking of a way to hurt him, a crazy thought popped into my mind. "What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him? Who would bow down to him? Who would love him?
Our greatest lessons in life come from our own adversities. While we have an adversity we may not see the lessons to be had. But if you could believe that a lesson can be gained from your adversity, then the adversity is seen as a lesson. These lessons carry far more understanding through faith and experience than in any other way. Once you grasp the truths in the lessons, you will be thankful.
I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

People who love God (Jesus Christ) through our temporary affliction are renewed day by day by Him precisely because we are not abandoned, not because we are not afflicted. We are now as eternal as He is, though our affliction is light compared to His (or Paul's). And that fact glorifies Him.

2 Corinthians 4:8-18 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying around the death of Jesus in our body, in order that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are continually being handed over to death because of Jesus, in order that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our mortal flesh. So then, death is at work in us, but life in you. But because we have the same spirit of faith in accordance with what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak, because we know that the one who raised Jesus will also raise us together with Jesus and present us together with you. For all these things are for your sake, in order that the grace that is increasing through the many may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart, but even if our outer person is being destroyed, yet our inner person is being renewed day after day. For our momentary light affliction is producing in us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure and proportion, because we are not looking at what is seen, but what is not seen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is not seen is eternal.
Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirt were not created. They have always loved and praised each other.

No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.
Who told you that?⬆️

God has disadvantaged me
As compared to Himself (Jesus Christ's rejection, suffering and death on the cross), I doubt it. You have the same opportunity as the rest of us creatures of His. You can love Him or not. Your choice.

What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him?

God didn't need creation to praise Him before He created nor does He have need after:

John 17:1, 4-5 Jesus said these things, and lifting up his eyes to heaven he said, “Father, the hour has come! Glorify your Son, in order that your Son may glorify you— I have glorified you on earth by completing the work that you have given me to do. And now, Father, you glorify me at your side with the glory that I had at your side before the world existed.
I have had my share of bad things physically and mentally happen to me in my life and used to question God all the time why and even walked away from Him for a while. Since He is suppose to be such a loving God I wondered why He hated me, but came to understand God was always with me even though I did not know it at the time. I pray what I'm about to post will shed some light on what you believe.

Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

What many are missing is the word "shall" in Matthew 24:13 as it's expressed as a future tense that indicates a promise.

For by grace, as it's only Gods favor extended to all who will receive it by faith, is a free gift as we become His workmanship created in Christ unto good works that God ordained that we should continue walking in the good works of Christ, Ephesians 2:8; Matthew 25:31-40. We can not earn our salvation by our own works nor do we even deserve Gods grace, Genesis 6:6-8. Only by a mustard seed of faith do we come to Christ and repent of our sins are we then only washed clean by the blood of Christ and become Spiritually reborn again (not saved) through the Spiritual rebirth of John 3:3-6 by that of Romans 10:9,10.

Matthew 21:13 says that those who endure until the end shall be saved. This means enduring all the trials and tribulations that this world will bring against us for the sake of our witness and testimony of Christ, Matthew 11:22; Acts 14:22, Rev 2:10. The end means the end of our days here on this present earth when those in the grave and we who are still alive at His coming will then be caught up to Christ and are saved at that time as we have endured all things and never gave up our faith in Christ.

God's word never said we would not go through trials or tribulations, but through many trials and tribulations if we endure until the end then we will see the Kingdom of God, Acts 14:22, as we are all called into discipleship as we share our witness and testimony with those who have not yet repented and turned back to God. Below are twenty reasons why God allows us to go through trials and tribulations so that we will always remain in His will.

Why God allows us to go through trials and tribulations:
1. Training as God prepares us for the future
2. Patience as we rely and trust in God's timing
3. Perseverance through trials that we remain in Gods will
4. Trust as God's ways are not our ways and He has a better plan for us
5. To learn from our mistakes
6. To humble ourselves before Him
7. To discipline us
8. Teach us to be dependent on Him alone
9. To spend quiet time with God so He can speak to us
10. To teach us of His protection
11. That we also share in the sufferings of Christ that we be not ashamed
12. Strengthen us to become more like Christ
13. To develop character
14. Build up our faith in the Lord
15. For a testimony and witness to help others
16. To show us sin in our lives that we need to own up to having
17. To remind us that God is in control
18. Helps us gain knowledge and understanding God's word
19. Teaches us to be thankful
20. To take our mind off the things of the world and and put them back on God
I had a recent tragic incident and that's where all this thought came from.

To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?

I am guessing no one.
No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.

God has disadvantaged me and I don't love him so as I was thinking of a way to hurt him, a crazy thought popped into my mind. "What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him? Who would bow down to him? Who would love him?

I see you're 19. When I was 19, I could have written a similar post. A year later, I was a born-again Christian newbie witnessing door-to-door with Campus Crusade for Christ! Sometimes God brings us to a point such as the one you're at now precisely to make us start asking questions and searching for answers (or, if we are already Christians, to snap us out of our spiritual lethargy). In five or ten years, you may have an entirely different perspective on the tragic and seemingly evil things that have happened in your life.

