- Jun 21, 2009
- 10,783
- 414
I'm a 61 year old male attending a local Community College in order to obtain a CyberSecurity and CIS degree. The reason that I mention it is that if I were to conduct a survey that asked a bunch of demographic questions (let's say for a Soc class) -- asking questions about gender, race, etc... and if one of the questions was about religion and asked:
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the "Christian" tally box would be checked by the majority of responders in the United States. There are more professing Christians (in the US) than other groups, is my point.
That being said? What is the underlying belief set of most of the students on campus? By my observation this 'underlying belief set' of campus students would include most of the above listed "liberal" beliefs. We don't have to ask directly, "Is Fornication okay?" because 99% of the students seem to endorse that practice without even thinking about it. It's just a way of life, commonly accepted to the point where it has become the norm.
There are many other things that could be said about the modern day belief set and it almost goes without saying that one of the very first thinks that has to go is the idea that the Bible is God-Breathed and true. That one crumbles and the rest follow.
Jesus IS the Word. He IS the way. AND the truth and the light... NO ONE comes to the Father, except by Him.
Who believes that anymore? Sure, there are some. But they are the exception (at least in my experience). Part of that may be simply because I live in a Liberal Northern state (Washington).
Just a couple things to consider... maybe it's like that where you live and maybe your blessed and it's not. I hope the latter but those places seem to be getting fewer and farther apart.

- Christian
- Buddhist
- Muslim
- Other
- "I'd rather not say"
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the "Christian" tally box would be checked by the majority of responders in the United States. There are more professing Christians (in the US) than other groups, is my point.
That being said? What is the underlying belief set of most of the students on campus? By my observation this 'underlying belief set' of campus students would include most of the above listed "liberal" beliefs. We don't have to ask directly, "Is Fornication okay?" because 99% of the students seem to endorse that practice without even thinking about it. It's just a way of life, commonly accepted to the point where it has become the norm.
There are many other things that could be said about the modern day belief set and it almost goes without saying that one of the very first thinks that has to go is the idea that the Bible is God-Breathed and true. That one crumbles and the rest follow.
Jesus IS the Word. He IS the way. AND the truth and the light... NO ONE comes to the Father, except by Him.

Just a couple things to consider... maybe it's like that where you live and maybe your blessed and it's not. I hope the latter but those places seem to be getting fewer and farther apart.