If you don't love God, surely you have many things in your life to be thankful for - starting with the gift of life itself. In my own life, I personally find prayers of thanksgiving more genuine and easier to express than trying to tell God how much I "love" him. Perhaps try approaching God in a spirit of thankfulness for the things you genuinely can be thankful for. Honestly tell Him that you're bitter about some of the things that have happened to you and that you don't see the point. Ask Him to reveal Himself more fully to you and see what happens.

One common mistake is to think that God created us for worship, praise and thanksgiving because He has some egomaniacal need to bask in worship, praise and thanksgiving. The worship, praise and thanksgiving are for our benefit, not God's. God realizes that it is in such a relationship with Him that we find real meaning and joy in life. If you withhold worship, praise and thanksgiving, you aren't punishing God - you are punishing yourself.
Hi. I think one fact I have to remind myself about God is that He loves me (and you, too, of course...) but He doesn't need me, or you, or...anyone. Somewhere in the OT, He tells us that He has the cattle on the 1,000 hills (to paraphrase, and not very well...). He is the Creator; we human beings are His most prized creation, but...still, we need Him, He doesn't need us. A Christian's relationship with God in inherently unequal as a result of this (obvious, glaring) power imbalance. It is what it is.

I'm not writing this to come across as harsh or self-righteous or...anything along those lines (hopefully...). I just think a core "fact" about Christianity is that the Truth remains the Truth, no matter what human beings choose to believe. If tomorrow, 99.999% of Christians tossed their Bibles into the nearest dumpster or recycling facility and headed off to Deepak Chopra seminars, started working on their chakras, etc., Christianity would still be The Truth, God would still be very much real and very much the same, in all His mysterious ways, as He was when many were worshipping and praising Him.
The very air you are using to assault Him He made. Life is full of trouble, pain and affliction. At age 73 I've seen many things both good and evil. Like the old song though I still think the good things outweigh the bad.

I was numb when our beautiful 15 year old daughter Joanna was taken from us in death by the help of a drinking man. It took me years to realize that He does everything for a good reason. He saw something down the road that would hurt Joanna worse than taking her home with Him. Even though He kills me I still will trust Him Job says. He had it right.

As I stood by the gurney where Joanna lay I said aloud "the Lord giveth and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord. I spoke at the chapel service of our daughter.

The night before the service God gave me a dream. He showed me the guest ledger book at the funeral home. The one everybody signs. In this dream He told me to sign His name at the very top above all the others. He told me "I am the alpha and omega. First and the last. I was with Joanna from before she was born until the very last breath she took. So sign my name first". When we got to the chapel I signed at His name. We still have the book. I waited until everyone had vacated the chapel and then I cut a lock of hair from her beautiful locks. If this software would permit posting a picture I would show hers. God loves me and despite your unfairness He loves you too.

I'm not certain quoting you a lot of scripture would help you at this point.
You are LISTENING TO THE WRONG VOICE. I know I listened to it for years not realizing where it was coming from.

Despite what you are hearing you ARE NOT the most put upon person on earth. Advice they say is cheap they say. Your primary problem is that YOU'VE NEVER KNOWN HIM AT ALL. Once you really do know Him you'll realize He's the one and only real friend you have. You wouldn't condemn a person without giving them a real chance would you. Unless you're very unfair.

God as the creator of all knows that good relationships TAKE TIME. He is merciful to all of us beyond belief. Because of the harshness of my own father it's taken me the better part of 40 years to |rally believe that I'm accepted, loved and REALLY forgiven. I thought God was like my earthly father. Harsh, demanding, continually critical, unfaithful, uncaring, IMPOSSIBLE to please. Untrustworthy. When I was about 13 I walked in my father and a neighbor's wife. My idolization of him turned into disgust. He never ever told me he was sorry for that horrible thing at all yet I had to forgive him to stay alive. Your bitterness toward God will only ruin your life. It is a toxic poison that will touch everything you do.

It's so easy to blame someone for what others have done. To blame God for what we largely are responsible for. How honest are you? HOW HONEST? Most of our troubles are a result of mistakes we made. Remember the words of the great thinker Pogo.

"We has met the enemy and they is us".

I say you are hurt by life and don't hate Jesus (that's God's first name you know) at all but rather are crying out to Him for comfort and for the very first time, a real saving, close and loving relationship with Him. We ALL NEED love. You want to be loved and only Jesus can love you without reservation. He hasn't given up on you. I feel your pain and His balm of forgiveness and acceptance awaits your cries.
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They're true believers Shaley, they can't see your point of view.
if I may, I can easily feed a depression and simply take my life if I so choose. but then somehow, when I see another worse or God will tell me that its not as bad, I am reminded of the Goodness I have been given.

I have been to war. it never leaves me. I can choose to see the negative or the positive. I have my good days and bad days. its my choice to see God or not. its not always easy but to say we that have been through things wont understand is wrong. there are those who have been through worse then me that post here.
I had a recent tragic incident and that's where all this thought came from.

To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?

I am guessing no one.
No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.

God has disadvantaged me and I don't love him so as I was thinking of a way to hurt him, a crazy thought popped into my mind. "What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him? Who would bow down to him? Who would love him?
I once thought in this way with what problems I have seen but looking back at how worse it could have been as I did some stupid stuff in my youth and issues of my weird personality and inability to easily socialize and my parents failures. its always a comparison to our lives versus What God didn't do rather then what God didn't allow or how good and thankful we can be for things that can be worse.
All that is created is of the creator.
I am very sorry to hear of your troubles. God doesn't let bad things happen to you. It is in those times that you can turn to God and seek your answers. Don't hold the weight of the evil things on your shoulders. That gives those responsible more power than they had the first time they abused you. Let it go. Forgive. Which doesn't mean forgetting. Or minimizing the impact upon your self. It means you do not let those responsible overshadow your life with their evil acts as you move forward in your life.

Releasing their impact on you so that you can heal and grow stronger. Rather than stay weak for what the experiences did to you at that moment, and onward as you keep reliving them with the memories of their happening overshadowing every new moment of your living ever afterward.
God deals with those who hurt you while they live. And shall certainly judge them after they pass on.
Give your pain and suffering to God. Confess all that you feel and all that has happened. He of course, knows and yet releasing it to a power that can wipe it away from your life is what makes the relationship between you and God very personal.

I pray for your healing and a glorious future where love abounds over the shadows that now seek to draw you in.
I had a recent tragic incident and that's where all this thought came from.

To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?

I am guessing no one.
No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.

God has disadvantaged me and I don't love him so as I was thinking of a way to hurt him, a crazy thought popped into my mind. "What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him? Who would bow down to him? Who would love him?
If God is as evil as you seem to think, then what does that make you, his creation?
All that is created is of the creator.
I am very sorry to hear of your troubles. God doesn't let bad things happen to you. It is in those times that you can turn to God and seek your answers. Don't hold the weight of the evil things on your shoulders. That gives those responsible more power than they had the first time they abused you. Let it go. Forgive. Which doesn't mean forgetting. Or minimizing the impact upon your self. It means you do not let those responsible overshadow your life with their evil acts as you move forward in your life.

Releasing their impact on you so that you can heal and grow stronger. Rather than stay weak for what the experiences did to you at that moment, and onward as you keep reliving them with the memories of their happening overshadowing every new moment of your living ever afterward.
God deals with those who hurt you while they live. And shall certainly judge them after they pass on.
Give your pain and suffering to God. Confess all that you feel and all that has happened. He of course, knows and yet releasing it to a power that can wipe it away from your life is what makes the relationship between you and God very personal.

I pray for your healing and a glorious future where love abounds over the shadows that now seek to draw you in.
Yes! This is 100% true because I just myself had to go through this exactly. I just love confirmations! Very good advice, all should heed!
Alrighe to the OP who first posted this I just have to say I've been where you are. I mean just this past year I was going through a rough and terrible time, blaming God for all of my problems. Let me tell you one thing my brother, God is perfect. He never mistakes. He hasn't allowed anything bad to happen, you have yourself and trust me, if you look back on it you'll realize it. The thing about God is that He has created us to be able to sort out our problems for ourselves because He wouldn't be much of a Father if He did everything for us, because then wouldn't have the ability to learn from our mistakes and become better people.
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This is supposed as a hypothetical question but it isn't.

The main creation that really matters DID abandon God by not having faith in Him and the result is the world in it's current state.

It is unsustainable to to exhaustion of resources and society as a whole is DISfunctional.
The OP of this thread has not been seen on site since September. I am locking this thread. If the OP returns, it can be reopened.
To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?
Your forgetting that there are angels that praise him everyday, constantly. They are many years old, i think that the angels existed for millions of years as we reckon time. Lucifer rebelled. He didnt come to that conclusion and option in one day, i don't think. He created us to have a relationship with him, even kids need toys to play with.
Sorry to hear God let a lot of bad things happen to you. The devil fights us whether we choose to fight back or not.
I had a recent tragic incident and that's where all this thought came from.

To start off, I don't love god. I don't love him because he has allowed lots of evil things to happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder, who was the one that praised him long before any creations were created?

I am guessing no one.
No one because the only ones that praise god are his creations.

God has disadvantaged me and I don't love him so as I was thinking of a way to hurt him, a crazy thought popped into my mind. "What if all creations abandoned God"? Who would praise him? Who would bow down to him? Who would love him?
I think we all should remember that, it is He that has made us, and we should always worship Him.

Love always, Walter